Package io.crate.action.sql

Examples of io.crate.action.sql.SQLResponse


    public void testOrderByNullsFirstAndLast() throws Exception {
        SQLResponse response = executor.exec(
                "select details['job'] from characters order by details['job'] nulls first limit 1");

        response = executor.exec(
                "select details['job'] from characters order by details['job'] desc nulls first limit 1");

        response = executor.exec(
                "select details['job'] from characters order by details['job'] nulls last");
        assertNull(response.rows()[((Long) response.rowCount()).intValue() - 1][0]);

        response = executor.exec(
                "select details['job'] from characters order by details['job'] desc nulls last");
        assertNull(response.rows()[((Long) response.rowCount()).intValue() - 1][0]);

        response = executor.exec(
                "select distinct details['job'] from characters order by details['job'] desc nulls last");
        assertNull(response.rows()[((Long) response.rowCount()).intValue() - 1][0]);
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    public void testCopyToDirectoryOnPartitionedTableWithPartitionClause() throws Exception {
        String uriTemplate = Paths.get(folder.getRoot().toURI()).toAbsolutePath().toString();
        SQLResponse response = executor.exec("copy parted partition (date='2014-01-01') to DIRECTORY ?", uriTemplate);
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(2L));

        List<String> lines = new ArrayList<>(2);
        DirectoryStream<Path> stream = Files.newDirectoryStream(Paths.get(folder.getRoot().toURI()), "*.json");
        for (Path entry: stream) {
            lines.addAll(Files.readAllLines(entry, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
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    public void testCopyToDirectoryOnPartitionedTableWithoutPartitionClause() throws Exception {
        String uriTemplate = Paths.get(folder.getRoot().toURI()).toAbsolutePath().toString();
        SQLResponse response = executor.exec("copy parted to DIRECTORY ?", uriTemplate);
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(5L));

        List<String> lines = new ArrayList<>(5);
        DirectoryStream<Path> stream = Files.newDirectoryStream(Paths.get(folder.getRoot().toURI()), "*.json");
        for (Path entry: stream) {
            lines.addAll(Files.readAllLines(entry, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
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    public void testArithmeticFunctions() throws Exception {
        SQLResponse response = executor.exec("select ((2 * 4 - 2 + 1) / 2) % 3 from sys.cluster");
        assertThat(response.cols()[0], is("(((((2 * 4) - 2) + 1) / 2) % 3)"));
        assertThat((Long)response.rows()[0][0], is(0L));

        response = executor.exec("select ((2 * 4.0 - 2 + 1) / 2) % 3 from sys.cluster");
        assertThat((Double)response.rows()[0][0], is(0.5));

        response = executor.exec("select ? + 2 from sys.cluster", 1);
        assertThat((Long)response.rows()[0][0], is(3L));

        response = executor.exec("select load['1'] + load['5'], load['1'], load['5'] from sys.nodes limit 1");
        assertEquals(response.rows()[0][0], (Double) response.rows()[0][1] + (Double) response.rows()[0][2]);
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    public void testJobLog() throws Exception {
        executor.exec("select name from sys.cluster");
        SQLResponse response= executor.exec("select * from sys.jobs_log");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(0L)); // default length is zero

        executor.exec("set global transient stats.enabled = true, stats.jobs_log_size=1");

        executor.exec("select id from sys.cluster");
        executor.exec("select id from sys.cluster");
        executor.exec("select id from sys.cluster");
        response= executor.exec("select stmt from sys.jobs_log order by ended desc");

        // there are 2 nodes so depending on whether both nodes were hit this should be either 1 or 2
        // but never 3 because the queue size is only 1
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), Matchers.lessThanOrEqualTo(2L));
        assertThat((String)response.rows()[0][0], is("select id from sys.cluster"));

        executor.exec("reset global stats.enabled, stats.jobs_log_size");
        response= executor.exec("select * from sys.jobs_log");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(0L));
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    public void testQueryNameFromSysOperations() throws Exception {
        executor.exec("set global stats.enabled = true");
        SQLResponse resp = executor.exec("select name, job_id from sys.operations order by name asc");

        // usually this should return collect on 2 nodes, localMerge on 1 node
        // but it could be that the collect is finished before the localMerge task is started in which
        // case it is missing.

        assertThat(resp.rowCount(), Matchers.greaterThanOrEqualTo(2L));
        List<String> names = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Object[] objects : resp.rows()) {
            names.add((String) objects[0]);
        executor.exec("set global stats.enabled = false");
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        executor.exec("set global stats.enabled = false");

    public void testSetSingleStatement() throws Exception {
        SQLResponse response = executor.exec("select settings['stats']['jobs_log_size'] from sys.cluster");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(1L));
        assertThat((Integer)response.rows()[0][0], is(CrateSettings.STATS_JOBS_LOG_SIZE.defaultValue()));

        response = executor.exec("set global persistent stats.enabled= true, stats.jobs_log_size=7");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(1L));

        response = executor.exec("select settings['stats']['jobs_log_size'] from sys.cluster");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(1L));
        assertThat((Integer)response.rows()[0][0], is(7));

        response = executor.exec("reset global stats.enabled, stats.jobs_log_size");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(1L));

        response = executor.exec("select settings['stats']['enabled'], settings['stats']['jobs_log_size'] from sys.cluster");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(1L));
        assertThat((Boolean)response.rows()[0][0], is(CrateSettings.STATS_ENABLED.defaultValue()));
        assertThat((Integer)response.rows()[0][1], is(CrateSettings.STATS_JOBS_LOG_SIZE.defaultValue()));

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    public void testSetMultipleStatement() throws Exception {
        SQLResponse response = executor.exec(
                "select settings['stats']['operations_log_size'], settings['stats']['enabled'] from sys.cluster");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(1L));
        assertThat((Integer)response.rows()[0][0], is(CrateSettings.STATS_OPERATIONS_LOG_SIZE.defaultValue()));
        assertThat((Boolean)response.rows()[0][1], is(CrateSettings.STATS_ENABLED.defaultValue()));

        response = executor.exec("set global persistent stats.operations_log_size=1024, stats.enabled=false");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(1L));

        response = executor.exec(
                "select settings['stats']['operations_log_size'], settings['stats']['enabled'] from sys.cluster");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(1L));
        assertThat((Integer)response.rows()[0][0], is(1024));
        assertThat((Boolean)response.rows()[0][1], is(false));

        response = executor.exec("reset global stats.operations_log_size, stats.enabled");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(1L));

        response = executor.exec(
                "select settings['stats']['operations_log_size'], settings['stats']['enabled'] from sys.cluster");
        assertThat(response.rowCount(), is(1L));
        assertThat((Integer)response.rows()[0][0], is(CrateSettings.STATS_OPERATIONS_LOG_SIZE.defaultValue()));
        assertThat((Boolean)response.rows()[0][1], is(CrateSettings.STATS_ENABLED.defaultValue()));
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                0, "Blabla", true, 120, 1000, 1200000,
                120000000000L, 1.4, 3.456789, new HashMap<String, Object>(){{put("inner", "1970-01-01");}},
                "1970-01-01", ""
        SQLResponse getResponse = execute("select * from t1 where id=0");
        SQLResponse searchResponse = execute("select * from t1 limit 1");
        for (int i=0; i < getResponse.rows()[0].length; i++) {
            assertThat(getResponse.rows()[0][i], is(searchResponse.rows()[0][i]));
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    public void testInsertNewColumn() throws Exception {
        execute("insert into t1 (id, new_col) values (?,?)", new Object[]{0, "1970-01-01"});
        SQLResponse response = null;
        int retry = 0;

        // schema update is async; retry if new column isn't available immediately
        while (retry < 10) {
            try {
                response = execute("select id, new_col from t1 where id=0");
            } catch (SQLActionException e) {
        assertEquals(0, response.rows()[0][1]);
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Related Classes of io.crate.action.sql.SQLResponse

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