public void createContainerConfig(CreateContainerMetadata metadata) {
try {
CreateContainerOptions options = metadata.getCreateOptions();
String containerId = metadata.getContainerName();
// String parent = options.getParent();
// String versionId = options.getVersion() != null ? options.getVersion() : getDefaultVersion();
// Set<String> profileIds = options.getProfiles();
// if (profileIds == null || profileIds.isEmpty()) {
// profileIds = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
// profileIds.add("default");
// }
// StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
// for (String profileId : profileIds) {
// if (sb.length() > 0) {
// sb.append(" ");
// }
// sb.append(profileId);
// }
// setData(curator.get(), ZkPath.CONFIG_CONTAINER.getPath(containerId), versionId);
// setData(curator.get(), ZkPath.CONFIG_VERSIONS_CONTAINER.getPath(versionId, containerId), sb.toString());
// setData(curator.get(), ZkPath.CONTAINER_PARENT.getPath(containerId), parent);
Map<String, String> configuration = metadata.getContainerConfiguration();
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : configuration.entrySet()) {
String key = entry.getKey();
String value = entry.getValue();
setData(curator.get(), ZkPath.CONTAINER_ENTRY.getPath(metadata.getContainerName(), key), value);
// If no resolver specified but a resolver is already present in the registry, use the registry value
String resolver = metadata.getOverridenResolver() != null ? metadata.getOverridenResolver() : options.getResolver();
if (resolver == null && exists(curator.get(), ZkPath.CONTAINER_RESOLVER.getPath(containerId)) != null) {
resolver = getStringData(curator.get(), ZkPath.CONTAINER_RESOLVER.getPath(containerId));
} else if (options.getResolver() != null) {
// Use the resolver specified in the options and do nothing.
} else if (exists(curator.get(), ZkPath.POLICIES.getPath(ZkDefs.RESOLVER)) != null) {
// If there is a globlal resolver specified use it.
resolver = getStringData(curator.get(), ZkPath.POLICIES.getPath(ZkDefs.RESOLVER));
} else {