Package io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model

Examples of io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.ServiceSchema

                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        LOG.error("Failed to create controller from " + definition + ". " + e + ". " + replicationControllerSchema, e);
            } else if (kubelet instanceof ServiceSchema) {
                ServiceSchema serviceSchema = (ServiceSchema) kubelet;
                if (serviceMap == null) {
                    serviceMap = getServiceMap(kubernetes);
                String id = serviceSchema.getId();
                ServiceSchema old = serviceMap.get(id);
                if (isRunning(old)) {
          "Not creating pod for " + id + " from defintion " + definition + " as its already running");
                } else {
          "Creating a service from " + definition);
                    try {
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                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        LOG.error("Failed to delete replicationController " + id + " from " + definition + ": " + e + ". ", e);
            } else if (kubelet instanceof ServiceSchema) {
                ServiceSchema serviceSchema = (ServiceSchema) kubelet;
                if (serviceMap == null) {
                    serviceMap = getServiceMap(kubernetes);
                String id = serviceSchema.getId();
                ServiceSchema old = serviceMap.get(id);
                if (isRunning(old)) {
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        LOG.error("Failed to delete service " + id + " from " + definition + ": " + e + ". ", e);
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                    if (isProvisionSuccess(status)) {
                        List<String> ids = notNullList(kubernetesContainerMetadata.getServiceIds());
                        for (String id : ids) {
                            ServiceSchema service = serviceMap.get(id);
                            status = checkStatus(id, service, errors);
                            if (!isProvisionSuccess(status)) {
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    public void applyService(ServiceSchema serviceSchema, String sourceName) {
        if (serviceMap == null) {
            serviceMap = getServiceMap(kubernetes);
        String id = serviceSchema.getId();
        ServiceSchema old = serviceMap.get(id);
        if (isRunning(old)) {
  "Updating a service from " + sourceName);
            try {
                Object answer = kubernetes.updateService(id, serviceSchema);
      "Updated service: " + answer);
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          try {
            // TODO replace with better JmxTemplate reusing the
            // Connection!!!
            JMXConnector connector = null; // TODO: find out how to improve -->  connectionWrapper.getConnector();
            if (connector == null) {
              connector = new LocalJMXConnector(connection);
            Object answer = callback.doWithJmxConnector(connector);
            answerHolder[0] = answer;
          } catch (Exception e) {
            Activator.getLogger().warning("Failed to connect to JMX: " + e, e);
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          try {
            // TODO replace with better JmxTemplate reusing the
            // Connection!!!
            JMXConnector connector = null; //TODO: find out how to improve -->  connectionWrapper.getConnector();
            if (connector == null) {
              connector = new LocalJMXConnector(connection);
            Object answer = callback.doWithJmxConnector(connector);
            answerHolder[0] = answer;
          } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
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          CreateJCloudsContainerOptions opts = args.withUser(args.getUser(), args.getPassword(), "admin").build();

          FabricPlugin.getLogger().debug("Compute Service: " + opts.getComputeService());

          // finally create the image
          final CreateJCloudsContainerMetadata metadata = provider.create(opts, new CreationStateListener() {
            public void onStateChange(String message) {

          // on failure we don't add the cloud image to the navigator
          Throwable failure = metadata.getFailure();
          if (failure != null) {
            return new Status(Status.ERROR, FabricPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, "Failed to create Fabric: " + fabricName, failure);

          // now extract the public IP from the meta data
          final StringBuilder urisBuilder = new StringBuilder();
          for(String address:metadata.getPublicAddresses()) {

          final CreateJCloudsContainerOptions.Builder arguments = args;
          Viewers.async(new Runnable() {
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          args = args.computeService(computeClient);

          FabricPlugin.getLogger().debug("Creating Jclouds provider type: " + providerName);

            // we need to set the fabric user , pw and role in that way, otherwise the user is not created
          CreateJCloudsContainerOptions opts = args.withUser(args.getUser(), args.getPassword(), "admin").build();

          FabricPlugin.getLogger().debug("Compute Service: " + opts.getComputeService());

          // finally create the image
          final CreateJCloudsContainerMetadata metadata = provider.create(opts, new CreationStateListener() {
            public void onStateChange(String message) {
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            NovaFirewallSupport novafw = new NovaFirewallSupport();
          // create and activate provider
          JcloudsContainerProvider provider = new JcloudsContainerProvider();

            // get and set the provider name
          String providerName = args.getProviderName();
          args = args.contextName(providerName);

          // create and set the compute service
          ComputeService computeClient = CloudDetails.createComputeService(getSelectedCloud());
          args = args.computeService(computeClient);

          FabricPlugin.getLogger().debug("Creating Jclouds provider type: " + providerName);

            // we need to set the fabric user , pw and role in that way, otherwise the user is not created
          CreateJCloudsContainerOptions opts = args.withUser(args.getUser(), args.getPassword(), "admin").build();

          FabricPlugin.getLogger().debug("Compute Service: " + opts.getComputeService());

          // finally create the image
          final CreateJCloudsContainerMetadata metadata = provider.create(opts, new CreationStateListener() {
            public void onStateChange(String message) {
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          FabricPlugin.getLogger().debug("Create cloud fabric: " + fabricName + " container: " + agentName);

          // create and activate firewall manager
          FirewallManagerFactoryImpl firewallManagerFactory = new FirewallManagerFactoryImpl();
          Ec2FirewallSupport ec2fw = new Ec2FirewallSupport();
            NovaFirewallSupport novafw = new NovaFirewallSupport();
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Related Classes of io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.ServiceSchema

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