Examples of InvalidConfigurationException

Examples of org.apache.geronimo.gbean.InvalidConfigurationException

        // if we have an attribute verify the gbean instance, name and types match
        if (attribute != null) {
            assert (gbeanInstance == attribute.gbeanInstance);
            assert (name.equals(attribute.name));
            if (type != attribute.type) {
                throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Special attribute " + name +
                        " must have the type " + type.getName() + ", but is " +
                        attribute.type.getName() + ": targetClass=" + gbeanInstance.getType().getName());
            if (attribute.isPersistent()) {
                throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Special attributes must not be persistent:" +
                        " name=" + name + ", targetClass=" + gbeanInstance.getType().getName());

        this.gbeanInstance = gbeanInstance;
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Examples of org.apache.geronimo.gbean.InvalidConfigurationException

        if (gbeanInstance == null || attributeInfo == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("null param(s) supplied");
        if (!attributeInfo.isReadable() && !attributeInfo.isWritable() && !attributeInfo.isPersistent() && !isConstructorArg)
            throw new InvalidConfigurationException("An attribute must be readable, writable, persistent or a constructor arg: " +
                    " name=" + attributeInfo.getName() + " targetClass=" + gbeanInstance.getType().getName());
        this.gbeanInstance = gbeanInstance;
        this.attributeInfo = attributeInfo;
        this.name = attributeInfo.getName();
        this.isConstructorArg = isConstructorArg;
        try {
            this.type = ClassLoading.loadClass(attributeInfo.getType(), gbeanInstance.getClassLoader());
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Could not load attribute class: " + attributeInfo.getType(), e);
        this.persistent = attributeInfo.isPersistent();
        this.manageable = attributeInfo.isManageable();

        readable = attributeInfo.isReadable();
        writable = attributeInfo.isWritable();

        // If attribute is persistent or not tagged as unreadable, search for a
        // getter method
        if (attributeInfo instanceof DynamicGAttributeInfo) {
            this.dynamic = true;
            if (readable) {
                getInvoker = new DynamicGetterMethodInvoker(name);
            } else {
                getInvoker = null;
            if (writable) {
                setInvoker = new DynamicSetterMethodInvoker(name);
            } else {
                setInvoker = null;
        } else {
            this.dynamic = false;
            if (attributeInfo.getGetterName() != null) {
                try {
                    String getterName = attributeInfo.getGetterName();
                    Method getterMethod = gbeanInstance.getType().getMethod(getterName, null);

                    if (!getterMethod.getReturnType().equals(type)) {
                        if (getterMethod.getReturnType().getName().equals(type.getName())) {
                            throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Getter return type in wrong classloader: type: " + type + " wanted in classloader: " + type.getClassLoader() + " actual: " + getterMethod.getReturnType().getClassLoader());
                        } else {
                            throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Getter method of wrong type: " + getterMethod.getReturnType() + " expected " + getDescription());
                    if (AbstractGBeanReference.NO_PROXY) {
                        getInvoker = new ReflectionMethodInvoker(getterMethod);
                    } else {
                        getInvoker = new FastMethodInvoker(getterMethod);
                } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
                    throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Getter method not found " + getDescription(), e);
            } else {
                getInvoker = null;

            // If attribute is persistent or not tagged as unwritable, search
            // for a setter method
            if (attributeInfo.getSetterName() != null) {
                try {
                    String setterName = attributeInfo.getSetterName();
                    Method setterMethod = gbeanInstance.getType().getMethod(setterName, new Class[]{type});
                    if (AbstractGBeanReference.NO_PROXY) {
                        setInvoker = new ReflectionMethodInvoker(setterMethod);
                    } else {
                        setInvoker = new FastMethodInvoker(setterMethod);
                } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
                    throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Setter method not found " + getDescription(), e);
            } else {
                setInvoker = null;
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Examples of org.apache.geronimo.gbean.InvalidConfigurationException

        for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
            String type = (String) parameterTypes.get(i);
            try {
                types[i] = ClassLoading.loadClass((String) parameterTypes.get(i), classLoader);
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Could not load operation parameter class:" +
                        " name=" + operationInfo.getName() +
                        " class=" + type, e);

        // get a method invoker for the operation
        if (operationInfo instanceof DynamicGOperationInfo) {
            methodInvoker = new MethodInvoker() {
                private String[] types = (String[]) parameterTypes.toArray(new String[parameterTypes.size()]);

                public Object invoke(Object target, Object[] arguments) throws Exception {
                    DynamicGBean dynamicGBean = (DynamicGBean) target;
                    dynamicGBean.invoke(name, arguments, types);
                    return null;
        } else {
            try {
                Method javaMethod = gbeanInstance.getType().getMethod(operationInfo.getMethodName(), types);
                if (AbstractGBeanReference.NO_PROXY) {
                    methodInvoker = new ReflectionMethodInvoker(javaMethod);
                } else {
                    methodInvoker = new FastMethodInvoker(javaMethod);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Target does not have specified method (declared in a GBeanInfo operation):" +
                        " name=" + operationInfo.getName() +
                        " methodName=" + operationInfo.getMethodName() +
                        " returnType=" + operationInfo.getReturnType() +
                        " targetClass=" + gbeanInstance.getType().getName(), e);
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Examples of org.apache.geronimo.gbean.InvalidConfigurationException

        GBeanInfo gbeanInfo = gbeanData.getGBeanInfo();
        try {
            type = classLoader.loadClass(gbeanInfo.getClassName());
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Could not load GBeanInfo class from classloader: " + classLoader +
                    " className=" + gbeanInfo.getClassName(), e);

        name = gbeanInfo.getName();

        Set constructorArgs = new HashSet(gbeanInfo.getConstructor().getAttributeNames());

        // interfaces
        interfaces = (String[]) gbeanInfo.getInterfaces().toArray(new String[0]);

        // attributes
        Map attributesMap = new HashMap();
        for (Iterator iterator = gbeanInfo.getAttributes().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            GAttributeInfo attributeInfo = (GAttributeInfo) iterator.next();
            attributesMap.put(attributeInfo.getName(), new GBeanAttribute(this, attributeInfo, constructorArgs.contains(attributeInfo.getName())));
        attributes = (GBeanAttribute[]) attributesMap.values().toArray(new GBeanAttribute[attributesMap.size()]);
        for (int i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) {
            attributeIndex.put(attributes[i].getName(), new Integer(i));

        // references
        Set referencesSet = new HashSet();
        Set dependencySet = new HashSet();
        // add the references
        Map dataReferences = gbeanData.getReferences();
        for (Iterator iterator = gbeanInfo.getReferences().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            GReferenceInfo referenceInfo = (GReferenceInfo) iterator.next();
            String referenceName = referenceInfo.getName();
            ReferencePatterns referencePatterns = (ReferencePatterns) dataReferences.remove(referenceName);
            if (referenceInfo.getProxyType().equals(Collection.class.getName())) {
                referencesSet.add(new GBeanCollectionReference(this, referenceInfo, kernel, referencePatterns));

            } else {
                referencesSet.add(new GBeanSingleReference(this, referenceInfo, kernel, referencePatterns));
                if (referencePatterns != null) {
                    dependencySet.add(new GBeanDependency(this, referencePatterns.getAbstractName(), kernel));
        if (!dataReferences.isEmpty()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Attempting to set unknown references: " + dataReferences.keySet());

        references = (GBeanReference[]) referencesSet.toArray(new GBeanReference[referencesSet.size()]);
        for (int i = 0; i < references.length; i++) {
            referenceIndex.put(references[i].getName(), new Integer(i));

        for (Iterator iterator = gbeanData.getDependencies().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            AbstractName dependencyName = ((ReferencePatterns) iterator.next()).getAbstractName();
            dependencySet.add(new GBeanDependency(this, dependencyName, kernel));

        dependencies = (GBeanDependency[]) dependencySet.toArray(new GBeanDependency[dependencySet.size()]);

        // framework operations -- all framework operations have currently been removed

        // operations
        Map operationsMap = new HashMap();
        for (Iterator iterator = gbeanInfo.getOperations().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            GOperationInfo operationInfo = (GOperationInfo) iterator.next();
            GOperationSignature signature = new GOperationSignature(operationInfo.getName(), operationInfo.getParameterList());
            // do not allow overriding of framework operations
            if (!operationsMap.containsKey(signature)) {
                GBeanOperation operation = new GBeanOperation(this, operationInfo);
                operationsMap.put(signature, operation);
        operations = new GBeanOperation[operationsMap.size()];
        int opCounter = 0;
        for (Iterator iterator = operationsMap.entrySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) iterator.next();
            operations[opCounter] = (GBeanOperation) entry.getValue();
            operationIndex.put(entry.getKey(), new Integer(opCounter));

        // get the constructor
        List arguments = gbeanInfo.getConstructor().getAttributeNames();
        Class[] parameterTypes = new Class[arguments.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.length; i++) {
            String argumentName = (String) arguments.get(i);
            if (referenceIndex.containsKey(argumentName)) {
                Integer index = (Integer) referenceIndex.get(argumentName);
                GBeanReference reference = references[index.intValue()];
                parameterTypes[i] = reference.getProxyType();
            } else if (attributeIndex.containsKey(argumentName)) {
                Integer index = (Integer) attributeIndex.get(argumentName);
                GBeanAttribute attribute = attributes[index.intValue()];
                parameterTypes[i] = attribute.getType();
        try {
            constructor = type.getConstructor(parameterTypes);
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
            StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("Could not find a valid constructor for GBean: ").append(gbeanInfo.getName()).append("\n");
            buf.append("ParameterTypes: ").append(Arrays.asList(parameterTypes)).append("\n");
            Constructor[] constructors = type.getConstructors();
            for (int i = 0; i < constructors.length; i++) {
                Constructor testConstructor = constructors[i];
                buf.append("constructor types: ").append(Arrays.asList(testConstructor.getParameterTypes())).append("\n");
                if (testConstructor.getParameterTypes().length == parameterTypes.length) {
                    Class[] testParameterTypes = testConstructor.getParameterTypes();
                    for (int k = 0; k < testParameterTypes.length; k++) {
                        Class testParameterType = testParameterTypes[k];
                        if (parameterTypes[k].getName().equals(testParameterType.getName())) {
                            if (parameterTypes[k].getClassLoader() != testParameterType.getClassLoader()) {
                                buf.append("different classloaders in position: ").append(k).append(" class name: ").append(testParameterType.getName()).append("\n");
                                buf.append("parameter type classloader: ").append(parameterTypes[k].getClassLoader()).append("\n");
                                buf.append("constructor type classloader: ").append(testParameterType.getClassLoader()).append("\n");
                        } else {
                            buf.append("different type in position: ").append(k).append("\n");
            throw new InvalidConfigurationException(buf.toString());
        } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {
            throw new InvalidConfigurationException(e);

        // rebuild the gbean info based on the current attributes, operations, and references because
        // the above code add new attributes and operations
        this.gbeanInfo = rebuildGBeanInfo(gbeanInfo.getConstructor(), gbeanInfo.getJ2eeType());

        // create the raw invokers
        rawInvoker = new RawInvoker(this);

        // set the initial attribute values
        try {
            // set the attributes
            Map dataAttributes = gbeanData.getAttributes();
            for (Iterator iterator = dataAttributes.entrySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
                Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) iterator.next();
                String attributeName = (String) entry.getKey();
                Object attributeValue = entry.getValue();
                    if (entry.getValue() != null) {
                        setAttribute(attributeName, attributeValue, false);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Could not inject configuration data into the GBean " + abstractName, e);

        //Add the reference to all applicable reference collections before possibly starting the gbean having an
        //explicit reference to the reference.
        for (int i = 0; i < references.length; i++) {
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Examples of org.apache.geronimo.gbean.InvalidConfigurationException

                } else if (attributeIndex.containsKey(name)) {
                    GBeanAttribute attribute = getAttributeByName(name);
                    parameters[i] = attribute.getPersistentValue();
                } else {
                    stateReason = "the service constructor definition contained the name '" + name + "' which is not a known attribute or reference of the service.";
                    throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Unknown attribute or reference name in constructor: referenceName=" + name + ", gbean=" + abstractName);

            // create instance
            try {
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Examples of org.apache.geronimo.gbean.InvalidConfigurationException

        this.name = referenceInfo.getName();
        try {
            this.referenceType = ClassLoading.loadClass(referenceInfo.getReferenceType(), gbeanInstance.getType().getClassLoader());
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Could not load Reference Type: " + getDescription(), e);
        if (Modifier.isFinal(referenceType.getModifiers())) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Proxy interface cannot be a final class: " + referenceType.getName());
        try {
            this.proxyType = ClassLoading.loadClass(referenceInfo.getProxyType(), gbeanInstance.getType().getClassLoader());
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Could not load Proxy Type:" + getDescription(), e);

        if (referenceInfo.getSetterName() != null) {
            try {
                String setterName = referenceInfo.getSetterName();
                Method setterMethod = gbeanInstance.getType().getMethod(setterName, new Class[] {proxyType});
                if (NO_PROXY) {
                    setInvoker = new ReflectionMethodInvoker(setterMethod);
                } else {
                    setInvoker = new FastMethodInvoker(setterMethod);
            } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
                throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Setter method not found " + getDescription(), e);
        } else {
            setInvoker = null;
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Examples of org.apache.geronimo.gbean.InvalidConfigurationException

        for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
            String type = (String) parameterTypes.get(i);
            try {
                types[i] = ClassLoading.loadClass((String) parameterTypes.get(i), classLoader);
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Could not load operation parameter class:" +
                        " name=" + operationInfo.getName() +
                        " class=" + type);

        // get a method invoker for the operation
        if (operationInfo instanceof DynamicGOperationInfo) {
            methodInvoker = new MethodInvoker() {
                private String[] types = (String[]) parameterTypes.toArray(new String[parameterTypes.size()]);

                public Object invoke(Object target, Object[] arguments) throws Exception {
                    DynamicGBean dynamicGBean = (DynamicGBean) target;
                    dynamicGBean.invoke(name, arguments, types);
                    return null;
        } else {
            try {
                Method javaMethod = gbeanInstance.getType().getMethod(operationInfo.getMethodName(), types);
                if (AbstractGBeanReference.NO_PROXY) {
                    methodInvoker = new ReflectionMethodInvoker(javaMethod);
                } else {
                    methodInvoker = new FastMethodInvoker(javaMethod);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Target does not have specified method (declared in a GBeanInfo operation):" +
                        " name=" + operationInfo.getName() +
                        " methodName=" + operationInfo.getMethodName() +
                        " targetClass=" + gbeanInstance.getType().getName());
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Examples of org.apache.geronimo.gbean.InvalidConfigurationException

        // start the configuration and assure it started
        Configuration configuration;
        try {
            if (State.RUNNING_INDEX != kernel.getGBeanState(configurationName)) {
                throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Configuration gbean failed to start " + configurationId);

            // get the configuration
            configuration = (Configuration) kernel.getGBean(configurationName);
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Examples of org.apache.geronimo.gbean.InvalidConfigurationException

                    message.append("Configuration ").append(configuration.getId()).append(" failed to start due to the following reasons:\n");
                    for (Iterator iterator = unstarted.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
                        String reason = (String) iterator.next();
                        message.append("  ").append(reason).append("\n");
                    throw new InvalidConfigurationException(message.toString());
            } catch (GBeanNotFoundException e) {
                throw new InvalidConfigException(e);
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Examples of org.apache.geronimo.gbean.InvalidConfigurationException

        GBeanInfo gbeanInfo = gbeanData.getGBeanInfo();
        try {
            type = classLoader.loadClass(gbeanInfo.getClassName());
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Could not load GBeanInfo class from classloader: " + classLoader +
                    " className=" + gbeanInfo.getClassName());

        name = gbeanInfo.getName();

        Set constructorArgs = new HashSet(gbeanInfo.getConstructor().getAttributeNames());

        // interfaces
        interfaces = (String[]) gbeanInfo.getInterfaces().toArray(new String[0]);

        // attributes
        Map attributesMap = new HashMap();
        for (Iterator iterator = gbeanInfo.getAttributes().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            GAttributeInfo attributeInfo = (GAttributeInfo) iterator.next();
            attributesMap.put(attributeInfo.getName(), new GBeanAttribute(this, attributeInfo, constructorArgs.contains(attributeInfo.getName())));
        attributes = (GBeanAttribute[]) attributesMap.values().toArray(new GBeanAttribute[attributesMap.size()]);
        for (int i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) {
            attributeIndex.put(attributes[i].getName(), new Integer(i));

        // references
        Set referencesSet = new HashSet();
        Set dependencySet = new HashSet();
        // add the references
        Map dataReferences = gbeanData.getReferences();
        for (Iterator iterator = gbeanInfo.getReferences().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            GReferenceInfo referenceInfo = (GReferenceInfo) iterator.next();
            String referenceName = referenceInfo.getName();
            ReferencePatterns referencePatterns = (ReferencePatterns) dataReferences.remove(referenceName);
            if (referenceInfo.getProxyType().equals(Collection.class.getName())) {
                referencesSet.add(new GBeanCollectionReference(this, referenceInfo, kernel, referencePatterns));

            } else {
                referencesSet.add(new GBeanSingleReference(this, referenceInfo, kernel, referencePatterns));
                if (referencePatterns != null) {
                    dependencySet.add(new GBeanDependency(this, referencePatterns.getAbstractName(), kernel));
        if (!dataReferences.isEmpty()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Attempting to set unknown references: " + dataReferences.keySet());

        references = (GBeanReference[]) referencesSet.toArray(new GBeanReference[referencesSet.size()]);
        for (int i = 0; i < references.length; i++) {
            referenceIndex.put(references[i].getName(), new Integer(i));

        for (Iterator iterator = gbeanData.getDependencies().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            AbstractName dependencyName = ((ReferencePatterns) iterator.next()).getAbstractName();
            dependencySet.add(new GBeanDependency(this, dependencyName, kernel));

        dependencies = (GBeanDependency[]) dependencySet.toArray(new GBeanDependency[dependencySet.size()]);

        // framework operations -- all framework operations have currently been removed

        // operations
        Map operationsMap = new HashMap();
        for (Iterator iterator = gbeanInfo.getOperations().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            GOperationInfo operationInfo = (GOperationInfo) iterator.next();
            GOperationSignature signature = new GOperationSignature(operationInfo.getName(), operationInfo.getParameterList());
            // do not allow overriding of framework operations
            if (!operationsMap.containsKey(signature)) {
                GBeanOperation operation = new GBeanOperation(this, operationInfo);
                operationsMap.put(signature, operation);
        operations = new GBeanOperation[operationsMap.size()];
        int opCounter = 0;
        for (Iterator iterator = operationsMap.entrySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) iterator.next();
            operations[opCounter] = (GBeanOperation) entry.getValue();
            operationIndex.put(entry.getKey(), new Integer(opCounter));

        // get the constructor
        List arguments = gbeanInfo.getConstructor().getAttributeNames();
        Class[] parameterTypes = new Class[arguments.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.length; i++) {
            String argumentName = (String) arguments.get(i);
            if (referenceIndex.containsKey(argumentName)) {
                Integer index = (Integer) referenceIndex.get(argumentName);
                GBeanReference reference = references[index.intValue()];
                parameterTypes[i] = reference.getProxyType();
            } else if (attributeIndex.containsKey(argumentName)) {
                Integer index = (Integer) attributeIndex.get(argumentName);
                GBeanAttribute attribute = attributes[index.intValue()];
                parameterTypes[i] = attribute.getType();
        try {
            constructor = type.getConstructor(parameterTypes);
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
            StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("Could not find a valid constructor for GBean: ").append(gbeanInfo.getName()).append("\n");
            Constructor[] constructors = type.getConstructors();
            for (int i = 0; i < constructors.length; i++) {
                Constructor testConstructor = constructors[i];
                buf.append("constructor types: ").append(testConstructor.getParameterTypes()).append("\n");
                if (testConstructor.getParameterTypes().length == parameterTypes.length) {
                    Class[] testParameterTypes = testConstructor.getParameterTypes();
                    for (int k = 0; k < testParameterTypes.length; k++) {
                        Class testParameterType = testParameterTypes[k];
                        if (parameterTypes[k].getName().equals(testParameterType.getName())) {
                            if (parameterTypes[k].getClassLoader() != testParameterType.getClassLoader()) {
                                buf.append("different classloaders in position: ").append(k).append(" class name: ").append(testParameterType.getName()).append("\n");
                                buf.append("parameter type classloader: ").append(parameterTypes[k].getClassLoader()).append("\n");
                                buf.append("constructor type classloader: ").append(testParameterType.getClassLoader()).append("\n");
                        } else {
                            buf.append("different type in position: ").append(k).append("\n");
            throw new InvalidConfigurationException(buf.toString());

        // rebuild the gbean info based on the current attributes, operations, and references because
        // the above code add new attributes and operations
        this.gbeanInfo = rebuildGBeanInfo(gbeanInfo.getConstructor(), gbeanInfo.getJ2eeType());

        // create the raw invokers
        rawInvoker = new RawInvoker(this);

        // set the initial attribute values
        try {
            // set the attributes
            Map dataAttributes = gbeanData.getAttributes();
            for (Iterator iterator = dataAttributes.entrySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
                Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) iterator.next();
                String attributeName = (String) entry.getKey();
                Object attributeValue = entry.getValue();
                    if (entry.getValue() != null) {
                        setAttribute(attributeName, attributeValue, false);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Could not inject configuration data into the GBean " + abstractName, e);

        for (int i = 0; i < dependencies.length; i++) {
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