Examples of InvokingContext

Examples of org.apache.camel.component.cxf.invoker.InvokingContext

            if (ex == null) {
                ex = new ExchangeImpl();
            assert ex != null;
            InvokingContext invokingContext = ex.get(InvokingContext.class);
            if (invokingContext == null) {
                invokingContext = InvokingContextFactory.createContext(dataFormat);
                ex.put(InvokingContext.class, invokingContext);
            Map<Class, Object> params = invokingContext.getRequestContent(inMessage);
            // invoke the stream message with the exchange context
            CxfClient cxfClient = (CxfClient)client;
            // need to get the binding object to create the message
            BindingOperationInfo boi = ex.get(BindingOperationInfo.class);
            Message response = null;
            if (boi == null) {
                // it should be the raw message
                response = new MessageImpl();
            } else {
                // create the message here
                Endpoint ep = ex.get(Endpoint.class);
                response = ep.getBinding().createMessage();
            // invoke the message prepare the context
            Map<String, Object> context = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            Map<String, Object> responseContext = CxfBinding.propogateContext(inMessage, context);

            Object result = cxfClient.dispatch(params, context, ex);
            invokingContext.setResponseContent(response, result);
            // copy the response context to the response
            CxfBinding.storeCXfResponseContext(response, responseContext);
            CxfBinding.storeCxfResponse(endpoint.getHeaderFilterStrategy(), exchange, response);

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Examples of org.apache.camel.component.cxf.invoker.InvokingContext

            if (ex == null) {
                ex = new ExchangeImpl();
            ObjectHelper.notNull(ex, "exchange");
            InvokingContext invokingContext = ex.get(InvokingContext.class);
            if (invokingContext == null) {
                invokingContext = InvokingContextFactory.createContext(dataFormat);
                ex.put(InvokingContext.class, invokingContext);
            Map<Class, Object> params = invokingContext.getRequestContent(inMessage);
            // invoke the stream message with the exchange context
            CxfClient cxfClient = (CxfClient)client;
            // need to get the binding object to create the message
            BindingOperationInfo boi = ex.get(BindingOperationInfo.class);
            Message response = null;
            if (boi == null) {
                // it should be the raw message
                response = new MessageImpl();
            } else {
                // create the message here
                Endpoint ep = ex.get(Endpoint.class);
                response = ep.getBinding().createMessage();
            // invoke the message prepare the context
            Map<String, Object> context = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            Map<String, Object> responseContext = CxfBinding.propogateContext(inMessage, context);

            Object result = cxfClient.dispatch(params, context, ex);
            invokingContext.setResponseContent(response, result);
            // copy the response context to the response
            CxfBinding.storeCXfResponseContext(response, responseContext);
            CxfBinding.storeCxfResponse(endpoint.getHeaderFilterStrategy(), exchange, response);

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Examples of org.apache.camel.component.cxf.invoker.InvokingContext

                if (ex == null) {
                    ex = new ExchangeImpl();
                assert ex != null;
                InvokingContext invokingContext = ex.get(InvokingContext.class);
                if (invokingContext == null) {
                    invokingContext = InvokingContextFactory.createContext(dataFormat);
                    ex.put(InvokingContext.class, invokingContext);
                Map params = invokingContext.getRequestContent(inMessage);
                // invoke the stream message with the exchange context
                CxfClient cxfClient = (CxfClient)client;
                // need to get the binding object to create the message
                BindingOperationInfo boi = ex.get(BindingOperationInfo.class);
                Message response = null;
                if (boi == null) {
                    // it should be the raw message
                    response = new MessageImpl();
                } else {
                    // create the message here
                    Endpoint ep = ex.get(Endpoint.class);
                    response = ep.getBinding().createMessage();
                // invoke the message prepare the context
                Map<String, Object> context = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                Map<String, Object> requestContext = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                Map<String, Object> responseContext = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                // TODO Get the requestContext from the CamelExchange
                context.put(CxfClient.REQUEST_CONTEXT, requestContext);
                context.put(CxfClient.RESPONSE_CONTEXT, responseContext);
                try {
                    Object result = cxfClient.dispatch(params, context, ex);
                    invokingContext.setResponseContent(response, result);
                    // copy the response context to the response
                    cxfBinding.storeCxfResponse(exchange, response);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    response.setContent(Exception.class, e);
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Examples of org.apache.camel.component.cxf.invoker.InvokingContext

            if (ex == null) {
                ex = new ExchangeImpl();
            ObjectHelper.notNull(ex, "exchange");
            InvokingContext invokingContext = ex.get(InvokingContext.class);
            if (invokingContext == null) {
                invokingContext = InvokingContextFactory.createContext(dataFormat);
                ex.put(InvokingContext.class, invokingContext);
            Map<Class, Object> params = invokingContext.getRequestContent(inMessage);
            // invoke the stream message with the exchange context
            CxfClient cxfClient = (CxfClient)client;
            // need to get the BindingOperationInfo object to create the message
            BindingOperationInfo boi = getBindingOperationInfo(exchange);
            Message response = null;
            if (boi == null) {
                // it should be the raw message
                response = new MessageImpl();
            } else {
                // create the message here
                Endpoint ep = ex.get(Endpoint.class);
                response = ep.getBinding().createMessage();
                // set the BindingOperationInfo object here
                ex.put(BindingOperationInfo.class, boi);
            // invoke the message prepare the context
            Map<String, Object> context = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            Map<String, Object> responseContext = CxfBinding.propogateContext(exchange, context);

            Object result = cxfClient.dispatch(params, context, ex);
            invokingContext.setResponseContent(response, result);
            // copy the response context to the response
            CxfBinding.storeCXfResponseContext(response, responseContext);
            CxfBinding.storeCxfResponse(endpoint.getHeaderFilterStrategy(), exchange, response);
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Examples of org.apache.camel.component.cxf.invoker.InvokingContext

            if (ex == null) {
                ex = new ExchangeImpl();
            ObjectHelper.notNull(ex, "exchange");
            InvokingContext invokingContext = ex.get(InvokingContext.class);
            if (invokingContext == null) {
                invokingContext = InvokingContextFactory.createContext(dataFormat);
                ex.put(InvokingContext.class, invokingContext);
            Map<Class, Object> params = invokingContext.getRequestContent(inMessage);
            // invoke the stream message with the exchange context
            CxfClient cxfClient = (CxfClient)client;
            // need to get the binding object to create the message
            BindingOperationInfo boi = ex.get(BindingOperationInfo.class);
            Message response = null;
            if (boi == null) {
                // it should be the raw message
                response = new MessageImpl();
            } else {
                // create the message here
                Endpoint ep = ex.get(Endpoint.class);
                response = ep.getBinding().createMessage();
            // invoke the message prepare the context
            Map<String, Object> context = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            Map<String, Object> responseContext = CxfBinding.propogateContext(exchange, context);

            Object result = cxfClient.dispatch(params, context, ex);
            invokingContext.setResponseContent(response, result);
            // copy the response context to the response
            CxfBinding.storeCXfResponseContext(response, responseContext);
            CxfBinding.storeCxfResponse(endpoint.getHeaderFilterStrategy(), exchange, response);
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Examples of org.apache.camel.component.cxf.invoker.InvokingContext

        BindingOperationInfo boi = exchange.get(BindingOperationInfo.class);
        if (boi != null) {
            exchange.put(BindingMessageInfo.class, boi.getOutput());

        InvokingContext invokingContext = exchange.get(InvokingContext.class);
        assert invokingContext != null;
        InterceptorChain chain = invokingContext.getResponseOutInterceptorChain(exchange);
        if (chain != null) {
            //Initiate the OutBound Chain.
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Examples of org.apache.camel.component.cxf.invoker.InvokingContext

            } else {
                // get the invocation context
                org.apache.cxf.message.Exchange ex = exchange.getExchange();
                InvokingContext invokingContext = ex.get(InvokingContext.class);
                Object params = invokingContext.getRequestContent(inMessage);
                // invoke the stream message with the exchange context
                CxfClient cxfClient = (CxfClient) client;
                // invoke the message
                //TODO need setup the call context here
                //TODO need to handle the one way message
                Object result = cxfClient.dispatch(params, null, ex);
                // need to get the binding object to create the message
                BindingOperationInfo boi = ex.get(BindingOperationInfo.class);
                Message response = null;               
                if (boi == null) {
                    // it should be the raw message                   
                    response = new MessageImpl();
                } else {
                    // create the message here
                    Endpoint ep = ex.get(Endpoint.class);                   
                    response = ep.getBinding().createMessage();
                invokingContext.setResponseContent(response, result);
                cxfBinding.storeCxfResponse(exchange, response);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            //TODO add the falut message handling work
            throw new RuntimeCamelException(e);
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Examples of org.apache.camel.component.cxf.invoker.InvokingContext

            exchange = new ExchangeImpl();
        setExchangeProperties(exchange, message);
        InvokingContext invokingContext = exchange.get(InvokingContext.class);
        assert invokingContext != null;
        invokingContext.setEndpointFaultObservers((EndpointImpl)endpoint, bus);
        if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
            LOG.finest("Build inbound interceptor chain and inject routing interceptor");
        // now we just support the raw message and the payload message
        PhaseInterceptorChain chain = invokingContext.getRequestInInterceptorChain(exchange);

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Examples of org.apache.camel.component.cxf.invoker.InvokingContext

                if (ex == null) {
                    ex = new ExchangeImpl();
                assert ex != null;
                InvokingContext invokingContext = ex.get(InvokingContext.class);
                if (invokingContext == null) {
                    invokingContext = InvokingContextFactory.createContext(dataFormat);
                    ex.put(InvokingContext.class, invokingContext);
                Map<Class, Object> params = invokingContext.getRequestContent(inMessage);
                // invoke the stream message with the exchange context
                CxfClient cxfClient = (CxfClient)client;
                // need to get the binding object to create the message
                BindingOperationInfo boi = ex.get(BindingOperationInfo.class);
                Message response = null;
                if (boi == null) {
                    // it should be the raw message
                    response = new MessageImpl();
                } else {
                    // create the message here
                    Endpoint ep = ex.get(Endpoint.class);
                    response = ep.getBinding().createMessage();
                // invoke the message prepare the context
                Map<String, Object> context = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                Map<String, Object> responseContext = CxfBinding.propogateContext(inMessage, context);
                try {
                    Object result = cxfClient.dispatch(params, context, ex);
                    invokingContext.setResponseContent(response, result);
                    // copy the response context to the response
                    CxfBinding.storeCXfResponseContext(response, responseContext);
                    CxfBinding.storeCxfResponse(exchange, response);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    response.setContent(Exception.class, e);
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