Examples of InstrumentSampleDescriptor

Examples of org.apache.excalibur.instrument.manager.InstrumentSampleDescriptor

            lease = 1;
        // Register the new lease
        InstrumentSampleDescriptor sample;
            sample = desc.createInstrumentSample( description, interval, size, lease, type );
        catch ( IllegalArgumentException e )
            // The sample type is not valid.
            throw new FileNotFoundException( e.getMessage() );
        catch ( IllegalStateException e )
            // The sample type was incompatible with the instrument.
            throw new FileNotFoundException( e.getMessage() );
        // Redirect to the new sample page.
        throw new HTTPRedirect( "sample.html?name=" + urlEncode( sample.getName() ) );
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Examples of org.apache.excalibur.instrument.manager.InstrumentSampleDescriptor

        String name = getParameter( parameters, "name" );
        long baseTime = getLongParameter( parameters, "base-time", 0 );
        boolean packed = getBooleanParameter( parameters, "packed", false );
        boolean compact = getBooleanParameter( parameters, "compact", false );
        InstrumentSampleDescriptor desc;
            desc = getInstrumentManager().locateInstrumentSampleDescriptor( name );
        catch ( NoSuchInstrumentSampleException e )
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Examples of org.apache.excalibur.instrument.manager.InstrumentSampleDescriptor

        String name = getParameter( parameters, "name" );
        long lease = getLongParameter( parameters, "lease" );
        boolean packed = getBooleanParameter( parameters, "packed", false );
        InstrumentSampleDescriptor desc;
            desc = getInstrumentManager().locateInstrumentSampleDescriptor( name );
        catch ( NoSuchInstrumentSampleException e )
            throw new FileNotFoundException(
                "The specified instrument does not exist: " + name );
        // The instrument manager will do its own tests of the lease, but the
        //  restrictions on this connector may be stronger so they must be tested
        //  here as well.
        lease = Math.max( 1, Math.min( lease, getConnector().getMaxLeasedSampleLease() ) );
        if ( getInstrumentManager().getLeaseSampleCount() >= getConnector().getMaxLeasedSamples() )
            lease = 1;
        // Renew the lease
        desc.extendLease( lease );
        out.println( InstrumentManagerHTTPConnector.XML_BANNER );
        outputSample( out, desc, "", packed );
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Examples of org.apache.excalibur.instrument.manager.InstrumentSampleDescriptor

            outputLine( out, "", packed, "<samples>" );
            for ( int i = 0; i < names.length; i++ )
                InstrumentSampleDescriptor desc;
                    desc =
                        getInstrumentManager().locateInstrumentSampleDescriptor( names[i] );
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Examples of org.apache.excalibur.instrument.manager.InstrumentSampleDescriptor

        String name = getParameter( parameters, "name" );
        long lease = getLongParameter( parameters, "lease" );
        String instrument = getParameter( parameters, "instrument", null );
        String chart = getParameter( parameters, "chart", null );
        InstrumentSampleDescriptor desc;
            desc = getInstrumentManager().locateInstrumentSampleDescriptor( name );
        catch ( NoSuchInstrumentSampleException e )
            // Sample no longer exists, go back to the parent instrument.
            int pos = name.lastIndexOf( '.' );
            if ( pos >= 0 )
                throw new HTTPRedirect(
                    "instrument.html?name=" + urlEncode( name.substring( 0,  pos ) ) );
                throw new HTTPRedirect( "instrument-manager.html" );
        // The instrument manager will do its own tests of the lease, but the
        //  restrictions on this connector may be stronger so they must be tested
        //  here as well.
        lease = Math.max( 1, Math.min( lease, m_connector.getMaxLeasedSampleLease() ) );
        if ( getInstrumentManager().getLeaseSampleCount() >= m_connector.getMaxLeasedSamples() )
            lease = 1;
        // Renew the lease
        desc.extendLease( lease );
        if ( instrument != null )
            // Go to the instrument page.
            int pos = name.lastIndexOf( '.' );
            if ( pos >= 0 )
                throw new HTTPRedirect(
                    "instrument.html?name=" + urlEncode( name.substring( 0,  pos ) ) );
                throw new HTTPRedirect( "instrumentable.html" );
            // Redirect to the sample page.
            throw new HTTPRedirect( "sample.html?name=" + urlEncode( desc.getName() )
                + ( chart == null ? "" : "&chart=true" ) );
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Examples of org.apache.excalibur.instrument.manager.InstrumentSampleDescriptor

            lease = 1;
        // Register the new lease
        InstrumentSampleDescriptor sample;
            sample = desc.createInstrumentSample( description, interval, size, lease, type );
        catch ( IllegalArgumentException e )
            // The sample type is not valid.
            throw new FileNotFoundException( e.getMessage() );
        catch ( IllegalStateException e )
            // The sample type was incompatible with the instrument.
            throw new FileNotFoundException( e.getMessage() );
        // Redirect to the new sample page.
        throw new HTTPRedirect( "sample.html?name=" + urlEncode( sample.getName() ) );
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Examples of org.apache.excalibur.instrument.manager.InstrumentSampleDescriptor

        String name = getParameter( parameters, "name" );
        long baseTime = getLongParameter( parameters, "base-time", 0 );
        boolean packed = getBooleanParameter( parameters, "packed", false );
        boolean compact = getBooleanParameter( parameters, "compact", false );
        InstrumentSampleDescriptor desc;
            desc = getInstrumentManager().locateInstrumentSampleDescriptor( name );
        catch ( NoSuchInstrumentSampleException e )
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Examples of org.apache.excalibur.instrument.manager.InstrumentSampleDescriptor

        String name = getParameter( parameters, "name" );
        long lease = getLongParameter( parameters, "lease" );
        boolean packed = getBooleanParameter( parameters, "packed", false );
        InstrumentSampleDescriptor desc;
            desc = getInstrumentManager().locateInstrumentSampleDescriptor( name );
        catch ( NoSuchInstrumentSampleException e )
            throw new FileNotFoundException(
                "The specified instrument does not exist: " + name );
        // The instrument manager will do its own tests of the lease, but the
        //  restrictions on this connector may be stronger so they must be tested
        //  here as well.
        lease = Math.max( 1, Math.min( lease, m_connector.getMaxLeasedSampleLease() ) );
        if ( getInstrumentManager().getLeaseSampleCount() >= m_connector.getMaxLeasedSamples() )
            lease = 1;
        // Renew the lease
        desc.extendLease( lease );
        out.println( InstrumentManagerHTTPConnector.XML_BANNER );
        outputSample( out, desc, "", packed );
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Examples of org.apache.excalibur.instrument.manager.InstrumentSampleDescriptor

        throws IOException
        String name = getParameter( parameters, "name" );
        boolean packed = getBooleanParameter( parameters, "packed", false );
        InstrumentSampleDescriptor desc;
            desc = getInstrumentManager().locateInstrumentSampleDescriptor( name );
        catch ( NoSuchInstrumentSampleException e )
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Examples of org.apache.excalibur.instrument.manager.InstrumentSampleDescriptor

            String childIndent = indent + INDENT;
            for ( int i = 0; i < samples.length; i++ )
                InstrumentSampleDescriptor sample = samples[i];
                if ( recurse )
                    outputSample( out, sample, childIndent, packed );
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