Examples of InvalidBucketName

Examples of com.cloud.bridge.service.exception.InvalidBucketName

        // [A] To comply with Amazon S3 basic requirements, bucket names must meet the following conditions
        // -> must be between 3 and 255 characters long
        int size = bucketName.length();    
        if (3 > size || size > 255)
            throw new InvalidBucketName( bucketName + " is not between 3 and 255 characters long" );

        // -> must start with a number or letter
        if (!Character.isLetterOrDigit( bucketName.charAt( 0 )))
            throw new InvalidBucketName( bucketName + " does not start with a number or letter" );

        // -> can contain lowercase letters, numbers, periods (.), underscores (_), and dashes (-)
        // -> the bucket name can also contain uppercase letters but it is not recommended
        for( int i=0; i < bucketName.length(); i++ )
            char next = bucketName.charAt(i);
            if (Character.isLetter( next )) continue;
            else if (Character.isDigit( next ))  continue;
            else if ('.' == next)                continue;
            else if ('_' == next)                continue;
            else if ('-' == next)                continue;
            else throw new InvalidBucketName( bucketName + " contains the invalid character: " + next );

        // -> must not be formatted as an IP address (e.g.,
        String[] parts = bucketName.split( "\\." );
        if (4 == parts.length)
            try {
                int first  = Integer.parseInt( parts[0] );
                int second = Integer.parseInt( parts[1] );
                int third  = Integer.parseInt( parts[2] );
                int fourth = Integer.parseInt( parts[3] );
                throw new InvalidBucketName( bucketName + " is formatted as an IP address" );
            catch( NumberFormatException e )
            {throw new InvalidBucketName( bucketName);}

        // [B] To conform with DNS requirements, Amazon recommends following these additional guidelines when creating buckets
        // -> bucket names should be between 3 and 63 characters long
        if (useDNSGuidelines)
            // -> bucket names should be between 3 and 63 characters long
            if (3 > size || size > 63)
                throw new InvalidBucketName( "DNS requiremens, bucket name: " + bucketName + " is not between 3 and 63 characters long" );

            // -> bucket names should not contain underscores (_)
            int pos = bucketName.indexOf( '_' );
            if (-1 != pos)
                throw new InvalidBucketName( "DNS requiremens, bucket name: " + bucketName + " should not contain underscores" );

            // -> bucket names should not end with a dash
            if (bucketName.endsWith( "-" ))
                throw new InvalidBucketName( "DNS requiremens, bucket name: " + bucketName + " should not end with a dash" );

            // -> bucket names cannot contain two, adjacent periods
            pos = bucketName.indexOf( ".." );
            if (-1 != pos)
                throw new InvalidBucketName( "DNS requiremens, bucket name: " + bucketName + " should not contain \"..\"" );

            // -> bucket names cannot contain dashes next to periods (e.g., "my-.bucket.com" and "my.-bucket" are invalid)
            if (-1 != bucketName.indexOf( "-." ) || -1 != bucketName.indexOf( ".-" ))
                throw new InvalidBucketName( "DNS requiremens, bucket name: " + bucketName + " should not contain \".-\" or \"-.\"" );
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Examples of com.cloud.bridge.service.exception.InvalidBucketName

    public static void verifyBucketName(String bucketName, boolean useDNSGuidelines) throws InvalidBucketName {
        // [A] To comply with Amazon S3 basic requirements, bucket names must meet the following conditions
        // -> must be between 3 and 255 characters long
        int size = bucketName.length();
        if (3 > size || size > 255)
            throw new InvalidBucketName(bucketName + " is not between 3 and 255 characters long");

        // -> must start with a number or letter
        if (!Character.isLetterOrDigit(bucketName.charAt(0)))
            throw new InvalidBucketName(bucketName + " does not start with a number or letter");

        // -> can contain lowercase letters, numbers, periods (.), underscores (_), and dashes (-)
        // -> the bucket name can also contain uppercase letters but it is not recommended
        for (int i = 0; i < bucketName.length(); i++) {
            char next = bucketName.charAt(i);
            if (Character.isLetter(next))
            else if (Character.isDigit(next))
            else if ('.' == next)
            else if ('_' == next)
            else if ('-' == next)
                throw new InvalidBucketName(bucketName + " contains the invalid character: " + next);

        // -> must not be formatted as an IP address (e.g.,
        String[] parts = bucketName.split("\\.");
        if (4 == parts.length) {
            try {
                int first = Integer.parseInt(parts[0]);
                int second = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]);
                int third = Integer.parseInt(parts[2]);
                int fourth = Integer.parseInt(parts[3]);
                throw new InvalidBucketName(bucketName + " is formatted as an IP address");
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                throw new InvalidBucketName(bucketName);

        // [B] To conform with DNS requirements, Amazon recommends following these additional guidelines when creating buckets
        // -> bucket names should be between 3 and 63 characters long
        if (useDNSGuidelines) {
            // -> bucket names should be between 3 and 63 characters long
            if (3 > size || size > 63)
                throw new InvalidBucketName("DNS requiremens, bucket name: " + bucketName + " is not between 3 and 63 characters long");

            // -> bucket names should not contain underscores (_)
            int pos = bucketName.indexOf('_');
            if (-1 != pos)
                throw new InvalidBucketName("DNS requiremens, bucket name: " + bucketName + " should not contain underscores");

            // -> bucket names should not end with a dash
            if (bucketName.endsWith("-"))
                throw new InvalidBucketName("DNS requiremens, bucket name: " + bucketName + " should not end with a dash");

            // -> bucket names cannot contain two, adjacent periods
            pos = bucketName.indexOf("..");
            if (-1 != pos)
                throw new InvalidBucketName("DNS requiremens, bucket name: " + bucketName + " should not contain \"..\"");

            // -> bucket names cannot contain dashes next to periods (e.g., "my-.bucket.com" and "my.-bucket" are invalid)
            if (-1 != bucketName.indexOf("-.") || -1 != bucketName.indexOf(".-"))
                throw new InvalidBucketName("DNS requiremens, bucket name: " + bucketName + " should not contain \".-\" or \"-.\"");
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Examples of com.cloud.bridge.service.exception.InvalidBucketName

     // [A] To comply with Amazon S3 basic requirements, bucket names must meet the following conditions
     // -> must be between 3 and 255 characters long
     int size = bucketName.length();    
     if (3 > size || size > 255)
       throw new InvalidBucketName( bucketName + " is not between 3 and 255 characters long" );
     // -> must start with a number or letter
     if (!Character.isLetterOrDigit( bucketName.charAt( 0 )))
       throw new InvalidBucketName( bucketName + " does not start with a number or letter" );
     // -> can contain lowercase letters, numbers, periods (.), underscores (_), and dashes (-)
     // -> the bucket name can also contain uppercase letters but it is not recommended
     for( int i=0; i < bucketName.length(); i++ )
       char next = bucketName.charAt(i);
            if (Character.isLetter( next )) continue;
       else if (Character.isDigit( next ))  continue;
       else if ('.' == next)                continue;
       else if ('_' == next)                continue;
       else if ('-' == next)                continue;
       else throw new InvalidBucketName( bucketName + " contains the invalid character: " + next );
     // -> must not be formatted as an IP address (e.g.,
     String[] parts = bucketName.split( "\\." );
     if (4 == parts.length)
       try {
         int first  = Integer.parseInt( parts[0] );
         int second = Integer.parseInt( parts[1] );
         int third  = Integer.parseInt( parts[2] );
         int fourth = Integer.parseInt( parts[3] );
         throw new InvalidBucketName( bucketName + " is formatted as an IP address" );
       catch( NumberFormatException e ) {}
     // [B] To conform with DNS requirements, Amazon recommends following these additional guidelines when creating buckets
     // -> bucket names should be between 3 and 63 characters long
     if (useDNSGuidelines)
       // -> bucket names should be between 3 and 63 characters long
       if (3 > size || size > 63)
         throw new InvalidBucketName( "DNS requiremens, bucket name: " + bucketName + " is not between 3 and 63 characters long" );

       // -> bucket names should not contain underscores (_)
       int pos = bucketName.indexOf( '_' );
       if (-1 != pos)
         throw new InvalidBucketName( "DNS requiremens, bucket name: " + bucketName + " should not contain underscores" );
             // -> bucket names should not end with a dash
       if (bucketName.endsWith( "-" ))
         throw new InvalidBucketName( "DNS requiremens, bucket name: " + bucketName + " should not end with a dash" );
       // -> bucket names cannot contain two, adjacent periods
       pos = bucketName.indexOf( ".." );
       if (-1 != pos)
         throw new InvalidBucketName( "DNS requiremens, bucket name: " + bucketName + " should not contain \"..\"" );
       // -> bucket names cannot contain dashes next to periods (e.g., "my-.bucket.com" and "my.-bucket" are invalid)
       if (-1 != bucketName.indexOf( "-." ) || -1 != bucketName.indexOf( ".-" ))
           throw new InvalidBucketName( "DNS requiremens, bucket name: " + bucketName + " should not contain \".-\" or \"-.\"" );
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Examples of com.cloud.bridge.service.exception.InvalidBucketName

     // [A] To comply with Amazon S3 basic requirements, bucket names must meet the following conditions
     // -> must be between 3 and 255 characters long
     int size = bucketName.length();    
     if (3 > size || size > 255)
       throw new InvalidBucketName( bucketName + " is not between 3 and 255 characters long" );
     // -> must start with a number or letter
     if (!Character.isLetterOrDigit( bucketName.charAt( 0 )))
       throw new InvalidBucketName( bucketName + " does not start with a number or letter" );
     // -> can contain lowercase letters, numbers, periods (.), underscores (_), and dashes (-)
     // -> the bucket name can also contain uppercase letters but it is not recommended
     for( int i=0; i < bucketName.length(); i++ )
       char next = bucketName.charAt(i);
            if (Character.isLetter( next )) continue;
       else if (Character.isDigit( next ))  continue;
       else if ('.' == next)                continue;
       else if ('_' == next)                continue;
       else if ('-' == next)                continue;
       else throw new InvalidBucketName( bucketName + " contains the invalid character: " + next );
     // -> must not be formatted as an IP address (e.g.,
     String[] parts = bucketName.split( "\\." );
     if (4 == parts.length)
       try {
         int first  = Integer.parseInt( parts[0] );
         int second = Integer.parseInt( parts[1] );
         int third  = Integer.parseInt( parts[2] );
         int fourth = Integer.parseInt( parts[3] );
         throw new InvalidBucketName( bucketName + " is formatted as an IP address" );
       catch( NumberFormatException e )
       {throw new InvalidBucketName( bucketName);}
     // [B] To conform with DNS requirements, Amazon recommends following these additional guidelines when creating buckets
     // -> bucket names should be between 3 and 63 characters long
     if (useDNSGuidelines)
       // -> bucket names should be between 3 and 63 characters long
       if (3 > size || size > 63)
         throw new InvalidBucketName( "DNS requiremens, bucket name: " + bucketName + " is not between 3 and 63 characters long" );

       // -> bucket names should not contain underscores (_)
       int pos = bucketName.indexOf( '_' );
       if (-1 != pos)
         throw new InvalidBucketName( "DNS requiremens, bucket name: " + bucketName + " should not contain underscores" );
             // -> bucket names should not end with a dash
       if (bucketName.endsWith( "-" ))
         throw new InvalidBucketName( "DNS requiremens, bucket name: " + bucketName + " should not end with a dash" );
       // -> bucket names cannot contain two, adjacent periods
       pos = bucketName.indexOf( ".." );
       if (-1 != pos)
         throw new InvalidBucketName( "DNS requiremens, bucket name: " + bucketName + " should not contain \"..\"" );
       // -> bucket names cannot contain dashes next to periods (e.g., "my-.bucket.com" and "my.-bucket" are invalid)
       if (-1 != bucketName.indexOf( "-." ) || -1 != bucketName.indexOf( ".-" ))
           throw new InvalidBucketName( "DNS requiremens, bucket name: " + bucketName + " should not contain \".-\" or \"-.\"" );
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Examples of com.cloud.bridge.service.exception.InvalidBucketName

        // [A] To comply with Amazon S3 basic requirements, bucket names must meet the following conditions
        // -> must be between 3 and 255 characters long
        int size = bucketName.length();    
        if (3 > size || size > 255)
            throw new InvalidBucketName( bucketName + " is not between 3 and 255 characters long" );

        // -> must start with a number or letter
        if (!Character.isLetterOrDigit( bucketName.charAt( 0 )))
            throw new InvalidBucketName( bucketName + " does not start with a number or letter" );

        // -> can contain lowercase letters, numbers, periods (.), underscores (_), and dashes (-)
        // -> the bucket name can also contain uppercase letters but it is not recommended
        for( int i=0; i < bucketName.length(); i++ )
            char next = bucketName.charAt(i);
            if (Character.isLetter( next )) continue;
            else if (Character.isDigit( next ))  continue;
            else if ('.' == next)                continue;
            else if ('_' == next)                continue;
            else if ('-' == next)                continue;
            else throw new InvalidBucketName( bucketName + " contains the invalid character: " + next );

        // -> must not be formatted as an IP address (e.g.,
        String[] parts = bucketName.split( "\\." );
        if (4 == parts.length)
            try {
                int first  = Integer.parseInt( parts[0] );
                int second = Integer.parseInt( parts[1] );
                int third  = Integer.parseInt( parts[2] );
                int fourth = Integer.parseInt( parts[3] );
                throw new InvalidBucketName( bucketName + " is formatted as an IP address" );
            catch( NumberFormatException e )
            {throw new InvalidBucketName( bucketName);}

        // [B] To conform with DNS requirements, Amazon recommends following these additional guidelines when creating buckets
        // -> bucket names should be between 3 and 63 characters long
        if (useDNSGuidelines)
            // -> bucket names should be between 3 and 63 characters long
            if (3 > size || size > 63)
                throw new InvalidBucketName( "DNS requiremens, bucket name: " + bucketName + " is not between 3 and 63 characters long" );

            // -> bucket names should not contain underscores (_)
            int pos = bucketName.indexOf( '_' );
            if (-1 != pos)
                throw new InvalidBucketName( "DNS requiremens, bucket name: " + bucketName + " should not contain underscores" );

            // -> bucket names should not end with a dash
            if (bucketName.endsWith( "-" ))
                throw new InvalidBucketName( "DNS requiremens, bucket name: " + bucketName + " should not end with a dash" );

            // -> bucket names cannot contain two, adjacent periods
            pos = bucketName.indexOf( ".." );
            if (-1 != pos)
                throw new InvalidBucketName( "DNS requiremens, bucket name: " + bucketName + " should not contain \"..\"" );

            // -> bucket names cannot contain dashes next to periods (e.g., "my-.bucket.com" and "my.-bucket" are invalid)
            if (-1 != bucketName.indexOf( "-." ) || -1 != bucketName.indexOf( ".-" ))
                throw new InvalidBucketName( "DNS requiremens, bucket name: " + bucketName + " should not contain \".-\" or \"-.\"" );
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Examples of com.cloud.bridge.service.exception.InvalidBucketName

        // [A] To comply with Amazon S3 basic requirements, bucket names must meet the following conditions
        // -> must be between 3 and 255 characters long
        int size = bucketName.length();    
        if (3 > size || size > 255)
            throw new InvalidBucketName( bucketName + " is not between 3 and 255 characters long" );

        // -> must start with a number or letter
        if (!Character.isLetterOrDigit( bucketName.charAt( 0 )))
            throw new InvalidBucketName( bucketName + " does not start with a number or letter" );

        // -> can contain lowercase letters, numbers, periods (.), underscores (_), and dashes (-)
        // -> the bucket name can also contain uppercase letters but it is not recommended
        for( int i=0; i < bucketName.length(); i++ )
            char next = bucketName.charAt(i);
            if (Character.isLetter( next )) continue;
            else if (Character.isDigit( next ))  continue;
            else if ('.' == next)                continue;
            else if ('_' == next)                continue;
            else if ('-' == next)                continue;
            else throw new InvalidBucketName( bucketName + " contains the invalid character: " + next );

        // -> must not be formatted as an IP address (e.g.,
        String[] parts = bucketName.split( "\\." );
        if (4 == parts.length)
            try {
                int first  = Integer.parseInt( parts[0] );
                int second = Integer.parseInt( parts[1] );
                int third  = Integer.parseInt( parts[2] );
                int fourth = Integer.parseInt( parts[3] );
                throw new InvalidBucketName( bucketName + " is formatted as an IP address" );
            catch( NumberFormatException e )
            {throw new InvalidBucketName( bucketName);}

        // [B] To conform with DNS requirements, Amazon recommends following these additional guidelines when creating buckets
        // -> bucket names should be between 3 and 63 characters long
        if (useDNSGuidelines)
            // -> bucket names should be between 3 and 63 characters long
            if (3 > size || size > 63)
                throw new InvalidBucketName( "DNS requiremens, bucket name: " + bucketName + " is not between 3 and 63 characters long" );

            // -> bucket names should not contain underscores (_)
            int pos = bucketName.indexOf( '_' );
            if (-1 != pos)
                throw new InvalidBucketName( "DNS requiremens, bucket name: " + bucketName + " should not contain underscores" );

            // -> bucket names should not end with a dash
            if (bucketName.endsWith( "-" ))
                throw new InvalidBucketName( "DNS requiremens, bucket name: " + bucketName + " should not end with a dash" );

            // -> bucket names cannot contain two, adjacent periods
            pos = bucketName.indexOf( ".." );
            if (-1 != pos)
                throw new InvalidBucketName( "DNS requiremens, bucket name: " + bucketName + " should not contain \"..\"" );

            // -> bucket names cannot contain dashes next to periods (e.g., "my-.bucket.com" and "my.-bucket" are invalid)
            if (-1 != bucketName.indexOf( "-." ) || -1 != bucketName.indexOf( ".-" ))
                throw new InvalidBucketName( "DNS requiremens, bucket name: " + bucketName + " should not contain \".-\" or \"-.\"" );
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