Package io.apigee.trireme.core.modules

Examples of io.apigee.trireme.core.modules.AsyncFilesystem$FileHandle

    } catch (IOException e) {
      LOG.error("Invalid FSINFO request");
      return new FSINFO3Response(Nfs3Status.NFS3ERR_INVAL);

    FileHandle handle = request.getHandle();
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
      LOG.debug("NFS FSINFO fileId: " + handle.getFileId());

    try {
      int rtmax = config.getInt(
      int wtmax = config.getInt(
      int dtperf = config.getInt(

      Nfs3FileAttributes attrs = Nfs3Utils.getFileAttr(dfsClient,
          Nfs3Utils.getFileIdPath(handle), iug);
      if (attrs == null) {"Can't get path for fileId:" + handle.getFileId());
        return new FSINFO3Response(Nfs3Status.NFS3ERR_STALE);
      int fsProperty = Nfs3Constant.FSF3_CANSETTIME
          | Nfs3Constant.FSF3_HOMOGENEOUS;
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    } catch (IOException e) {
      LOG.error("Invalid PATHCONF request");
      return new PATHCONF3Response(Nfs3Status.NFS3ERR_INVAL);

    FileHandle handle = request.getHandle();
    Nfs3FileAttributes attrs;

    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
      LOG.debug("NFS PATHCONF fileId: " + handle.getFileId());

    try {
      attrs = Nfs3Utils.getFileAttr(dfsClient, Nfs3Utils.getFileIdPath(handle),
      if (attrs == null) {"Can't get path for fileId:" + handle.getFileId());
        return new PATHCONF3Response(Nfs3Status.NFS3ERR_STALE);

      return new PATHCONF3Response(Nfs3Status.NFS3_OK, attrs, 0,
          HdfsConstants.MAX_PATH_LENGTH, true, false, false, true);
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      LOG.error("Invalid COMMIT request");
      return response;

    FileHandle handle = request.getHandle();
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
      LOG.debug("NFS COMMIT fileId: " + handle.getFileId() + " offset="
          + request.getOffset() + " count=" + request.getCount());

    String fileIdPath = Nfs3Utils.getFileIdPath(handle);
    Nfs3FileAttributes preOpAttr = null;
    try {
      preOpAttr = Nfs3Utils.getFileAttr(dfsClient, fileIdPath, iug);
      if (preOpAttr == null) {"Can't get path for fileId:" + handle.getFileId());
        return new COMMIT3Response(Nfs3Status.NFS3ERR_STALE);
      if (!checkAccessPrivilege(info, AccessPrivilege.READ_WRITE)) {
        return new COMMIT3Response(Nfs3Status.NFS3ERR_ACCES, new WccData(
            Nfs3Utils.getWccAttr(preOpAttr), preOpAttr),
      long commitOffset = (request.getCount() == 0) ? 0
          : (request.getOffset() + request.getCount());
      // Insert commit as an async request
      RpcCall rpcCall = (RpcCall) info.header();
      int xid = rpcCall.getXid();
      writeManager.handleCommit(dfsClient, handle, commitOffset,
, xid, preOpAttr);
      return null;
    } catch (IOException e) {
      LOG.warn("Exception ", e);
      Nfs3FileAttributes postOpAttr = null;
      try {
        postOpAttr = writeManager.getFileAttr(dfsClient, handle, iug);
      } catch (IOException e1) {"Can't get postOpAttr for fileId: " + handle.getFileId(), e1);
      WccData fileWcc = new WccData(Nfs3Utils.getWccAttr(preOpAttr), postOpAttr);
      return new COMMIT3Response(Nfs3Status.NFS3ERR_IO, fileWcc,
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    HdfsFileStatus status = nn.getRpcServer().getFileInfo(testdir);
    long dirId = status.getFileId();

    // Create related part of the XDR request
    XDR xdr_req = new XDR();
    FileHandle handle = new FileHandle(dirId);
    xdr_req.writeLongAsHyper(0); // cookie
    xdr_req.writeLongAsHyper(0); // verifier
    xdr_req.writeInt(100); // count

    READDIR3Response response = nfsd.readdir(xdr_req.asReadOnlyWrap(),
        securityHandler, new InetSocketAddress("localhost", 1234));
    List<Entry3> dirents = response.getDirList().getEntries();
    assertTrue(dirents.size() == 5); // inculding dot, dotdot

    // Test start listing from f2
    status = nn.getRpcServer().getFileInfo(testdir + "/f2");
    long f2Id = status.getFileId();

    // Create related part of the XDR request
    xdr_req = new XDR();
    handle = new FileHandle(dirId);
    xdr_req.writeLongAsHyper(f2Id); // cookie
    xdr_req.writeLongAsHyper(0); // verifier
    xdr_req.writeInt(100); // count

    response = nfsd.readdir(xdr_req.asReadOnlyWrap(), securityHandler,
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    HdfsFileStatus status = nn.getRpcServer().getFileInfo(testdir);
    long dirId = status.getFileId();
    // Create related part of the XDR request
    XDR xdr_req = new XDR();
    FileHandle handle = new FileHandle(dirId);
    xdr_req.writeLongAsHyper(0); // cookie
    xdr_req.writeLongAsHyper(0); // verifier
    xdr_req.writeInt(100); // dirCount
    xdr_req.writeInt(1000); // maxCount

    READDIRPLUS3Response responsePlus = nfsd.readdirplus(xdr_req
        .asReadOnlyWrap(), securityHandler, new InetSocketAddress("localhost",
    List<EntryPlus3> direntPlus = responsePlus.getDirListPlus().getEntries();
    assertTrue(direntPlus.size() == 5); // including dot, dotdot

    // Test start listing from f2
    status = nn.getRpcServer().getFileInfo(testdir + "/f2");
    long f2Id = status.getFileId();

    // Create related part of the XDR request
    xdr_req = new XDR();
    handle = new FileHandle(dirId);
    xdr_req.writeLongAsHyper(f2Id); // cookie
    xdr_req.writeLongAsHyper(0); // verifier
    xdr_req.writeInt(100); // dirCount
    xdr_req.writeInt(1000); // maxCount
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      LOG.trace("openFileMap size:" + openFileMap.size());

    while (it.hasNext()) {
      Entry<FileHandle, OpenFileCtx> pairs =;
      FileHandle handle = pairs.getKey();
      OpenFileCtx ctx = pairs.getValue();
      if (!ctx.streamCleanup(handle.getFileId(), streamTimeout)) {

      // Check it again inside lock before removing
      synchronized (this) {
        OpenFileCtx ctx2 = openFileMap.get(handle);
        if (ctx2 != null) {
          if (ctx2.streamCleanup(handle.getFileId(), streamTimeout)) {
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
              LOG.debug("After remove stream " + handle.getFileId()
                  + ", the stream number:" + openFileMap.size());
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    long offset = writeCtx.getOffset();
    int count = writeCtx.getCount();
    WriteStableHow stableHow = writeCtx.getStableHow();
    FileHandle handle = writeCtx.getHandle();
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
      LOG.debug("do write, fileId: " + handle.getFileId() + " offset: "
          + offset + " length:" + count + " stableHow:" +;

    try {
      // The write is not protected by lock. asyncState is used to make sure
      // there is one thread doing write back at any time   
      long flushedOffset = getFlushedOffset();
      if (flushedOffset != (offset + count)) {
        throw new IOException("output stream is out of sync, pos="
            + flushedOffset + " and nextOffset should be"
            + (offset + count));

      // Reduce memory occupation size if request was allowed dumped
      if (writeCtx.getDataState() == WriteCtx.DataState.ALLOW_DUMP) {
        synchronized (writeCtx) {
          if (writeCtx.getDataState() == WriteCtx.DataState.ALLOW_DUMP) {
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
              LOG.debug("After writing " + handle.getFileId() + " at offset "
                  + offset + ", updated the memory count, new value:"
                  + nonSequentialWriteInMemory.get());
      if (!writeCtx.getReplied()) {
        if (stableHow != WriteStableHow.UNSTABLE) {
"Do sync for stable write:" + writeCtx);
          try {
            if (stableHow == WriteStableHow.DATA_SYNC) {
            } else {
              Preconditions.checkState(stableHow == WriteStableHow.FILE_SYNC,
                  "Unknown WriteStableHow:" + stableHow);
              // Sync file data and length
          } catch (IOException e) {
            LOG.error("hsync failed with writeCtx:" + writeCtx, e);
            throw e;
        WccAttr preOpAttr = latestAttr.getWccAttr();
        WccData fileWcc = new WccData(preOpAttr, latestAttr);
        if (writeCtx.getOriginalCount() != WriteCtx.INVALID_ORIGINAL_COUNT) {
          LOG.warn("Return original count:" + writeCtx.getOriginalCount()
              + " instead of real data count:" + count);
          count = writeCtx.getOriginalCount();
        WRITE3Response response = new WRITE3Response(Nfs3Status.NFS3_OK,
            fileWcc, count, stableHow, Nfs3Constant.WRITE_COMMIT_VERF);
        Nfs3Utils.writeChannel(channel, response.writeHeaderAndResponse(
            new XDR(), xid, new VerifierNone()), xid);
      // Handle the waiting commits without holding any lock
      processCommits(writeCtx.getOffset() + writeCtx.getCount());
    } catch (IOException e) {
      LOG.error("Error writing to fileId " + handle.getFileId() + " at offset "
          + offset + " and length " + count, e);
      if (!writeCtx.getReplied()) {
        WRITE3Response response = new WRITE3Response(Nfs3Status.NFS3ERR_IO);
        Nfs3Utils.writeChannel(channel, response.writeHeaderAndResponse(
            new XDR(), xid, new VerifierNone()), xid);
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    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      buffer.put((byte) i);
    int originalCount = buffer.array().length;
    WRITE3Request request = new WRITE3Request(new FileHandle(), 0, data.length,
        WriteStableHow.UNSTABLE, buffer);

    WriteCtx writeCtx1 = new WriteCtx(request.getHandle(), request.getOffset(),
        request.getCount(), WriteCtx.INVALID_ORIGINAL_COUNT,
        request.getStableHow(), request.getData(), null, 1, false,

    Assert.assertTrue(writeCtx1.getData().array().length == originalCount);

    // Now change the write request
    OpenFileCtx.alterWriteRequest(request, 12);

    WriteCtx writeCtx2 = new WriteCtx(request.getHandle(), request.getOffset(),
        request.getCount(), originalCount, request.getStableHow(),
        request.getData(), null, 2, false, WriteCtx.DataState.NO_DUMP);
    ByteBuffer appendedData = writeCtx2.getData();

    int position = appendedData.position();
    int limit = appendedData.limit();
    Assert.assertTrue(position == 12);
    Assert.assertTrue(limit - position == 8);
    Assert.assertTrue(appendedData.get(position) == (byte) 12);
    Assert.assertTrue(appendedData.get(position + 1) == (byte) 13);
    Assert.assertTrue(appendedData.get(position + 2) == (byte) 14);
    Assert.assertTrue(appendedData.get(position + 7) == (byte) 19);

    // Test current file write offset is at boundaries
    request = new WRITE3Request(new FileHandle(), 0, data.length,
        WriteStableHow.UNSTABLE, buffer);
    OpenFileCtx.alterWriteRequest(request, 1);
    WriteCtx writeCtx3 = new WriteCtx(request.getHandle(), request.getOffset(),
        request.getCount(), originalCount, request.getStableHow(),
        request.getData(), null, 2, false, WriteCtx.DataState.NO_DUMP);
    appendedData = writeCtx3.getData();
    position = appendedData.position();
    limit = appendedData.limit();
    Assert.assertTrue(position == 1);
    Assert.assertTrue(limit - position == 19);
    Assert.assertTrue(appendedData.get(position) == (byte) 1);
    Assert.assertTrue(appendedData.get(position + 18) == (byte) 19);

    // Reset buffer position before test another boundary
    request = new WRITE3Request(new FileHandle(), 0, data.length,
        WriteStableHow.UNSTABLE, buffer);
    OpenFileCtx.alterWriteRequest(request, 19);
    WriteCtx writeCtx4 = new WriteCtx(request.getHandle(), request.getOffset(),
        request.getCount(), originalCount, request.getStableHow(),
        request.getData(), null, 2, false, WriteCtx.DataState.NO_DUMP);
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    NfsConfiguration config = new NfsConfiguration();

    OpenFileCtx ctx = new OpenFileCtx(fos, attr, "/dumpFilePath", dfsClient,
        new IdUserGroup(config));

    FileHandle h = new FileHandle(1); // fake handle for "/dumpFilePath"
    WriteManager wm = new WriteManager(new IdUserGroup(config), config, false);
    assertTrue(wm.addOpenFileStream(h, ctx));
    // Test inactive open file context
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      Nfs3 nfs3 = new Nfs3(config);
      nfsd = (RpcProgramNfs3) nfs3.getRpcProgram();

      HdfsFileStatus status = client.getFileInfo("/");
      FileHandle rootHandle = new FileHandle(status.getFileId());
      // Create file1
      CREATE3Request createReq = new CREATE3Request(rootHandle, "file1",
          Nfs3Constant.CREATE_UNCHECKED, new SetAttr3(), 0);
      XDR createXdr = new XDR();
      CREATE3Response createRsp = nfsd.create(createXdr.asReadOnlyWrap(),
          securityHandler, new InetSocketAddress("localhost", 1234));
      FileHandle handle = createRsp.getObjHandle();

      // Test DATA_SYNC
      byte[] buffer = new byte[10];
      for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        buffer[i] = (byte) i;
      WRITE3Request writeReq = new WRITE3Request(handle, 0, 10,
          WriteStableHow.DATA_SYNC, ByteBuffer.wrap(buffer));
      XDR writeXdr = new XDR();
      nfsd.write(writeXdr.asReadOnlyWrap(), null, 1, securityHandler,
          new InetSocketAddress("localhost", 1234));

      waitWrite(nfsd, handle, 60000);

      // Readback
      READ3Request readReq = new READ3Request(handle, 0, 10);
      XDR readXdr = new XDR();
      READ3Response readRsp =,
          securityHandler, new InetSocketAddress("localhost", 1234));

      assertTrue(Arrays.equals(buffer, readRsp.getData().array()));

      // Test FILE_SYNC

      // Create file2
      CREATE3Request createReq2 = new CREATE3Request(rootHandle, "file2",
          Nfs3Constant.CREATE_UNCHECKED, new SetAttr3(), 0);
      XDR createXdr2 = new XDR();
      CREATE3Response createRsp2 = nfsd.create(createXdr2.asReadOnlyWrap(),
          securityHandler, new InetSocketAddress("localhost", 1234));
      FileHandle handle2 = createRsp2.getObjHandle();

      WRITE3Request writeReq2 = new WRITE3Request(handle2, 0, 10,
          WriteStableHow.FILE_SYNC, ByteBuffer.wrap(buffer));
      XDR writeXdr2 = new XDR();
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Related Classes of io.apigee.trireme.core.modules.AsyncFilesystem$FileHandle

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