Examples of Invoker

Examples of com.alibaba.dubbo.rpc.Invoker

    public void testSelect_Invokersize0() throws Exception {
            Invoker invoker = cluster.select(null,null,null,null);
            Assert.assertEquals(null, invoker);
            Invoker invoker = cluster.select(null,null,invokers,null);
            Assert.assertEquals(null, invoker);

Examples of com.sun.xml.ws.api.server.Invoker

        wsu.configureJAXWSServiceHandlers(endpoint, givenBinding,

        // Create the jaxws2.1 invoker and use this
        Invoker inv;
  if (serviceEndpointClass.getAnnotation(Stateful.class) == null) {
    //use our own InstanceResolver that does not call @PostConstuct method before
    //@Resource injections have happened.
    inv = (new InstanceResolverImpl(serviceEndpointClass)).createInvoker();
  } else {

Examples of com.thoughtworks.proxy.Invoker

      if (type.getDeclaringClass() != null && !Modifier.isStatic(type.getModifiers())) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot mock non-static inner class " + type.getName());
        return (Mock) new CglibProxyFactory().createProxy(new Class[]{type, Mock.class, ExpectationRegistry.class},
                new Invoker() {
        final ClassMockObject mock = new ClassMockObject(type, name);

            public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
                try {
                    Class targetClass = method.getDeclaringClass();

Examples of edu.indiana.extreme.xbaya.jython.lib.invoker.Invoker

                  new File(".").toURI(), new URI(this.dynamicFactoryWSDLLocation));

      // Create Invoker
      //FIXME: Should pass the right leadcontext header for last argument
      Invoker invoker = InvokerFactory.createInvoker(new QName("http://extreme.indiana.edu", "ServiceCreatorPortType"),
              definitions, null,
              null, null);

      invoker.setInput("classAsString", code);
      Object contextPath = invoker.getOutput("return");
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new XBayaException(e);

Examples of net.infopeers.restrant.engine.Invoker

    if (logger.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {

    try {
      Invoker invoker = getInvoker(req);
      invoker.invoke(req, resp);
    } catch (ResourceNotFoundException e) {
      logger.log(Level.WARNING, e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      logger.log(Level.WARNING, e.getMessage(), e);

Examples of org.apache.airavata.xbaya.invoker.Invoker

        String[] vals = returnValForProvenance.toString().split(",");
    } else {
      Invoker workflowInvoker = invokerMap
      if (workflowInvoker != null) {
        if (workflowInvoker instanceof GenericInvoker) {

          returnValForProvenance = ((GenericInvoker) workflowInvoker)
          String message = returnValForProvenance.toString();

          XmlElement msgElmt = XmlConstants.BUILDER
          Iterator children = msgElmt.children().iterator();
          while (children.hasNext()) {
            Object object = children.next();
            // foreachWSNode.getInputPort(0).getType()
            if (object instanceof XmlElement) {
              // TODO fix for simple type - Done
        } else if (workflowInvoker instanceof WorkflowInvokerWrapperForGFacInvoker) {
          String outputName = forEachInputNode.getOutputPort(0)
          returnValForProvenance = workflowInvoker
          org.xmlpull.v1.builder.XmlElement msgElmt = (org.xmlpull.v1.builder.XmlElement) returnValForProvenance;
          Iterator children = msgElmt.children();
          while (children.hasNext()) {
            Object object = children.next();
            if (object instanceof org.xmlpull.v1.builder.XmlElement) {
              org.xmlpull.v1.builder.XmlElement child = (org.xmlpull.v1.builder.XmlElement) object;
              Iterator valItr = child.children();
              if (valItr.hasNext()) {
                Object object2 = valItr.next();
                if (object2 instanceof String) {
        } else if (workflowInvoker instanceof SystemComponentInvoker) {
          String outputName = forEachInputNode.getOutputPort(0)
          returnValForProvenance = workflowInvoker
          XmlElement msgElmt = XmlConstants.BUILDER
                  + returnValForProvenance + "</temp>");
          Iterator valItr = msgElmt.children().iterator();

Examples of org.apache.airavata.xbaya.invoker.Invoker

    if (fromNode instanceof InputNode) {
      outputVal = ((InputNode) fromNode).getDefaultValue();
    } else if (fromNode instanceof ConstantNode) {
      outputVal = ((ConstantNode) fromNode).getValue();
    } else if (fromNode instanceof EndifNode) {
      Invoker fromInvoker = invokerMap.get(fromNode);
      outputVal = fromInvoker.getOutput(inputPort.getFromPort().getID());
    } else if (fromNode instanceof InstanceNode) {
      return ((InstanceNode) fromNode).getOutputInstanceId();
    } else if (fromNode instanceof EndForEachNode) {
      outputVal = "";
      Invoker workflowInvoker = invokerMap.get(fromNode);
      String outputName = fromNode.getOutputPort(0).getName();
      XmlElement msgElmt = XmlConstants.BUILDER
              + workflowInvoker.getOutput(outputName) + "</temp>");
      Iterator valItr = msgElmt.children().iterator();
      while (valItr.hasNext()) {
        Object object2 = valItr.next();
        if (object2 instanceof XmlElement) {
          outputVal = outputVal
              + ","
              + ((XmlElement) object2).children().iterator()
      outputVal = ((String) outputVal).substring(1,
          ((String) outputVal).length());
    } else {
      Invoker fromInvoker = invokerMap.get(fromNode);
      try {
        if (fromInvoker != null)
          outputVal = fromInvoker.getOutput(inputPort.getFromPort()

      } catch (Exception e) {
        // if the value is still null look it up from the inputport name
        // because the value is set to the input port name at some point
        // there is no harm in doing this
        if (null == outputVal) {
          outputVal = fromInvoker.getOutput(inputPort.getName());

    return outputVal;

Examples of org.apache.airavata.xbaya.invoker.Invoker

                    String[] vals = returnValForProvenance.toString().split(",");
            } else {
                Invoker workflowInvoker = invokerMap.get(inputNode);
                if (workflowInvoker != null) {
                    if (workflowInvoker instanceof GenericInvoker) {

                        String outputName = inputNode.getOutputPort(0).getName();
                        returnValForProvenance = workflowInvoker.getOutput(outputName);
            Iterator children = null;
            if (returnValForProvenance instanceof org.xmlpull.v1.builder.XmlElement) {
              org.xmlpull.v1.builder.XmlElement msgElmt = (org.xmlpull.v1.builder.XmlElement) returnValForProvenance;
              children = msgElmt.children();
            } else {
              XmlElement msgElmt = XmlConstants.BUILDER.parseFragmentFromString("<temp>" + returnValForProvenance + "</temp>");
              children = msgElmt.children().iterator();
                        while (children.hasNext()) {
                            Object object = children.next();
                            if (object instanceof org.xmlpull.v1.builder.XmlElement) {
                                org.xmlpull.v1.builder.XmlElement child = (org.xmlpull.v1.builder.XmlElement) object;
                                Iterator valItr = child.children();
                                if (valItr.hasNext()) {
                                    Object object2 = valItr.next();
                                    if (object2 instanceof String) {
                            if (object instanceof XmlElement) {
                                listOfValues.add(((XmlElement) object).children().iterator().next().toString());
                            }if (object instanceof String){
                    } else if (workflowInvoker instanceof SystemComponentInvoker) {
                        int index = inputNode.getOutputPorts().indexOf(inputPort.getEdge(0).getFromPort());
                        String outputName = "";
                        if (inputNode.getInputPort(index) instanceof SystemDataPort) {
                            outputName = ((SystemDataPort) inputNode.getInputPort(index)).getWSComponentPort().getName();
                        } else if (inputNode.getInputPort(index) instanceof WSPort) {
                            outputName = ((SystemDataPort) inputNode.getInputPort(inputNode.getOutputPorts().indexOf(
                        returnValForProvenance = workflowInvoker.getOutput(outputName);
                        XmlElement msgElmt = XmlConstants.BUILDER.parseFragmentFromString("<temp>" + returnValForProvenance + "</temp>");
                        Iterator valItr = msgElmt.children().iterator();
                        while (valItr.hasNext()) {
                            Object object2 = valItr.next();
                            if (object2 instanceof XmlElement) {

Examples of org.apache.airavata.xbaya.invoker.Invoker

        } else if (fromNode instanceof ConstantNode) {
            outputVal = ((ConstantNode) fromNode).getValue();
        } else if (fromNode instanceof DifferedInputNode && ((DifferedInputNode) fromNode).isConfigured()) {
            outputVal = ((DifferedInputNode) fromNode).getDefaultValue();
        } else if (fromNode instanceof EndifNode || fromNode instanceof DoWhileNode  || fromNode instanceof EndDoWhileNode) {
            Invoker fromInvoker = invokerMap.get(fromNode);
            outputVal = fromInvoker.getOutput(inputPort.getFromPort().getID());
        } else if (fromNode instanceof InstanceNode) {
            return ((InstanceNode) fromNode).getOutputInstanceId();
        } else if (fromNode instanceof EndForEachNode) {
            outputVal = "";
            Invoker workflowInvoker = invokerMap.get(fromNode);
            String outputName = "";
            if (inputPort instanceof SystemDataPort) {
                outputName = ((SystemDataPort) inputPort).getWSComponentPort().getName();

            } else if (inputPort instanceof WSPort) {
                outputName = ((SystemDataPort) fromNode.getInputPort(fromNode.getOutputPorts().indexOf(inputPort.getEdge(0).getFromPort())))
            XmlElement msgElmt = XmlConstants.BUILDER.parseFragmentFromString("<temp>" + workflowInvoker.getOutput(outputName) + "</temp>");
            Iterator valItr = msgElmt.children().iterator();
            while (valItr.hasNext()) {
                Object object2 = valItr.next();
                if (object2 instanceof XmlElement) {

                    if (((XmlElement) object2).children().iterator().hasNext()) {
                        outputVal = outputVal + "," + ((XmlElement) object2).children().iterator().next().toString();

            if (((String) outputVal).length() == 0) {
                throw new WorkflowException("Empty Output Generated");
            outputVal = ((String) outputVal).substring(1, ((String) outputVal).length());
        } else {
            Invoker fromInvoker = invokerMap.get(fromNode);
            try {
                if (fromInvoker != null)
                    outputVal = fromInvoker.getOutput(inputPort.getFromPort().getName());

            } catch (Exception e) {
                // if the value is still null look it up from the inputport name
                // because the value is set to the input port name at some point
                // there is no harm in doing this
                if (null == outputVal) {
                    outputVal = fromInvoker.getOutput(inputPort.getName());

        return outputVal;

Examples of org.apache.airavata.xbaya.invoker.Invoker

                    throw new WorkFlowInterpreterException("Unable to find input for the node:" + forEachNode.getID());
                String[] vals = returnValForProvenance.toString().split(",");
                inputNumbers[inputPorts.indexOf(forEachInputPort)] = vals.length;
            } else {
                Invoker workflowInvoker = invokerMap.get(forEachInputNode);
                if (workflowInvoker != null) {
                    if (workflowInvoker instanceof GenericInvoker) {

                        returnValForProvenance = ((GenericInvoker) workflowInvoker).getOutputs();
                        String message = returnValForProvenance.toString();

                        XmlElement msgElmt = XmlConstants.BUILDER.parseFragmentFromString(message);
                        Iterator children = msgElmt.children().iterator();
                        while (children.hasNext()) {
                            Object object = children.next();
                            // foreachWSNode.getInputPort(0).getType()
                            if (object instanceof XmlElement) {
                    } else if (workflowInvoker instanceof WorkflowInvokerWrapperForGFacInvoker) {
                        String outputName = forEachInputNode.getOutputPort(0).getName();
                        returnValForProvenance = workflowInvoker.getOutput(outputName);
                        org.xmlpull.v1.builder.XmlElement msgElmt = (org.xmlpull.v1.builder.XmlElement) returnValForProvenance;
                        Iterator children = msgElmt.children();
                        while (children.hasNext()) {
                            Object object = children.next();
                            if (object instanceof org.xmlpull.v1.builder.XmlElement) {
                                org.xmlpull.v1.builder.XmlElement child = (org.xmlpull.v1.builder.XmlElement) object;
                                Iterator valItr = child.children();
                                if (valItr.hasNext()) {
                                    Object object2 = valItr.next();
                                    if (object2 instanceof String) {
                        inputNumbers[inputPorts.indexOf(forEachInputPort)] = index;
                    } else if (workflowInvoker instanceof SystemComponentInvoker) {
                        int portIndex = forEachInputNode.getOutputPorts().indexOf(forEachInputPort.getEdge(0).getFromPort());
                        String outputName = "";
                        if (forEachInputNode.getInputPort(portIndex) instanceof SystemDataPort) {
                            outputName = ((SystemDataPort) forEachInputNode.getInputPort(portIndex)).getWSComponentPort().getName();
                        } else if (forEachInputNode.getInputPort(portIndex) instanceof WSPort) {
                            outputName = ((WSPort) forEachInputNode.getInputPort(portIndex)).getComponentPort().getName();
                        returnValForProvenance = workflowInvoker.getOutput(outputName);
                        XmlElement msgElmt = XmlConstants.BUILDER.parseFragmentFromString("<temp>" + returnValForProvenance + "</temp>");
                        Iterator valItr = msgElmt.children().iterator();
                        while (valItr.hasNext()) {
                            Object object2 = valItr.next();
                            if (object2 instanceof XmlElement) {
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