Package io.apigee.trireme.core.modules

Examples of io.apigee.trireme.core.modules.Filesystem$FileHandle

      request = new REMOVE3Request(xdr);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      LOG.error("Invalid REMOVE request");
      return new REMOVE3Response(Nfs3Status.NFS3ERR_INVAL);
    FileHandle dirHandle = request.getHandle();
    String fileName = request.getName();
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
      LOG.debug("NFS REMOVE dir fileId: " + dirHandle.getFileId()
          + " fileName: " + fileName);

    String dirFileIdPath = Nfs3Utils.getFileIdPath(dirHandle);
    Nfs3FileAttributes preOpDirAttr = null;
    Nfs3FileAttributes postOpDirAttr = null;
    try {
      preOpDirAttr =  Nfs3Utils.getFileAttr(dfsClient, dirFileIdPath, iug);
      if (preOpDirAttr == null) {"Can't get path for dir fileId:" + dirHandle.getFileId());
        return new REMOVE3Response(Nfs3Status.NFS3ERR_STALE);

      WccData errWcc = new WccData(Nfs3Utils.getWccAttr(preOpDirAttr),
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      request = new RMDIR3Request(xdr);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      LOG.error("Invalid RMDIR request");
      return new RMDIR3Response(Nfs3Status.NFS3ERR_INVAL);
    FileHandle dirHandle = request.getHandle();
    String fileName = request.getName();

    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
      LOG.debug("NFS RMDIR dir fileId: " + dirHandle.getFileId()
          + " fileName: " + fileName);

    String dirFileIdPath = Nfs3Utils.getFileIdPath(dirHandle);
    Nfs3FileAttributes preOpDirAttr = null;
    Nfs3FileAttributes postOpDirAttr = null;
    try {
      preOpDirAttr = Nfs3Utils.getFileAttr(dfsClient, dirFileIdPath, iug);
      if (preOpDirAttr == null) {"Can't get path for dir fileId:" + dirHandle.getFileId());
        return new RMDIR3Response(Nfs3Status.NFS3ERR_STALE);
      WccData errWcc = new WccData(Nfs3Utils.getWccAttr(preOpDirAttr),
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    } catch (IOException e) {
      LOG.error("Invalid RENAME request");
      return new RENAME3Response(Nfs3Status.NFS3ERR_INVAL);

    FileHandle fromHandle = request.getFromDirHandle();
    String fromName = request.getFromName();
    FileHandle toHandle = request.getToDirHandle();
    String toName = request.getToName();
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
      LOG.debug("NFS RENAME from: " + fromHandle.getFileId() + "/" + fromName
          + " to: " + toHandle.getFileId() + "/" + toName);

    String fromDirFileIdPath = Nfs3Utils.getFileIdPath(fromHandle);
    String toDirFileIdPath = Nfs3Utils.getFileIdPath(toHandle);
    Nfs3FileAttributes fromPreOpAttr = null;
    Nfs3FileAttributes toPreOpAttr = null;
    WccData fromDirWcc = null;
    WccData toDirWcc = null;
    try {
      fromPreOpAttr = Nfs3Utils.getFileAttr(dfsClient, fromDirFileIdPath, iug);
      if (fromPreOpAttr == null) {"Can't get path for fromHandle fileId:"
            + fromHandle.getFileId());
        return new RENAME3Response(Nfs3Status.NFS3ERR_STALE);

      toPreOpAttr = Nfs3Utils.getFileAttr(dfsClient, toDirFileIdPath, iug);
      if (toPreOpAttr == null) {"Can't get path for toHandle fileId:" + toHandle.getFileId());
        return new RENAME3Response(Nfs3Status.NFS3ERR_STALE);
      if (!checkAccessPrivilege(info, AccessPrivilege.READ_WRITE)) {
        WccData fromWcc = new WccData(Nfs3Utils.getWccAttr(fromPreOpAttr),
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      LOG.error("Invalid SYMLINK request");
      return response;

    FileHandle dirHandle = request.getHandle();
    String name = request.getName();
    String symData = request.getSymData();
    String linkDirIdPath = Nfs3Utils.getFileIdPath(dirHandle);
    // Don't do any name check to source path, just leave it to HDFS
    String linkIdPath = linkDirIdPath + "/" + name;
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
      LOG.debug("NFS SYMLINK, target: " + symData + " link: " + linkIdPath);

    try {
      WccData dirWcc = response.getDirWcc();
      WccAttr preOpAttr = Nfs3Utils.getWccAttr(dfsClient, linkDirIdPath);

      dfsClient.createSymlink(symData, linkIdPath, false);
      // Set symlink attr is considered as to change the attr of the target
      // file. So no need to set symlink attr here after it's created.

      HdfsFileStatus linkstat = dfsClient.getFileLinkInfo(linkIdPath);
      Nfs3FileAttributes objAttr = Nfs3Utils.getNfs3FileAttrFromFileStatus(
          linkstat, iug);
          .setPostOpAttr(Nfs3Utils.getFileAttr(dfsClient, linkDirIdPath, iug));

      return new SYMLINK3Response(Nfs3Status.NFS3_OK, new FileHandle(
          objAttr.getFileId()), objAttr, dirWcc);

    } catch (IOException e) {
      LOG.warn("Exception:" + e);
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      request = new READDIR3Request(xdr);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      LOG.error("Invalid READDIR request");
      return new READDIR3Response(Nfs3Status.NFS3ERR_INVAL);
    FileHandle handle = request.getHandle();
    long cookie = request.getCookie();
    if (cookie < 0) {
      LOG.error("Invalid READDIR request, with negitve cookie:" + cookie);
      return new READDIR3Response(Nfs3Status.NFS3ERR_INVAL);
    long count = request.getCount();
    if (count <= 0) {"Nonpositive count in invalid READDIR request:" + count);
      return new READDIR3Response(Nfs3Status.NFS3_OK);
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
      LOG.debug("NFS READDIR fileId: " + handle.getFileId() + " cookie: "
          + cookie + " count: " + count);

    HdfsFileStatus dirStatus = null;
    DirectoryListing dlisting = null;
    Nfs3FileAttributes postOpAttr = null;
    long dotdotFileId = 0;
    try {
      String dirFileIdPath = Nfs3Utils.getFileIdPath(handle);
      dirStatus = dfsClient.getFileInfo(dirFileIdPath);
      if (dirStatus == null) {"Can't get path for fileId:" + handle.getFileId());
        return new READDIR3Response(Nfs3Status.NFS3ERR_STALE);
      if (!dirStatus.isDir()) {
        LOG.error("Can't readdir for regular file, fileId:"
            + handle.getFileId());
        return new READDIR3Response(Nfs3Status.NFS3ERR_NOTDIR);
      long cookieVerf = request.getCookieVerf();
      if ((cookieVerf != 0) && (cookieVerf != dirStatus.getModificationTime())) {
        if (aixCompatMode) {
          // The AIX NFS client misinterprets RFC-1813 and will repeatedly send
          // the same cookieverf value even across VFS-level readdir calls,
          // instead of getting a new cookieverf for every VFS-level readdir
          // call, and reusing the cookieverf only in the event that multiple
          // incremental NFS-level readdir calls must be made to fetch all of
          // the directory entries. This means that whenever a readdir call is
          // made by an AIX NFS client for a given directory, and that directory
          // is subsequently modified, thus changing its mtime, no later readdir
          // calls will succeed from AIX for that directory until the FS is
          // unmounted/remounted. See HDFS-6549 for more info.
          LOG.warn("AIX compatibility mode enabled, ignoring cookieverf " +
        } else {
          LOG.error("CookieVerf mismatch. request cookieVerf: " + cookieVerf
              + " dir cookieVerf: " + dirStatus.getModificationTime());
          return new READDIR3Response(Nfs3Status.NFS3ERR_BAD_COOKIE);

      if (cookie == 0) {
        // Get dotdot fileId
        String dotdotFileIdPath = dirFileIdPath + "/..";
        HdfsFileStatus dotdotStatus = dfsClient.getFileInfo(dotdotFileIdPath);

        if (dotdotStatus == null) {
          // This should not happen
          throw new IOException("Can't get path for handle path:"
              + dotdotFileIdPath);
        dotdotFileId = dotdotStatus.getFileId();

      // Get the list from the resume point
      byte[] startAfter;
      if(cookie == 0 ) {
        startAfter = HdfsFileStatus.EMPTY_NAME;
      } else {
        String inodeIdPath = Nfs3Utils.getFileIdPath(cookie);
        startAfter = inodeIdPath.getBytes();
      dlisting = listPaths(dfsClient, dirFileIdPath, startAfter);
      postOpAttr = Nfs3Utils.getFileAttr(dfsClient, dirFileIdPath, iug);
      if (postOpAttr == null) {
        LOG.error("Can't get path for fileId:" + handle.getFileId());
        return new READDIR3Response(Nfs3Status.NFS3ERR_STALE);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      LOG.warn("Exception ", e);
      return new READDIR3Response(Nfs3Status.NFS3ERR_IO);
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    } catch (IOException e) {
      LOG.error("Invalid READDIRPLUS request");
      return new READDIRPLUS3Response(Nfs3Status.NFS3ERR_INVAL);

    FileHandle handle = request.getHandle();
    long cookie = request.getCookie();
    if (cookie < 0) {
      LOG.error("Invalid READDIRPLUS request, with negitve cookie:" + cookie);
      return new READDIRPLUS3Response(Nfs3Status.NFS3ERR_INVAL);
    long dirCount = request.getDirCount();
    if (dirCount <= 0) {"Nonpositive dircount in invalid READDIRPLUS request:" + dirCount);
      return new READDIRPLUS3Response(Nfs3Status.NFS3ERR_INVAL);
    int maxCount = request.getMaxCount();
    if (maxCount <= 0) {"Nonpositive maxcount in invalid READDIRPLUS request:" + maxCount);
      return new READDIRPLUS3Response(Nfs3Status.NFS3ERR_INVAL);
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
      LOG.debug("NFS READDIRPLUS fileId: " + handle.getFileId() + " cookie: "
          + cookie + " dirCount: " + dirCount + " maxCount: " + maxCount);

    HdfsFileStatus dirStatus;
    DirectoryListing dlisting = null;
    Nfs3FileAttributes postOpDirAttr = null;
    long dotdotFileId = 0;
    try {
      String dirFileIdPath = Nfs3Utils.getFileIdPath(handle);
      dirStatus = dfsClient.getFileInfo(dirFileIdPath);
      if (dirStatus == null) {"Can't get path for fileId:" + handle.getFileId());
        return new READDIRPLUS3Response(Nfs3Status.NFS3ERR_STALE);
      if (!dirStatus.isDir()) {
        LOG.error("Can't readdirplus for regular file, fileId:"
            + handle.getFileId());
        return new READDIRPLUS3Response(Nfs3Status.NFS3ERR_NOTDIR);
      long cookieVerf = request.getCookieVerf();
      if ((cookieVerf != 0) && (cookieVerf != dirStatus.getModificationTime())) {
        if (aixCompatMode) {
          // The AIX NFS client misinterprets RFC-1813 and will repeatedly send
          // the same cookieverf value even across VFS-level readdir calls,
          // instead of getting a new cookieverf for every VFS-level readdir
          // call. This means that whenever a readdir call is made by an AIX NFS
          // client for a given directory, and that directory is subsequently
          // modified, thus changing its mtime, no later readdir calls will
          // succeed for that directory from AIX until the FS is
          // unmounted/remounted. See HDFS-6549 for more info.
          LOG.warn("AIX compatibility mode enabled, ignoring cookieverf " +
        } else {
          LOG.error("cookieverf mismatch. request cookieverf: " + cookieVerf
              + " dir cookieverf: " + dirStatus.getModificationTime());
          return new READDIRPLUS3Response(Nfs3Status.NFS3ERR_BAD_COOKIE);

      if (cookie == 0) {
        // Get dotdot fileId
        String dotdotFileIdPath = dirFileIdPath + "/..";
        HdfsFileStatus dotdotStatus = dfsClient.getFileInfo(dotdotFileIdPath);

        if (dotdotStatus == null) {
          // This should not happen
          throw new IOException("Can't get path for handle path:"
              + dotdotFileIdPath);
        dotdotFileId = dotdotStatus.getFileId();

      // Get the list from the resume point
      byte[] startAfter;
      if (cookie == 0) {
        startAfter = HdfsFileStatus.EMPTY_NAME;
      } else {
        String inodeIdPath = Nfs3Utils.getFileIdPath(cookie);
        startAfter = inodeIdPath.getBytes();
      dlisting = listPaths(dfsClient, dirFileIdPath, startAfter);
      postOpDirAttr = Nfs3Utils.getFileAttr(dfsClient, dirFileIdPath, iug);
      if (postOpDirAttr == null) {"Can't get path for fileId:" + handle.getFileId());
        return new READDIRPLUS3Response(Nfs3Status.NFS3ERR_STALE);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      LOG.warn("Exception ", e);
      return new READDIRPLUS3Response(Nfs3Status.NFS3ERR_IO);
    // Set up the dirents in the response
    HdfsFileStatus[] fstatus = dlisting.getPartialListing();
    int n = (int) Math.min(fstatus.length, dirCount-2);
    boolean eof = (n < fstatus.length) ? false : (dlisting
        .getRemainingEntries() == 0);
    READDIRPLUS3Response.EntryPlus3[] entries;
    if (cookie == 0) {
      entries = new READDIRPLUS3Response.EntryPlus3[n+2];
      entries[0] = new READDIRPLUS3Response.EntryPlus3(
          postOpDirAttr.getFileId(), ".", 0, postOpDirAttr, new FileHandle(
      entries[1] = new READDIRPLUS3Response.EntryPlus3(dotdotFileId, "..",
          dotdotFileId, postOpDirAttr, new FileHandle(dotdotFileId));

      for (int i = 2; i < n + 2; i++) {
        long fileId = fstatus[i - 2].getFileId();
        FileHandle childHandle = new FileHandle(fileId);
        Nfs3FileAttributes attr;
        try {
          attr = writeManager.getFileAttr(dfsClient, childHandle, iug);
        } catch (IOException e) {
          LOG.error("Can't get file attributes for fileId:" + fileId, e);
        entries[i] = new READDIRPLUS3Response.EntryPlus3(fileId,
            fstatus[i - 2].getLocalName(), fileId, attr, childHandle);
    } else {
      // Resume from last readdirplus. If the cookie is "..", the result
      // list is up the directory content since HDFS uses name as resume point.
      entries = new READDIRPLUS3Response.EntryPlus3[n];
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        long fileId = fstatus[i].getFileId();
        FileHandle childHandle = new FileHandle(fileId);
        Nfs3FileAttributes attr;
        try {
          attr = writeManager.getFileAttr(dfsClient, childHandle, iug);
        } catch (IOException e) {
          LOG.error("Can't get file attributes for fileId:" + fileId, e);
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    } catch (IOException e) {
      LOG.error("Invalid FSSTAT request");
      return new FSSTAT3Response(Nfs3Status.NFS3ERR_INVAL);

    FileHandle handle = request.getHandle();
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
      LOG.debug("NFS FSSTAT fileId: " + handle.getFileId());

    try {
      FsStatus fsStatus = dfsClient.getDiskStatus();
      long totalBytes = fsStatus.getCapacity();
      long freeBytes = fsStatus.getRemaining();
      Nfs3FileAttributes attrs = writeManager.getFileAttr(dfsClient, handle,
      if (attrs == null) {"Can't get path for fileId:" + handle.getFileId());
        return new FSSTAT3Response(Nfs3Status.NFS3ERR_STALE);
      long maxFsObjects = config.getLong("dfs.max.objects", 0);
      if (maxFsObjects == 0) {
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    OpenFileCtx context5 = new OpenFileCtx(fos, attr, "/dumpFilePath",
        dfsClient, new IdUserGroup(new NfsConfiguration()));

    OpenFileCtxCache cache = new OpenFileCtxCache(conf, 10 * 60 * 100);

    boolean ret = cache.put(new FileHandle(1), context1);
    ret = cache.put(new FileHandle(2), context2);
    ret = cache.put(new FileHandle(3), context3);
    assertTrue(cache.size() == 2);

    // Wait for the oldest stream to be evict-able, insert again
    assertTrue(cache.size() == 2);

    ret = cache.put(new FileHandle(3), context3);
    assertTrue(cache.size() == 2);
    assertTrue(cache.get(new FileHandle(1)) == null);

    // Test inactive entry is evicted immediately
    ret = cache.put(new FileHandle(4), context4);

    // Now the cache has context2 and context4
    // Test eviction failure if all entries have pending work.
    context2.getPendingWritesForTest().put(new OffsetRange(0, 100),
        new WriteCtx(null, 0, 0, 0, null, null, null, 0, false, null));
    context4.getPendingCommitsForTest().put(new Long(100),
        new CommitCtx(0, null, 0, attr));
    ret = cache.put(new FileHandle(5), context5);
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        dfsClient, new IdUserGroup(new NfsConfiguration()));

    OpenFileCtxCache cache = new OpenFileCtxCache(conf, 10 * 60 * 100);

    // Test cleaning expired entry
    boolean ret = cache.put(new FileHandle(1), context1);
    ret = cache.put(new FileHandle(2), context2);
    Thread.sleep(NfsConfigKeys.DFS_NFS_STREAM_TIMEOUT_MIN_DEFAULT + 1);
    assertTrue(cache.size() == 0);

    // Test cleaning inactive entry
    ret = cache.put(new FileHandle(3), context3);
    ret = cache.put(new FileHandle(4), context4);
    assertTrue(cache.size() == 1);
    assertTrue(cache.get(new FileHandle(3)) == null);
    assertTrue(cache.get(new FileHandle(4)) != null);
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        LOG.error("Create failed, status =" + status);
      }"Create succeeded");
      rsp.readBoolean(); // value follow
      handle = new FileHandle();
      channel = e.getChannel();
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Related Classes of io.apigee.trireme.core.modules.Filesystem$FileHandle

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