itr = itemLines.keySet().iterator();
while (itr.hasNext())
Object obj =;
ItemElement ILE = (ItemElement)itemLines.get(obj);
IntMember ItemId = (IntMember)ILE.get("ItemId");
Integer currItemId = (Integer)ItemId.getMemberValue();
if ( currItemId.intValue() == removeToken)
String status = ILE.getLineStatus();
if (status.equals("Active"))
}//end of if (status.equals("Active"))
else if (status.equals("New"))
}//end of else if (status.equals("New"))
}//end of if ( currItemId.intValue() == removeToken)
}//end of while (itr.hasNext())
}//end of while (st.hasMoreTokens())
for(int i=0; i<removeKeys.size(); i++)
}//end of for(int i=0; i<removeKeys.size(); i++)
}//end of if (itemLines != null)
}// end of else if ( request.getParameter(AccountConstantKeys.TYPEOFOPERATION).equals("REMOVEITEM") )
else if ( request.getParameter(AccountConstantKeys.TYPEOFOPERATION).equals("ADDITEM") )
String newItemID = request.getParameter("theitemid");
ItemList IL = null ;
ListGenerator lg = ListGenerator.getListGenerator(dataSource);//get the List Generator object for Listing
IL = (ItemList )lg.getItemList( individualID , 1, 10 , "" , "ItemID");//called when the request for the list is for first time
StringTokenizer st;
String token, nextItr;
if (newItemID != null)
st = new StringTokenizer(newItemID, ",");
ItemLines itemLines = ((InvoiceForm)form).getItemLines();
Integer intJurisdictionID = ((InvoiceForm)form).getJurisdictionID();
int jurisdictionID = intJurisdictionID.intValue();
if(itemLines == null)
itemLines = new ItemLines();
int counter = itemLines.size();
while (st.hasMoreTokens())
token = (String)st.nextToken();
int intToken = Integer.parseInt(token);
Iterator itr = IL.keySet().iterator();
while (itr.hasNext())
nextItr = (String);
ListElement ile = (ListElement)IL.get(nextItr);
IntMember smid = (IntMember)ile.get("ItemID");
Integer listItemid = (Integer)smid.getMemberValue();
if ( listItemid.intValue() == intToken )
StringMember smName = (StringMember)ile.get("Name"); // name = description
String name = (String) smName.getMemberValue();
StringMember smSku = (StringMember) ile.get("SKU");
String sku = (String)smSku.getMemberValue();
FloatMember dmprice = (FloatMember) ile.get("Price");
float price = Float.parseFloat((dmprice.getMemberValue()).toString());
int id = ile.getElementID();
IntMember LineId = new IntMember("LineId",0,'D',"",'T',false,20);
IntMember ItemId = new IntMember("ItemId",id,'D',"",'T',false,20);
IntMember Quantity = new IntMember("Quantity",1,'D',"",'T',false,20);
FloatMember PriceEach = new FloatMember("Price",new Float(price),'D',"",'T',false,20);
StringMember SKU = new StringMember("SKU",sku,'D',"",'T',false);
StringMember Description = new StringMember("Description",name,'D',"",'T',false);
FloatMember PriceExtended = new FloatMember("PriceExtended",new Float(0.0f),'D',"",'T',false,20);
FloatMember TaxAmount = new FloatMember("TaxAmount",new Float(0.0f),'D',"",'T',false,20);