Package io.fabric8.dosgi.tcp

Examples of io.fabric8.dosgi.tcp.ServerInvokerImpl$ServiceFactoryHolder


  public INodeStatistics getNodeStats(String nodeId) {
    if (nodeId != null) {
      CamelProcessorMBean processorMBean = camelContextNode.getProcessorMBean(nodeId);
      if (processorMBean != null) {
        return new ProcessorNodeStatistics(processorMBean);
    return null;
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        DispatchQueue queue = Dispatch.createQueue();
        HashMap<String, SerializationStrategy> map = new HashMap<String, SerializationStrategy>();
        map.put("protobuf", new ProtobufSerializationStrategy());

        ServerInvokerImpl server = new ServerInvokerImpl("tcp://localhost:0", queue, map);

        ClientInvokerImpl client = new ClientInvokerImpl(queue, map);

        try {
            server.registerService("service-id", new ServerInvoker.ServiceFactory() {
                public Object get() {
                    return new HelloImpl();
                public void unget() {
            }, HelloImpl.class.getClassLoader());

            InvocationHandler handler = client.getProxy(server.getConnectAddress(), "service-id", HelloImpl.class.getClassLoader());
            Hello hello  = (Hello) Proxy.newProxyInstance(HelloImpl.class.getClassLoader(), new Class[]{Hello.class}, handler);

            AsyncCallbackFuture<String> future1 = new AsyncCallbackFuture<String>();
            hello.hello("Guillaume", future1);

            long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
            try {
                assertEquals("Hello Guillaume!", future1.get(MAX_DELAY, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
                fail("Should have thrown an exception");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // Expected
                long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
                assertTrue(t1 - t0 > SLEEP_TIME / 2);
                assertTrue(t1 - t0 < MAX_DELAY / 2);

        finally {
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        DispatchQueue queue = Dispatch.createQueue();
        HashMap<String, SerializationStrategy> map = new HashMap<String, SerializationStrategy>();
        map.put("protobuf", new ProtobufSerializationStrategy());

        ServerInvokerImpl server = new ServerInvokerImpl("tcp://localhost:0", queue, map);

        ClientInvokerImpl client = new ClientInvokerImpl(queue, map);

        try {
            server.registerService("service-id", new ServerInvoker.ServiceFactory() {
                public Object get() {
                    return new HelloImpl();
                public void unget() {
            }, HelloImpl.class.getClassLoader());

            InvocationHandler handler = client.getProxy(server.getConnectAddress(), "service-id", HelloImpl.class.getClassLoader());
            Hello hello  = (Hello) Proxy.newProxyInstance(HelloImpl.class.getClassLoader(), new Class[] { Hello.class }, handler);

            assertEquals("Hello Fabric!", hello.hello("Fabric"));
            assertEquals("Hello World!", hello.helloworld());

            // Verification the we can pick the right overloaded method even if using a mixure
            // of primitives / objects and array dimensions.
            assertEquals('a', hello.mix(0));
            assertEquals('b', hello.mix(new int[]{0}));
            assertEquals('c', hello.mix(new Integer(0)));
            assertEquals('d', hello.mix(new Integer[]{new Integer(0)}));
            assertEquals('e', hello.mix(new int[0][0]));
            assertEquals('f', hello.mix(new Integer[0][0]));

            AsyncCallbackFuture<String> future1 = new AsyncCallbackFuture<String>();
            hello.hello("Hiram", future1);
            assertEquals("Hello Hiram!", future1.get(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS));

            assertEquals("Hello Hiram!", hello.protobuf(stringValue("Hiram")).getValue());

            AsyncCallbackFuture<StringValue.Getter> future2 = new AsyncCallbackFuture<StringValue.Getter>();
            hello.protobuf(stringValue("Hiram Async"), future2);
            assertEquals("Hello Hiram Async!", future2.get(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS).getValue());

        finally {
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      DispatchQueue queue = Dispatch.createQueue();
      HashMap<String, SerializationStrategy> map = new HashMap<String, SerializationStrategy>();
      map.put("protobuf", new ProtobufSerializationStrategy());

      ServerInvokerImpl server = new ServerInvokerImpl("tcp://localhost:0", queue, map);

      ClientInvokerImpl client = new ClientInvokerImpl(queue, map);

      try {
        server.registerService("service-id", new ServerInvoker.ServiceFactory() {
          public Object get() {
            return new HelloImpl();
          public void unget() {
        }, HelloImpl.class.getClassLoader());

        InvocationHandler handler = client.getProxy(server.getConnectAddress(), "service-id", HelloImpl.class.getClassLoader());
        Hello hello  = (Hello) Proxy.newProxyInstance(HelloImpl.class.getClassLoader(), new Class[] { Hello.class }, handler);

        char[] chars = new char[65*1024];
        String payload = new String(chars);

        final List<AsyncCallbackFuture<String>> futures = new ArrayList<AsyncCallbackFuture<String>>();
        for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
          AsyncCallbackFuture<String> future = new AsyncCallbackFuture<String>();
          hello.hello(payload, future);

        for(Future<String> f : futures) {
          f.get(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
//      future2.get(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
        //assertEquals("Hello Hiram!", future1.get(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS));

        //assertEquals("Hello Hiram!", hello.protobuf(stringValue(payload)).getValue());
      finally {
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      DispatchQueue queue = Dispatch.createQueue();
      HashMap<String, SerializationStrategy> map = new HashMap<String, SerializationStrategy>();
      map.put("protobuf", new ProtobufSerializationStrategy());

      ServerInvokerImpl server = new ServerInvokerImpl("tcp://localhost:0", queue, map);

      ClientInvokerImpl client = new ClientInvokerImpl(queue, map);

      try {
        server.registerService("service-id", new ServerInvoker.ServiceFactory() {
          public Object get() {
            return new HelloImpl();
          public void unget() {
        }, HelloImpl.class.getClassLoader());

        InvocationHandler handler = client.getProxy(server.getConnectAddress(), "service-id", HelloImpl.class.getClassLoader());
        final Hello hello  = (Hello) Proxy.newProxyInstance(HelloImpl.class.getClassLoader(), new Class[] { Hello.class }, handler);

            final AtomicInteger requests = new AtomicInteger(0);
            final AtomicInteger responses = new AtomicInteger(0);
            final AtomicInteger failures = new AtomicInteger(0);

        char[] chars = new char[65*1024];
        final String payload = new String(chars);

            Thread[] threads = new Thread[BENCHMARK_CLIENTS];
            for (int t = 0; t < BENCHMARK_CLIENTS; t++) {
                threads[t] = new Thread() {
                    public void run() {
                        try {


                        } catch (Throwable t) {

            for (int t = 0; t < BENCHMARK_CLIENTS; t++) {
                System.err.format("REQUEST: %d of %d%n", requests.get(), BENCHMARK_CLIENTS);
                System.err.format("RESPONSES: %d of %d%n", responses.get(), BENCHMARK_CLIENTS);
                assertEquals(threads[t].isAlive(), false);

            assertEquals(BENCHMARK_CLIENTS, requests.get());
            assertEquals(BENCHMARK_CLIENTS, responses.get());
            assertEquals(0, failures.get());

      finally {
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      DispatchQueue queue = Dispatch.createQueue();
      HashMap<String, SerializationStrategy> map = new HashMap<String, SerializationStrategy>();
      map.put("protobuf", new ProtobufSerializationStrategy());

      ServerInvokerImpl server = new ServerInvokerImpl("tcp://localhost:0", queue, map);

      ClientInvokerImpl client = new ClientInvokerImpl(queue, map);

      try {
        server.registerService("service-id", new ServerInvoker.ServiceFactory() {
          public Object get() {
            return new HelloImpl();
          public void unget() {
        }, HelloImpl.class.getClassLoader());

        InvocationHandler handler = client.getProxy(server.getConnectAddress(), "service-id", HelloImpl.class.getClassLoader());
        Hello hello  = (Hello) Proxy.newProxyInstance(HelloImpl.class.getClassLoader(), new Class[] { Hello.class }, handler);

        char[] chars = new char[65*1024];
        String payload = new String(chars);

        for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
      finally {
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    public void testUnderLoadSyncObject() throws Exception {
        HashMap<String, SerializationStrategy> map = new HashMap<String, SerializationStrategy>();

        DispatchQueue queue = Dispatch.createQueue();
        ServerInvokerImpl server = new ServerInvokerImpl("tcp://localhost:0", queue, map);
        ClientInvokerImpl client = new ClientInvokerImpl(queue, map);

        try {
            final HelloImpl helloImpl = new HelloImpl();
            server.registerService("service-id", new ServerInvoker.ServiceFactory() {
                public Object get() {
                    return helloImpl;
                public void unget() {
            }, HelloImpl.class.getClassLoader());

            InvocationHandler handler = client.getProxy(server.getConnectAddress(), "service-id", HelloImpl.class.getClassLoader());

            final Hello hello  = (Hello) Proxy.newProxyInstance(HelloImpl.class.getClassLoader(), new Class[] { Hello.class }, handler);

            assertEquals("Hello World!", hello.helloworld());

            final AtomicInteger requests = new AtomicInteger(0);
            final AtomicInteger failures = new AtomicInteger(0);
            final long latencies[] = new long[BENCHMARK_CLIENTS * BENCHMARK_INVOCATIONS_PER_CLIENT];

            final long start = System.nanoTime();
            Thread[] threads = new Thread[BENCHMARK_CLIENTS];
            for (int t = 0; t < BENCHMARK_CLIENTS; t++) {
                final int thread_idx = t;
                threads[t] = new Thread() {
                    public void run() {
                        for (int i = 0; i < BENCHMARK_INVOCATIONS_PER_CLIENT; i++) {
                            try {
                                String response;

                                final long start = System.nanoTime();
                                response = hello.hello("Fabric");
                                final long end = System.nanoTime();
                                latencies[(thread_idx* BENCHMARK_INVOCATIONS_PER_CLIENT)+i] = end-start;

                                assertEquals("Hello Fabric!", response);
                            } catch (Throwable t) {
                                latencies[(thread_idx* BENCHMARK_INVOCATIONS_PER_CLIENT)+i] = -1;
                                if (t instanceof UndeclaredThrowableException) {
                                    t = ((UndeclaredThrowableException) t).getUndeclaredThrowable();
                                System.err.println("Error: " + t.getClass().getName() + (t.getMessage() != null ? " (" + t.getMessage() + ")" : ""));

            for (int t = 0; t < BENCHMARK_CLIENTS; t++) {
            final long end = System.nanoTime();

            long latency_sum = 0;
            for (int t = 0; t < latencies.length; t++) {
                if( latencies[t] != -1 ) {
                    latency_sum += latencies[t];
            double latency_avg = ((latency_sum * 1.0d)/requests.get()) / MILLIS_IN_A_NANO;
            double request_rate = ((requests.get() * 1.0d)/(end-start)) * SECONDS_IN_A_NANO;

            System.err.println(String.format("Requests/Second: %,.2f", request_rate));
            System.err.println(String.format("Average request latency: %,.2f ms", latency_avg));
            System.err.println("Error Ratio: " + failures.get() + " / " + requests.get());
        finally {
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    public void testUnderLoadAsyncProto() throws Exception {
        HashMap<String, SerializationStrategy> map = new HashMap<String, SerializationStrategy>();
        map.put("protobuf", new ProtobufSerializationStrategy());

        DispatchQueue queue = Dispatch.createQueue();
        ServerInvokerImpl server = new ServerInvokerImpl("tcp://localhost:0", queue, map);
        ClientInvokerImpl client = new ClientInvokerImpl(queue, map);

        try {

            final HelloImpl helloImpl = new HelloImpl();
            server.registerService("service-id", new ServerInvoker.ServiceFactory() {
                public Object get() {
                    return helloImpl;
                public void unget() {
            }, HelloImpl.class.getClassLoader());

            InvocationHandler handler = client.getProxy(server.getConnectAddress(), "service-id", HelloImpl.class.getClassLoader());

            final Hello hello  = (Hello) Proxy.newProxyInstance(HelloImpl.class.getClassLoader(), new Class[] { Hello.class }, handler);

            final AtomicInteger requests = new AtomicInteger(0);
            final AtomicInteger failures = new AtomicInteger(0);
            final long latencies[] = new long[BENCHMARK_CLIENTS * BENCHMARK_INVOCATIONS_PER_CLIENT];

            final long start = System.nanoTime();
            AsyncClient[] threads = new AsyncClient[BENCHMARK_CLIENTS];
            for (int t = 0; t < BENCHMARK_CLIENTS; t++) {
                threads[t] = new AsyncClient(t, BENCHMARK_INVOCATIONS_PER_CLIENT, hello, failures, requests, latencies);

            for (int t = 0; t < BENCHMARK_CLIENTS; t++) {
            final long end = System.nanoTime();

            long latency_sum = 0;
            for (int t = 0; t < latencies.length; t++) {
                if( latencies[t] != -1 ) {
                    latency_sum += latencies[t];
            double latency_avg = ((latency_sum * 1.0d)/requests.get()) / MILLIS_IN_A_NANO;
            double request_rate = ((requests.get() * 1.0d)/(end-start)) * SECONDS_IN_A_NANO;

            System.err.println(String.format("Requests/Second: %,.2f", request_rate));
            System.err.println(String.format("Average request latency: %,.2f ms", latency_avg));
            System.err.println("Error Ratio: " + failures.get() + " / " + requests.get());
        finally {
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    public void init() throws Exception {
        // Create client and server
        this.client = new ClientInvokerImpl(queue, timeout, serializationStrategies);
        this.server = new ServerInvokerImpl(uri, queue, serializationStrategies);
        // ZooKeeper tracking
        try {
            create(curator, DOSGI_REGISTRY, CreateMode.PERSISTENT);
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   * @see
   * org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ColumnLabelProvider#getImage(java.lang.Object)
  public Image getImage(Object element) {
    LogEvent le = LogViewTabSection.toLogEvent(element);
    if (le != null) {
      return getLevelImage(le);
    return super.getImage(element);
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Related Classes of io.fabric8.dosgi.tcp.ServerInvokerImpl$ServiceFactoryHolder

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