Examples of InvalidPageStructureException

Examples of com.persistit.exception.InvalidPageStructureException

        _timestamp = getLong(TIMESTAMP_OFFSET);

        if (_page != 0) {
            final int type = getByte(TYPE_OFFSET);
            if (type > PAGE_TYPE_MAX) {
                throw new InvalidPageStructureException("Invalid type " + type);
            _type = type;

            if (type == PAGE_TYPE_UNALLOCATED) {
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Examples of com.persistit.exception.InvalidPageStructureException


        if (splitBest == 0) {
            throw new InvalidPageStructureException("Can't split page " + this + " exact=" + exact + " insertAt="
                    + foundAtPosition + " currentSize=" + currentSize + " virtualSize=" + virtualSize + " leftSize="
                    + leftSize);
        // Now move the keys and records.
        final byte[] indexKeyBytes = indexKey.getEncodedBytes();
        final int splitAtPosition = splitAt & P_MASK;

        final boolean lastLeft = (splitAt & EXACT_MASK) != 0;
        final boolean firstRight = !lastLeft && splitAtPosition == foundAtPosition;
        int indexKeyDepth = 0;
        // First we need to compute the full key in the right sibling page.
        int scanStart = KEY_BLOCK_START;
        if (foundAtPosition <= splitAt) {
            // We know that the value of key is at or before foundAt, so we
            // can just copy the bytes from key and avoid scanning the records
            // to the left of foundAt.
            scanStart = foundAtPosition;
            indexKeyDepth = key.getEncodedSize();
            System.arraycopy(key.getEncodedBytes(), 0, indexKeyBytes, 0, indexKeyDepth);
        // If we are inserting the new key as the first key of the right
        // page, then do not scan because the insert key is the same as the
        // split key.
        if (!firstRight) {
            for (int p = scanStart; p <= splitAtPosition; p += KEYBLOCK_LENGTH) {
                final int kbData = getInt(p);
                final int ebc = decodeKeyBlockEbc(kbData);
                final int db = decodeKeyBlockDb(kbData);
                final int tail = decodeKeyBlockTail(kbData);
                if (ebc > indexKeyDepth) {
                    throw new InvalidPageStructureException("ebc at " + p + " ebc=" + ebc + " > indexKeyDepth="
                            + indexKeyDepth);
                indexKeyDepth = ebc;
                indexKeyBytes[indexKeyDepth++] = (byte) db;
                final int tbData = getInt(tail);
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Examples of com.persistit.exception.InvalidPageStructureException


    PersistitException verify(Key key, final VerifyVisitor visitor) {
        try {
            if (_page == 0) {
                return new InvalidPageStructureException("head page is neither a data page nor an index page");
            if (!isIndexPage() && !isDataPage()) {
                return new InvalidPageStructureException("page type " + _type
                        + " is neither data page nor an index page");
            if (key == null) {
                key = new Key(_persistit);

            final byte[] kb = key.getEncodedBytes();
            final int[] plan = getRepackPlanBuffer();
            for (int index = 0; index < plan.length; index++) {
                plan[index] = 0;

            if (visitor != null) {
                visitor.visitPage(getTimestamp(), getVolume(), getPageAddress(), getPageType(), getBufferSize(),
                        getKeyBlockStart(), getKeyBlockEnd(), getAlloc(), getAvailableSize(), getRightSibling());

            for (int p = KEY_BLOCK_START; p < _keyBlockEnd; p += KEYBLOCK_LENGTH) {
                final int kbData = getInt(p);
                final int db = decodeKeyBlockDb(kbData);
                final int ebc = decodeKeyBlockEbc(kbData);
                final int tail = decodeKeyBlockTail(kbData);

                if (p == KEY_BLOCK_START && ebc != 0) {
                    return new InvalidPageStructureException("invalid initial ebc " + ebc + " for keyblock at " + p
                            + " --[" + summarize() + "]");

                if (tail < _keyBlockEnd || tail < _alloc || tail > _bufferSize - _tailHeaderSize
                        || (tail & ~TAILBLOCK_MASK) != 0) {
                    return new InvalidPageStructureException("invalid tail block offset " + tail + " for keyblock at "
                            + p + " --[" + summarize() + "]");
                final int tbData = getInt(tail);
                final int klength = decodeTailBlockKLength(tbData);
                if ((tbData & TAILBLOCK_INUSE_MASK) == 0) {
                    return new InvalidPageStructureException("not in-use tail block offset " + tail
                            + " for keyblock at " + p + " --[" + summarize() + "]");
                // Verify that first key in this pages matches the final key
                // of the preceding page.
                if (p == KEY_BLOCK_START && key.getEncodedSize() != 0) {
                    int index = 0;
                    int compare = 0;
                    int size = key.getEncodedSize();
                    if (klength < size)
                        size = klength + 1;
                    compare = (kb[0] & 0xFF) - db;
                    while (compare == 0 && ++index < size) {
                        compare = (kb[index] & 0xFF) - (_bytes[tail + _tailHeaderSize + index - 1] & 0xFF);
                    if (compare != 0) {
                        final String s = compare < 0 ? "too big" : "too small";
                        return new InvalidPageStructureException("initial key " + s + " at offset " + index
                                + " for keyblock at " + p + " --[" + summarize() + "]");
                // Verify that successor keys follow in sequence.
                if (p > KEY_BLOCK_START && ebc < key.getEncodedSize()) {
                    final int dbPrev = kb[ebc] & 0xFF;
                    if (db < dbPrev) {
                        return new InvalidPageStructureException("db not greater: db=" + db + " dbPrev=" + dbPrev
                                + " for keyblock at " + p + " --[" + summarize() + "]");
                // If this is an index page, make sure the pointer isn't
                // redundant
                if (isIndexPage()) {
                    final int pointer = getInt(tail + 4);
                    if (visitor != null) {
                        visitor.visitIndexRecord(key, p, tail, klength, pointer);
                    if (pointer == -1) {
                        if (p + KEYBLOCK_LENGTH != _keyBlockEnd) {
                            return new InvalidPageStructureException("index pointer has pointer to -1 "
                                    + " for keyblock at " + p + " --[" + summarize() + "]");
                } else if (isDataPage()) {
                    final int size = decodeTailBlockSize(tbData);
                    final int offset = tail + _tailHeaderSize + klength;
                    final int length = size - klength - _tailHeaderSize;
                    if (visitor != null) {
                        visitor.visitDataRecord(key, p, tail, klength, offset, length, getBytes());

                    if (!MVV.verify(_bytes, offset, length)) {
                        throw new InvalidPageStructureException("invalid MVV record at offset/length=" + offset + "/"
                                + length);


                if (_pool != null && getKeyCount() > _pool.getMaxKeys()) {
                    return new InvalidPageStructureException("page has too many keys: has " + getKeyCount()
                            + " but max is " + _pool.getMaxKeys());

                kb[ebc] = (byte) db;
                System.arraycopy(_bytes, tail + _tailHeaderSize, kb, ebc + 1, klength);
                key.setEncodedSize(ebc + klength + 1);
                plan[tail / TAILBLOCK_FACTOR] = p;

            // Now check the free blocks

            final int formerBlock = _alloc;
            for (int tail = _alloc; tail < _bufferSize;) {
                if ((tail & ~TAILBLOCK_MASK) != 0 || tail < 0 || tail > _bufferSize) {
                    return new InvalidPageStructureException("Tail block at " + formerBlock + " is invalid");
                final int tbData = getInt(tail);
                final int size = decodeTailBlockSize(tbData);
                if (size <= ~TAILBLOCK_MASK || size >= _bufferSize - _keyBlockEnd) {
                    return new InvalidPageStructureException("Tailblock at " + tail + " has invalid size=" + size);
                if ((tbData & TAILBLOCK_INUSE_MASK) != 0) {
                    if (plan[tail / TAILBLOCK_FACTOR] == 0) {
                        return new InvalidPageStructureException("Tailblock at " + tail + " is in use, but no key "
                                + " block points to it.");
                    final int klength = decodeTailBlockKLength(tbData);
                        if (klength + _tailHeaderSize > size) {
                            return new InvalidPageStructureException("Tailblock at " + tail + " has klength=" + klength
                                    + " longer than size=" + size + " - headerSize=" + _tailHeaderSize);
                } else {
                    if (plan[tail / TAILBLOCK_FACTOR] != 0) {
                        return new InvalidPageStructureException("Tailblock at " + tail + " is marked free, but the "
                                + " key block at " + plan[tail / TAILBLOCK_FACTOR] + " points to it.");
                tail += ((size + ~TAILBLOCK_MASK) & TAILBLOCK_MASK);
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Examples of com.persistit.exception.InvalidPageStructureException

        _timestamp = getLong(TIMESTAMP_OFFSET);

        if (_page != 0) {
            final int type = getByte(TYPE_OFFSET);
            if (type > PAGE_TYPE_MAX) {
                throw new InvalidPageStructureException("Invalid type " + type);
            _type = type;

            if (type == PAGE_TYPE_UNALLOCATED) {
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Examples of com.persistit.exception.InvalidPageStructureException


        if (splitBest == 0) {
            throw new InvalidPageStructureException("Can't split page " + this + " exact=" + exact + " insertAt="
                    + foundAtPosition + " currentSize=" + currentSize + " virtualSize=" + virtualSize + " leftSize="
                    + leftSize);
        // Now move the keys and records.
        final byte[] indexKeyBytes = indexKey.getEncodedBytes();
        final int splitAtPosition = splitAt & P_MASK;

        final boolean lastLeft = (splitAt & EXACT_MASK) != 0;
        final boolean firstRight = !lastLeft && splitAtPosition == foundAtPosition;
        int indexKeyDepth = 0;
        // First we need to compute the full key in the right sibling page.
        int scanStart = KEY_BLOCK_START;
        if (foundAtPosition <= splitAt) {
            // We know that the value of key is at or before foundAt, so we
            // can just copy the bytes from key and avoid scanning the records
            // to the left of foundAt.
            scanStart = foundAtPosition;
            indexKeyDepth = key.getEncodedSize();
            System.arraycopy(key.getEncodedBytes(), 0, indexKeyBytes, 0, indexKeyDepth);
        // If we are inserting the new key as the first key of the right
        // page, then do not scan because the insert key is the same as the
        // split key.
        if (!firstRight) {
            for (int p = scanStart; p <= splitAtPosition; p += KEYBLOCK_LENGTH) {
                final int kbData = getInt(p);
                final int ebc = decodeKeyBlockEbc(kbData);
                final int db = decodeKeyBlockDb(kbData);
                final int tail = decodeKeyBlockTail(kbData);
                if (ebc > indexKeyDepth) {
                    throw new InvalidPageStructureException("ebc at " + p + " ebc=" + ebc + " > indexKeyDepth="
                            + indexKeyDepth);
                indexKeyDepth = ebc;
                indexKeyBytes[indexKeyDepth++] = (byte) db;
                final int tbData = getInt(tail);
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Examples of com.persistit.exception.InvalidPageStructureException


    PersistitException verify(Key key, final VerifyVisitor visitor) {
        try {
            if (_page == 0) {
                return new InvalidPageStructureException("head page is neither a data page nor an index page");
            if (!isIndexPage() && !isDataPage()) {
                return new InvalidPageStructureException("page type " + _type
                        + " is neither data page nor an index page");
            if (key == null) {
                key = new Key(_persistit);

            final byte[] kb = key.getEncodedBytes();
            final int[] plan = getRepackPlanBuffer();
            for (int index = 0; index < plan.length; index++) {
                plan[index] = 0;

            if (visitor != null) {
                visitor.visitPage(getTimestamp(), getVolume(), getPageAddress(), getPageType(), getBufferSize(),
                        getKeyBlockStart(), getKeyBlockEnd(), getAlloc(), getAvailableSize(), getRightSibling());

            for (int p = KEY_BLOCK_START; p < _keyBlockEnd; p += KEYBLOCK_LENGTH) {
                final int kbData = getInt(p);
                final int db = decodeKeyBlockDb(kbData);
                final int ebc = decodeKeyBlockEbc(kbData);
                final int tail = decodeKeyBlockTail(kbData);

                if (p == KEY_BLOCK_START && ebc != 0) {
                    return new InvalidPageStructureException("invalid initial ebc " + ebc + " for keyblock at " + p
                            + " --[" + summarize() + "]");

                if (tail < _keyBlockEnd || tail < _alloc || tail > _bufferSize - _tailHeaderSize
                        || (tail & ~TAILBLOCK_MASK) != 0) {
                    return new InvalidPageStructureException("invalid tail block offset " + tail + " for keyblock at "
                            + p + " --[" + summarize() + "]");
                final int tbData = getInt(tail);
                final int klength = decodeTailBlockKLength(tbData);
                if ((tbData & TAILBLOCK_INUSE_MASK) == 0) {
                    return new InvalidPageStructureException("not in-use tail block offset " + tail
                            + " for keyblock at " + p + " --[" + summarize() + "]");
                // Verify that first key in this pages matches the final key
                // of the preceding page.
                if (p == KEY_BLOCK_START && key.getEncodedSize() != 0) {
                    int index = 0;
                    int compare = 0;
                    int size = key.getEncodedSize();
                    if (klength < size)
                        size = klength + 1;
                    compare = (kb[0] & 0xFF) - db;
                    while (compare == 0 && ++index < size) {
                        compare = (kb[index] & 0xFF) - (_bytes[tail + _tailHeaderSize + index - 1] & 0xFF);
                    if (compare != 0) {
                        final String s = compare < 0 ? "too big" : "too small";
                        return new InvalidPageStructureException("initial key " + s + " at offset " + index
                                + " for keyblock at " + p + " --[" + summarize() + "]");
                // Verify that successor keys follow in sequence.
                if (p > KEY_BLOCK_START && ebc < key.getEncodedSize()) {
                    final int dbPrev = kb[ebc] & 0xFF;
                    if (db < dbPrev) {
                        return new InvalidPageStructureException("db not greater: db=" + db + " dbPrev=" + dbPrev
                                + " for keyblock at " + p + " --[" + summarize() + "]");
                // If this is an index page, make sure the pointer isn't
                // redundant
                if (isIndexPage()) {
                    final int pointer = getInt(tail + 4);
                    if (visitor != null) {
                        visitor.visitIndexRecord(key, p, tail, klength, pointer);
                    if (pointer == -1) {
                        if (p + KEYBLOCK_LENGTH != _keyBlockEnd) {
                            return new InvalidPageStructureException("index pointer has pointer to -1 "
                                    + " for keyblock at " + p + " --[" + summarize() + "]");
                } else if (isDataPage()) {
                    final int size = decodeTailBlockSize(tbData);
                    final int offset = tail + _tailHeaderSize + klength;
                    final int length = size - klength - _tailHeaderSize;
                    if (visitor != null) {
                        visitor.visitDataRecord(key, p, tail, klength, offset, length, getBytes());

                    if (!MVV.verify(_bytes, offset, length)) {
                        throw new InvalidPageStructureException("invalid MVV record at offset/length=" + offset + "/"
                                + length);


                if (_pool != null && getKeyCount() > _pool.getMaxKeys()) {
                    return new InvalidPageStructureException("page has too many keys: has " + getKeyCount()
                            + " but max is " + _pool.getMaxKeys());

                kb[ebc] = (byte) db;
                System.arraycopy(_bytes, tail + _tailHeaderSize, kb, ebc + 1, klength);
                key.setEncodedSize(ebc + klength + 1);
                plan[tail / TAILBLOCK_FACTOR] = p;

            // Now check the free blocks

            final int formerBlock = _alloc;
            for (int tail = _alloc; tail < _bufferSize;) {
                if ((tail & ~TAILBLOCK_MASK) != 0 || tail < 0 || tail > _bufferSize) {
                    return new InvalidPageStructureException("Tail block at " + formerBlock + " is invalid");
                final int tbData = getInt(tail);
                final int size = decodeTailBlockSize(tbData);
                if (size <= ~TAILBLOCK_MASK || size >= _bufferSize - _keyBlockEnd) {
                    return new InvalidPageStructureException("Tailblock at " + tail + " has invalid size=" + size);
                if ((tbData & TAILBLOCK_INUSE_MASK) != 0) {
                    if (plan[tail / TAILBLOCK_FACTOR] == 0) {
                        return new InvalidPageStructureException("Tailblock at " + tail + " is in use, but no key "
                                + " block points to it.");
                    final int klength = decodeTailBlockKLength(tbData);
                        if (klength + _tailHeaderSize > size) {
                            return new InvalidPageStructureException("Tailblock at " + tail + " has klength=" + klength
                                    + " longer than size=" + size + " - headerSize=" + _tailHeaderSize);
                } else {
                    if (plan[tail / TAILBLOCK_FACTOR] != 0) {
                        return new InvalidPageStructureException("Tailblock at " + tail + " is marked free, but the "
                                + " key block at " + plan[tail / TAILBLOCK_FACTOR] + " points to it.");
                tail += ((size + ~TAILBLOCK_MASK) & TAILBLOCK_MASK);
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Examples of com.persistit.exception.InvalidPageStructureException

        _timestamp = getLong(TIMESTAMP_OFFSET);

        if (_page != 0) {
            final int type = getByte(TYPE_OFFSET);
            if (type > PAGE_TYPE_MAX) {
                throw new InvalidPageStructureException("Invalid type " + type);
            _type = type;

            if (type == PAGE_TYPE_UNALLOCATED) {
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Examples of com.persistit.exception.InvalidPageStructureException


        if (splitBest == 0) {
            throw new InvalidPageStructureException("Can't split page " + this + " exact=" + exact + " insertAt="
                    + foundAtPosition + " currentSize=" + currentSize + " virtualSize=" + virtualSize + " leftSize="
                    + leftSize);
        // Now move the keys and records.
        final byte[] indexKeyBytes = indexKey.getEncodedBytes();
        final int splitAtPosition = splitAt & P_MASK;

        final boolean lastLeft = (splitAt & EXACT_MASK) != 0;
        final boolean firstRight = !lastLeft && splitAtPosition == foundAtPosition;
        int indexKeyDepth = 0;
        // First we need to compute the full key in the right sibling page.
        int scanStart = KEY_BLOCK_START;
        if (foundAtPosition <= splitAt) {
            // We know that the value of key is at or before foundAt, so we
            // can just copy the bytes from key and avoid scanning the records
            // to the left of foundAt.
            scanStart = foundAtPosition;
            indexKeyDepth = key.getEncodedSize();
            System.arraycopy(key.getEncodedBytes(), 0, indexKeyBytes, 0, indexKeyDepth);
        // If we are inserting the new key as the first key of the right
        // page, then do not scan because the insert key is the same as the
        // split key.
        if (!firstRight) {
            for (int p = scanStart; p <= splitAtPosition; p += KEYBLOCK_LENGTH) {
                final int kbData = getInt(p);
                final int ebc = decodeKeyBlockEbc(kbData);
                final int db = decodeKeyBlockDb(kbData);
                final int tail = decodeKeyBlockTail(kbData);
                if (ebc > indexKeyDepth) {
                    throw new InvalidPageStructureException("ebc at " + p + " ebc=" + ebc + " > indexKeyDepth="
                            + indexKeyDepth);
                indexKeyDepth = ebc;
                indexKeyBytes[indexKeyDepth++] = (byte) db;
                final int tbData = getInt(tail);
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Examples of com.persistit.exception.InvalidPageStructureException


    PersistitException verify(Key key, final VerifyVisitor visitor) {
        try {
            if (_page == 0) {
                return new InvalidPageStructureException("head page is neither a data page nor an index page");
            if (!isIndexPage() && !isDataPage()) {
                return new InvalidPageStructureException("page type " + _type
                        + " is neither data page nor an index page");
            if (key == null) {
                key = new Key(_persistit);

            final byte[] kb = key.getEncodedBytes();
            final int[] plan = getRepackPlanBuffer();
            for (int index = 0; index < plan.length; index++) {
                plan[index] = 0;

            if (visitor != null) {
                visitor.visitPage(getTimestamp(), getVolume(), getPageAddress(), getPageType(), getBufferSize(),
                        getKeyBlockStart(), getKeyBlockEnd(), getAlloc(), getAvailableSize(), getRightSibling());

            for (int p = KEY_BLOCK_START; p < _keyBlockEnd; p += KEYBLOCK_LENGTH) {
                final int kbData = getInt(p);
                final int db = decodeKeyBlockDb(kbData);
                final int ebc = decodeKeyBlockEbc(kbData);
                final int tail = decodeKeyBlockTail(kbData);

                if (p == KEY_BLOCK_START && ebc != 0) {
                    return new InvalidPageStructureException("invalid initial ebc " + ebc + " for keyblock at " + p
                            + " --[" + summarize() + "]");

                if (tail < _keyBlockEnd || tail < _alloc || tail > _bufferSize - _tailHeaderSize
                        || (tail & ~TAILBLOCK_MASK) != 0) {
                    return new InvalidPageStructureException("invalid tail block offset " + tail + " for keyblock at "
                            + p + " --[" + summarize() + "]");
                final int tbData = getInt(tail);
                final int klength = decodeTailBlockKLength(tbData);
                if ((tbData & TAILBLOCK_INUSE_MASK) == 0) {
                    return new InvalidPageStructureException("not in-use tail block offset " + tail
                            + " for keyblock at " + p + " --[" + summarize() + "]");
                // Verify that first key in this pages matches the final key
                // of the preceding page.
                if (p == KEY_BLOCK_START && key.getEncodedSize() != 0) {
                    int index = 0;
                    int compare = 0;
                    int size = key.getEncodedSize();
                    if (klength < size)
                        size = klength + 1;
                    compare = (kb[0] & 0xFF) - db;
                    while (compare == 0 && ++index < size) {
                        compare = (kb[index] & 0xFF) - (_bytes[tail + _tailHeaderSize + index - 1] & 0xFF);
                    if (compare != 0) {
                        final String s = compare < 0 ? "too big" : "too small";
                        return new InvalidPageStructureException("initial key " + s + " at offset " + index
                                + " for keyblock at " + p + " --[" + summarize() + "]");
                // Verify that successor keys follow in sequence.
                if (p > KEY_BLOCK_START && ebc < key.getEncodedSize()) {
                    final int dbPrev = kb[ebc] & 0xFF;
                    if (db < dbPrev) {
                        return new InvalidPageStructureException("db not greater: db=" + db + " dbPrev=" + dbPrev
                                + " for keyblock at " + p + " --[" + summarize() + "]");
                // If this is an index page, make sure the pointer isn't
                // redundant
                if (isIndexPage()) {
                    final int pointer = getInt(tail + 4);
                    if (visitor != null) {
                        visitor.visitIndexRecord(key, p, tail, klength, pointer);
                    if (pointer == -1) {
                        if (p + KEYBLOCK_LENGTH != _keyBlockEnd) {
                            return new InvalidPageStructureException("index pointer has pointer to -1 "
                                    + " for keyblock at " + p + " --[" + summarize() + "]");
                } else if (isDataPage()) {
                    final int size = decodeTailBlockSize(tbData);
                    final int offset = tail + _tailHeaderSize + klength;
                    final int length = size - klength - _tailHeaderSize;
                    if (visitor != null) {
                        visitor.visitDataRecord(key, p, tail, klength, offset, length, getBytes());

                    if (!MVV.verify(_bytes, offset, length)) {
                        throw new InvalidPageStructureException("invalid MVV record at offset/length=" + offset + "/"
                                + length);


                if (_pool != null && getKeyCount() > _pool.getMaxKeys()) {
                    return new InvalidPageStructureException("page has too many keys: has " + getKeyCount()
                            + " but max is " + _pool.getMaxKeys());

                kb[ebc] = (byte) db;
                System.arraycopy(_bytes, tail + _tailHeaderSize, kb, ebc + 1, klength);
                key.setEncodedSize(ebc + klength + 1);
                plan[tail / TAILBLOCK_FACTOR] = p;

            // Now check the free blocks

            final int formerBlock = _alloc;
            for (int tail = _alloc; tail < _bufferSize;) {
                if ((tail & ~TAILBLOCK_MASK) != 0 || tail < 0 || tail > _bufferSize) {
                    return new InvalidPageStructureException("Tail block at " + formerBlock + " is invalid");
                final int tbData = getInt(tail);
                final int size = decodeTailBlockSize(tbData);
                if (size <= ~TAILBLOCK_MASK || size >= _bufferSize - _keyBlockEnd) {
                    return new InvalidPageStructureException("Tailblock at " + tail + " has invalid size=" + size);
                if ((tbData & TAILBLOCK_INUSE_MASK) != 0) {
                    if (plan[tail / TAILBLOCK_FACTOR] == 0) {
                        return new InvalidPageStructureException("Tailblock at " + tail + " is in use, but no key "
                                + " block points to it.");
                    final int klength = decodeTailBlockKLength(tbData);
                        if (klength + _tailHeaderSize > size) {
                            return new InvalidPageStructureException("Tailblock at " + tail + " has klength=" + klength
                                    + " longer than size=" + size + " - headerSize=" + _tailHeaderSize);
                } else {
                    if (plan[tail / TAILBLOCK_FACTOR] != 0) {
                        return new InvalidPageStructureException("Tailblock at " + tail + " is marked free, but the "
                                + " key block at " + plan[tail / TAILBLOCK_FACTOR] + " points to it.");
                tail += ((size + ~TAILBLOCK_MASK) & TAILBLOCK_MASK);
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Examples of com.persistit.exception.InvalidPageStructureException

        _timestamp = getLong(TIMESTAMP_OFFSET);

        if (_page != 0) {
            final int type = getByte(TYPE_OFFSET);
            if (type > PAGE_TYPE_MAX) {
                throw new InvalidPageStructureException("Invalid type " + type);
            _type = type;

            if (type == PAGE_TYPE_UNALLOCATED) {
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