Examples of InsufficientNetworkCapacityException

Examples of com.cloud.exception.InsufficientNetworkCapacityException

                        if (lbProviderDevice.getState() == LBDeviceState.Enabled) {
                            // acquire a private IP from the data center which will be used as management IP of
// provisioned LB appliance,
                            DataCenterIpAddressVO dcPrivateIp = _dcDao.allocatePrivateIpAddress(guestConfig.getDataCenterId(), lbProviderDevice.getUuid());
                            if (dcPrivateIp == null) {
                                throw new InsufficientNetworkCapacityException("failed to acquire a priavate IP in the zone " + guestConfig.getDataCenterId() +
                                        " needed for management IP of the load balancer appliance", DataCenter.class, guestConfig.getDataCenterId());
                            Pod pod = _podDao.findById(dcPrivateIp.getPodId());
                            String lbIP = dcPrivateIp.getIpAddress();
                            String netmask = NetUtils.getCidrNetmask(pod.getCidrSize());
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Examples of com.cloud.exception.InsufficientNetworkCapacityException


        // there are no devices which capacity
        throw new InsufficientNetworkCapacityException("Unable to find a load balancing provider with sufficient capcity " +
                " to implement the network", Network.class, network.getId());
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Examples of com.cloud.exception.InsufficientNetworkCapacityException

        // allocate a load balancer device for the network
              lbDeviceVO = allocateLoadBalancerForNetwork(guestConfig);
            if (lbDeviceVO == null) {
                String msg = "failed to alloacate a external load balancer for the network " + guestConfig.getId();
                throw new InsufficientNetworkCapacityException(msg, DataCenter.class, guestConfig.getDataCenterId());
            externalLoadBalancer = _hostDao.findById(lbDeviceVO.getHostId());
            s_logger.debug("Allocated external load balancer device:" + lbDeviceVO.getId() + " for the network: " + guestConfig.getId());
        } else {
            // find the load balancer device allocated for the network
            ExternalLoadBalancerDeviceVO lbDeviceVO = getExternalLoadBalancerForNetwork(guestConfig);
            if (lbDeviceVO == null) {
                s_logger.warn("Network shutdwon requested on external load balancer element, which did not implement the network." +
                        " Either network implement failed half way through or already network shutdown is completed. So just returning.");
                return true;

            externalLoadBalancer = _hostDao.findById(lbDeviceVO.getHostId());
            assert (externalLoadBalancer != null) : "There is no device assigned to this network how did shutdown network ended up here??";

        // Send a command to the external load balancer to implement or shutdown the guest network
        long guestVlanTag = Long.parseLong(guestConfig.getBroadcastUri().getHost());
        String selfIp = null;
        String guestVlanNetmask = NetUtils.cidr2Netmask(guestConfig.getCidr());
        Integer networkRate = _networkModel.getNetworkRate(guestConfig.getId(), null);

        if (add) {
        // on restart network, network could have already been implemented. If already implemented then return
            Nic selfipNic = getPlaceholderNic(guestConfig);
            if (selfipNic != null) {
        return true;

            // Acquire a self-ip address from the guest network IP address range
            selfIp = _networkMgr.acquireGuestIpAddress(guestConfig, null);
            if (selfIp == null) {
                String msg = "failed to acquire guest IP address so not implementing the network on the external load balancer ";
                throw new InsufficientNetworkCapacityException(msg, Network.class, guestConfig.getId());
        } else {
            // get the self-ip used by the load balancer
            Nic selfipNic = getPlaceholderNic(guestConfig);
            if (selfipNic == null) {
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Examples of com.cloud.exception.InsufficientNetworkCapacityException

            long usedCapacity = (mappedNetworks == null) ? 0 : mappedNetworks.size();
            if ((fullCapacity - usedCapacity) > 0) {
                return fwDevice;
        throw new InsufficientNetworkCapacityException("Unable to find a firewall provider with sufficient capcity " +
                " to implement the network", DataCenter.class, network.getDataCenterId());
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Examples of com.cloud.exception.InsufficientNetworkCapacityException

                        if (lbProviderDevice.getState() == LBDeviceState.Enabled) {
                            // acquire a private IP from the data center which will be used as management IP of
// provisioned LB appliance,
                            DataCenterIpAddressVO dcPrivateIp = _dcDao.allocatePrivateIpAddress(guestConfig.getDataCenterId(), lbProviderDevice.getUuid());
                            if (dcPrivateIp == null) {
                                throw new InsufficientNetworkCapacityException("failed to acquire a priavate IP in the zone " + guestConfig.getDataCenterId() +
                                        " needed for management IP of the load balancer appliance", DataCenter.class, guestConfig.getDataCenterId());
                            Pod pod = _podDao.findById(dcPrivateIp.getPodId());
                            String lbIP = dcPrivateIp.getIpAddress();
                            String netmask = NetUtils.getCidrNetmask(pod.getCidrSize());
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Examples of com.cloud.exception.InsufficientNetworkCapacityException


        // there are no devices which capacity
        throw new InsufficientNetworkCapacityException("Unable to find a load balancing provider with sufficient capcity " +
                " to implement the network", Network.class, network.getId());
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Examples of com.cloud.exception.InsufficientNetworkCapacityException

        if (add) {
            ExternalLoadBalancerDeviceVO lbDeviceVO = allocateLoadBalancerForNetwork(guestConfig);
            if (lbDeviceVO == null) {
                String msg = "failed to alloacate a external load balancer for the network " + guestConfig.getId();
                throw new InsufficientNetworkCapacityException(msg, DataCenter.class, guestConfig.getDataCenterId());
            externalLoadBalancer = _hostDao.findById(lbDeviceVO.getHostId());
            s_logger.debug("Allocated external load balancer device:" + lbDeviceVO.getId() + " for the network: " + guestConfig.getId());
        } else {
            // find the load balancer device allocated for the network
            ExternalLoadBalancerDeviceVO lbDeviceVO = getExternalLoadBalancerForNetwork(guestConfig);
            if (lbDeviceVO == null) {
                s_logger.warn("Network shutdwon requested on external load balancer element, which did not implement the network." +
                        " Either network implement failed half way through or already network shutdown is completed. So just returning.");
                return true;

            externalLoadBalancer = _hostDao.findById(lbDeviceVO.getHostId());
            assert (externalLoadBalancer != null) : "There is no device assigned to this network how did shutdown network ended up here??";

        // Send a command to the external load balancer to implement or shutdown the guest network
        long guestVlanTag = Long.parseLong(guestConfig.getBroadcastUri().getHost());
        String selfIp = null;
        String guestVlanNetmask = NetUtils.cidr2Netmask(guestConfig.getCidr());
        Integer networkRate = _networkMgr.getNetworkRate(guestConfig.getId(), null);

        if (add) {
            // Acquire a self-ip address from the guest network IP address range
            selfIp = _networkMgr.acquireGuestIpAddress(guestConfig, null);
            if (selfIp == null) {
                String msg = "failed to acquire guest IP address so not implementing the network on the external load balancer ";
                throw new InsufficientNetworkCapacityException(msg, Network.class, guestConfig.getId());
        } else {
            // get the self-ip used by the load balancer
            NicVO selfipNic = getPlaceholderNic(guestConfig);
            if (selfipNic == null) {
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Examples of com.cloud.exception.InsufficientNetworkCapacityException

            long usedCapacity = (mappedNetworks == null) ? 0 : mappedNetworks.size();
            if ((fullCapacity - usedCapacity) > 0) {
                return fwDevice;
        throw new InsufficientNetworkCapacityException("Unable to find a firewall provider with sufficient capcity " + " to implement the network", DataCenter.class,
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Examples of com.cloud.exception.InsufficientNetworkCapacityException

                    for (ExternalLoadBalancerDeviceVO lbProviderDevice : providerLbDevices) {
                        if (lbProviderDevice.getState() == LBDeviceState.Enabled) {
                            // acquire a private IP from the data center which will be used as management IP of provisioned LB appliance,
                            DataCenterIpAddressVO dcPrivateIp = _dcDao.allocatePrivateIpAddress(guestConfig.getDataCenterId(), lbProviderDevice.getUuid());
                            if (dcPrivateIp == null) {
                                throw new InsufficientNetworkCapacityException("failed to acquire a priavate IP in the zone " + guestConfig.getDataCenterId() +
                                    " needed for management IP of the load balancer appliance", DataCenter.class, guestConfig.getDataCenterId());
                            Pod pod = _podDao.findById(dcPrivateIp.getPodId());
                            String lbIP = dcPrivateIp.getIpAddress();
                            String netmask = NetUtils.getCidrNetmask(pod.getCidrSize());
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Examples of com.cloud.exception.InsufficientNetworkCapacityException


        // there are no devices which capacity
        throw new InsufficientNetworkCapacityException("Unable to find a load balancing provider with sufficient capcity " + " to implement the network", Network.class,
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