Examples of InvalidExpressionException

Examples of org.jboss.errai.codegen.exception.InvalidExpressionException

  public void assertCanBeApplied(MetaClass clazz) {
    if (!canBeApplied(clazz)) {
      throw new InvalidExpressionException("Not a valid type for operator '" +
          canonicalString + "': " + clazz.getFullyQualifiedName());
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Examples of org.jboss.errai.codegen.exception.InvalidExpressionException


  public void assertCanBeApplied(MetaClass clazz) {
    if (!canBeApplied(clazz)) {
      throw new InvalidExpressionException("Not a valid type for operator '" +
          canonicalString + "': " + clazz.getFullyQualifiedName());
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Examples of org.jboss.errai.codegen.framework.exception.InvalidExpressionException

  public void assertCanBeApplied(MetaClass clazz) {
    if (!canBeApplied(clazz)) {
      throw new InvalidExpressionException("Not a valid type for operator '" +
          canonicalString + "': " + clazz.getFullyQualifiedName());
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Examples of org.jboss.errai.codegen.framework.exception.InvalidExpressionException

  public void assertCanBeApplied(MetaClass clazz) {
    if (!canBeApplied(clazz)) {
      throw new InvalidExpressionException("Not a valid type for operator '" +
          canonicalString + "': " + clazz.getFullyQualifiedName());
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Examples of org.jboss.errai.ioc.rebind.ioc.codegen.exception.InvalidExpressionException

  public void assertCanBeApplied(MetaClass clazz) {
    if (!canBeApplied(clazz)) {
      throw new InvalidExpressionException("Not a valid type for operator '" +
          canonicalString + "': " + clazz.getFullyQualifiedName());
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Examples of org.mule.api.expression.InvalidExpressionException

        catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
            throw new InvalidExpressionException(expression, e.getMessage());

        final AtomicBoolean valid = new AtomicBoolean(true);
        final AtomicBoolean match = new AtomicBoolean(false);
        final StringBuffer message = new StringBuffer();
        parser.parse(new TemplateParser.TemplateCallback()
            public Object match(String token)
                if (token.indexOf(":") == -1)
                    if (valid.get())
                        valid.compareAndSet(true, false);
                    message.append(token).append(" is invalid\n");
                return null;
        }, expression);

        if (message.length() > 0)
            throw new InvalidExpressionException(expression, message.toString());
        else if(!match.get())
            throw new InvalidExpressionException(expression, "Expression string is not an expression.  Use isExpression(String) to validate first");
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Examples of org.mule.api.expression.InvalidExpressionException

        catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
            throw new InvalidExpressionException(expression, e.getMessage());

        final AtomicBoolean valid = new AtomicBoolean(true);
        final AtomicBoolean match = new AtomicBoolean(false);
        final StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
        parser.parse(new TemplateParser.TemplateCallback()
            public Object match(String token)
                if (!isEvaluatorExpression(token))
                    if (valid.get())
                        catch (InvalidExpressionException e)
                            valid.compareAndSet(true, false);
                            message.append(token).append(" is invalid\n");
                return null;
        }, expression);

        if (message.length() > 0)
            throw new InvalidExpressionException(expression, message.toString());
        else if (!match.get())
            throw new InvalidExpressionException(expression,
                "Expression string is not an expression.  Use isExpression(String) to validate first");
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Examples of org.mule.api.expression.InvalidExpressionException

        if (expression.startsWith(ExpressionManager.DEFAULT_EXPRESSION_PREFIX))
            if (!expression.endsWith(ExpressionManager.DEFAULT_EXPRESSION_POSTFIX))
                throw new InvalidExpressionException(expression, "Expression string is not an expression");
            expression = expression.substring(2, expression.length() - 1);

        catch (CompileException e)
            throw new InvalidExpressionException(expression, e.getMessage());
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Examples of org.rhq.core.domain.resource.group.InvalidExpressionException

            // allow empty lines, by simply ignoring them

        if (expression.contains("<"))
            throw new InvalidExpressionException("Expressions must not contain the '<' character");

        String condition;
        String value = null;

         * instead of building '= value' parsing into the below algorithm, let's chop this off early and store it; this
         * makes the rest of the parsing a bit simpler because some ParseContexts need the value immediately in order to
         * properly build up internal maps / constructs to be used in generating the requisite JPQL statement
         * however, since '=' can occur in the names of configuration properties and trait names, we need
         * to process from the end of the word skipping over all characters that are inside brackets
        int equalsIndex = -1;
        boolean insideBrackets = false;
        for (int i = expression.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            char next = expression.charAt(i);
            if (insideBrackets) {
                if (next == '[') {
                    insideBrackets = false;
            } else {
                if (next == ']') {
                    insideBrackets = true;
                } else if (next == '=') {
                    equalsIndex = i;

        if (equalsIndex == -1) {
            condition = expression;
        } else {
            condition = expression.substring(0, equalsIndex);
            value = expression.substring(equalsIndex + 1).trim();
            if (value.equals("")) {
                throw new InvalidExpressionException(INVALID_EXPRESSION_FORM_MSG);

         * the remainder of the passed expression should be in the form of '[groupBy] condition', so let's tokenize on
         * '.' and ' ' and continue the parse
        List<String> originalTokens = tokenizeCondition(condition);

        String[] tokens = new String[originalTokens.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
            tokens[i] = originalTokens.get(i).toLowerCase();
        log.debug("TOKENS: " + Arrays.asList(tokens));

         * build the normalized expression outside of the parse, to keep the parse code as clean as possible;
         * however, this string will be used to determine if the expression being added to this evaluator, based
         * on whether it's grouped or not, compared against all expressions seen so far, is valid
        StringBuilder normalizedSubExpressionBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        for (String subExpressionToken : tokens) {
            // do not add modifiers to the normalized expression
            if (subExpressionToken.equals("groupby")) {
            } else if (subExpressionToken.equals("memberof")) {
            } else if (subExpressionToken.equals("not")) {
            } else if (subExpressionToken.equals("empty")) {
        String normalizedSubExpression = normalizedSubExpressionBuilder.toString();

         * it's easier to code a quick solution when each ParseContext can ignore additional whitespace from the
         * original expression
        for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
            tokens[i] = tokens[i].trim();

        // setup some instance-level context data to be manipulated and leveraged during the parse
        context = ParseContext.BEGIN;
        subcontext = null;
        parseIndex = 0;
        isGroupBy = false; // this needs to be reset each time a new expression is added
        isMemberOf = false; // this needs to be reset each time a new expression is added
        comparisonType = ComparisonType.EQUALS; // assume equals, unless "(not) empty" found during the parse

        deepestResourceContext = null;
        expressionType = String.class;

        for (; parseIndex < tokens.length; parseIndex++) {
            String nextToken = tokens[parseIndex];

            if (context == ParseContext.BEGIN) {
                if (nextToken.equals("resource")) {
                    context = ParseContext.Resource;
                    deepestResourceContext = context;

                } else if (nextToken.equals("memberof")) {
                    context = ParseContext.Membership; // ensure proper expression termination
                    String groupName = value;

                    if (null == groupName || groupName.isEmpty() || "=".equals(groupName)) {
                        throw new InvalidExpressionException(INVALID_EXPRESSION_FORM_MSG);

                    validateSubExpressionAgainstPreviouslySeen(groupName, false, true);
                    isMemberOf = true;
                    populatePredicateCollections(null, groupName);

                } else if (nextToken.equals("groupby")) {
                    context = ParseContext.Modifier;
                    subcontext = ParseSubContext.Pivot;

                } else if (nextToken.equals("not")) {

                    context = ParseContext.Modifier;
                    subcontext = ParseSubContext.Negated;
                    // 'not' must be followed by 'empty' today, but we won't know until next parse iteration
                    // furthermore, we may support other forms of negated expressions in the future

                } else if (nextToken.equals("empty")) {
                    context = ParseContext.Modifier;
                    subcontext = ParseSubContext.Empty;

                } else {
                    throw new InvalidExpressionException(
                        "Expression must either start with 'resource', 'groupby', 'empty', or 'not empty' tokens");
            } else if (context == ParseContext.Modifier) {
                if (subcontext == ParseSubContext.Negated) {
                    if (nextToken.equals("empty")) {
                        subcontext = ParseSubContext.NotEmpty;
                    } else {
                        throw new InvalidExpressionException(
                            "Expression starting with 'not' must be followed by the 'empty' token");
                } else {
                    // first check for valid forms given the subcontext
                    if (subcontext == ParseSubContext.Pivot || subcontext == ParseSubContext.Empty
                        || subcontext == ParseSubContext.NotEmpty) {
                        if (value != null) {
                            // these specific types of 'modified' expressions must NOT HAVE "= <value>" part
                            throw new InvalidExpressionException(INVALID_EXPRESSION_FORM_MSG);

                    // then perform individual processing based on current subcontext
                    if (subcontext == ParseSubContext.Pivot) {
                        // validates the uniqueness of the subexpression after checking for INVALID_EXPRESSION_FORM_MSG
                        validateSubExpressionAgainstPreviouslySeen(normalizedSubExpression, true, false);
                        isGroupBy = true;
                        comparisonType = ComparisonType.NONE;
                    } else if (subcontext == ParseSubContext.NotEmpty) {
                        comparisonType = ComparisonType.NOT_EMPTY;
                    } else if (subcontext == ParseSubContext.Empty) {
                        comparisonType = ComparisonType.EMPTY;
                    } else {
                        throw new InvalidExpressionException("Unknown or unsupported ParseSubContext[" + subcontext
                            + "] for ParseContext[" + context + "]");

                    if (nextToken.equals("resource")) {
                        context = ParseContext.Resource;
                        deepestResourceContext = context;
                    } else {
                        throw new InvalidExpressionException(
                            "Grouped expressions must be followed by the 'resource' token");
            } else if (context == ParseContext.Resource) {
                if (comparisonType == ComparisonType.EQUALS) {
                    if (value == null) {
                        // EQUALS filter expressions must HAVE "= <value>" part
                        throw new InvalidExpressionException(INVALID_EXPRESSION_FORM_MSG);
                    validateSubExpressionAgainstPreviouslySeen(normalizedSubExpression, false, false);

                if (nextToken.equals("parent")) {
                    context = ParseContext.ResourceParent;
                    deepestResourceContext = context;
                } else if (nextToken.equals("grandparent")) {
                    context = ParseContext.ResourceGrandParent;
                    deepestResourceContext = context;
                } else if (nextToken.equals("greatgrandparent")) {
                    context = ParseContext.ResourceGreatGrandParent;
                    deepestResourceContext = context;
                } else if (nextToken.equals("greatgreatgrandparent")) {
                    context = ParseContext.ResourceGreatGreatGrandParent;
                    deepestResourceContext = context;
                } else if (nextToken.equals("child")) {
                    context = ParseContext.ResourceChild;
                    deepestResourceContext = context;
                } else {
                    parseExpression_resourceContext(value, tokens, nextToken);
            } else if ((context == ParseContext.ResourceParent) || (context == ParseContext.ResourceGrandParent)
                || (context == ParseContext.ResourceGreatGrandParent)
                || (context == ParseContext.ResourceGreatGreatGrandParent) || (context == ParseContext.ResourceChild)) {
                // since a parent or child *is* a resource, support the exact same processing
                parseExpression_resourceContext(value, tokens, nextToken);
            } else if (context == ParseContext.ResourceType) {
                if (nextToken.equals("plugin")) {
                    populatePredicateCollections(getResourceRelativeContextToken() + ".resourceType.plugin", value);
                } else if (nextToken.equals("name")) {
                    populatePredicateCollections(getResourceRelativeContextToken() + ".resourceType.name", value);
                } else if (nextToken.equals("category")) {
                    populatePredicateCollections(getResourceRelativeContextToken() + ".resourceType.category",
                        (value == null) ? null : ResourceCategory.valueOf(value.toUpperCase()));
                } else {
                    throw new InvalidExpressionException("Invalid 'type' subexpression: "
                        + PrintUtils.getDelimitedString(tokens, parseIndex, "."));
            } else if (context == ParseContext.Availability) {
                AvailabilityType type = null;
                if (isGroupBy == false) {
                    if (value == null) {
                        // pass through, NULL elements now supported
                    } else if ("up".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) {
                        type = AvailabilityType.UP;
                    } else if ("down".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) {
                        type = AvailabilityType.DOWN;
                    } else if ("disabled".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) {
                        type = AvailabilityType.DISABLED;
                    } else if ("unknown".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) {
                        type = AvailabilityType.UNKNOWN;
                    } else {
                        throw new InvalidExpressionException("Invalid 'resource.availability' comparision value, "
                            + "only 'UP''DOWN''DISABLED''UNKNOWN' are valid values");
                populatePredicateCollections(JoinCondition.AVAILABILITY.alias + ".availabilityType", type);
            } else if (context == ParseContext.Trait) {
                // SELECT res.id FROM Resource res JOIN res.schedules sched, sched.definition def, MeasurementDataTrait trait
                // WHERE def.name = :arg1 AND trait.value = :arg2 AND trait.schedule = sched AND trait.id.timestamp =
                // (SELECT max(mdt.id.timestamp) FROM MeasurementDataTrait mdt WHERE sched.id = mdt.schedule.id)
                String traitName = parseTraitName(originalTokens);
                populatePredicateCollections(METRIC_DEF_ALIAS + ".name", "%" + traitName + "%", false, false);
                populatePredicateCollections(TRAIT_ALIAS + ".value", value);
                whereStatics.add(TRAIT_ALIAS + ".schedule = " + JoinCondition.SCHEDULES.alias);
                    + ".id.timestamp = (SELECT max(mdt.id.timestamp) FROM MeasurementDataTrait mdt WHERE "
                    + JoinCondition.SCHEDULES.alias + ".id = mdt.schedule.id)");
            } else if (context == ParseContext.Configuration) {
                String prefix;
                JoinCondition joinCondition;
                JoinCondition definitionJoinCondition;

                if (subcontext == ParseSubContext.PluginConfiguration) {
                    prefix = "pluginconfiguration";
                    joinCondition = JoinCondition.PLUGIN_CONFIGURATION;
                    definitionJoinCondition = JoinCondition.PLUGIN_CONFIGURATION_DEFINITION;
                } else if (subcontext == ParseSubContext.ResourceConfiguration) {
                    prefix = "resourceconfiguration";
                    joinCondition = JoinCondition.RESOURCE_CONFIGURATION;
                    definitionJoinCondition = JoinCondition.RESOURCE_CONFIGURATION_DEFINITION;
                } else {
                    throw new InvalidExpressionException("Invalid 'configuration' subexpression: " + subcontext);

                String suffix = originalTokens.get(parseIndex).substring(prefix.length());
                if (suffix.length() < 3) {
                    throw new InvalidExpressionException("Unrecognized connection property '" + suffix + "'");

                if ((suffix.charAt(0) != '[') || (suffix.charAt(suffix.length() - 1) != ']')) {
                    throw new InvalidExpressionException("Property '" + suffix
                        + "' must be contained within '[' and ']' characters");

                String propertyName = suffix.substring(1, suffix.length() - 1);


                populatePredicateCollections(PROP_SIMPLE_ALIAS + ".name", propertyName, false, false);
                populatePredicateCollections(PROP_SIMPLE_ALIAS + ".stringValue", value);

                whereStatics.add(PROP_SIMPLE_ALIAS + ".configuration = " + joinCondition.alias);
                whereStatics.add(PROP_SIMPLE_DEF_ALIAS + ".configurationDefinition = " + definitionJoinCondition.alias);
                whereStatics.add(PROP_SIMPLE_ALIAS + ".name = " + PROP_SIMPLE_DEF_ALIAS + ".name");
                whereStatics.add(PROP_SIMPLE_DEF_ALIAS + ".type != 'PASSWORD'");

            } else if (context == ParseContext.StringMatch) {
                if (expressionType != String.class) {
                    throw new InvalidExpressionException(
                        "Can not apply a string function to an expression that resolves to "
                            + expressionType.getSimpleName());

                String lastArgumentName = getLastArgumentName();
                String argumentValue = (String) whereReplacements.get(lastArgumentName);

                if (nextToken.equals("startswith")) {
                    argumentValue = QueryUtility.escapeSearchParameter(argumentValue) + "%";
                } else if (nextToken.equals("endswith")) {
                    argumentValue = "%" + QueryUtility.escapeSearchParameter(argumentValue);
                } else if (nextToken.equals("contains")) {
                    argumentValue = "%" + QueryUtility.escapeSearchParameter(argumentValue) + "%";
                } else {
                    throw new InvalidExpressionException("Unrecognized string function '" + nextToken
                        + "' at end of condition");

                // fix the value replacement with the JPQL fragment that maps to the specified string function
                whereReplacements.put(lastArgumentName, argumentValue);

                context = ParseContext.END;
            } else if (context == ParseContext.END) {
                throw new InvalidExpressionException("Unrecognized tokens at end of expression");
            } else {
                throw new InvalidExpressionException("Unknown parse context: " + context);

        if (context.isExpressionTerminator() == false) {
            throw new InvalidExpressionException("Unexpected termination of expression");
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Examples of org.rhq.core.domain.resource.group.InvalidExpressionException

        } else if (nextToken.startsWith("resourceconfiguration")) {
            context = ParseContext.Configuration;
            subcontext = ParseSubContext.ResourceConfiguration;
            parseIndex--; // undo auto-inc, since this context requires element re-parse
        } else {
            throw new InvalidExpressionException("Invalid 'resource' subexpression: "
                + PrintUtils.getDelimitedString(tokens, parseIndex, "."));
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