public boolean afterShow(boolean nextButtonPressed) {
boolean repeatDialog = false;
ChooseDirectory panel = (ChooseDirectory)getPanel();
String dir = panel.getDirectory();
dir = removeEndingDelimiter(dir);
InstallData data = InstallData.getInstance();
File installDefaultDir = new File(dir, data.getDefaultDir());
SetupDataProvider.setNewMacro("DIR", installDefaultDir.getPath()); // important for string replacement
// SetupDataProvider.dumpMacros();
// Check existence of directory. Try to create, if it does not exist.
// If successufully created, calculate available disc space
if ( nextButtonPressed ) {
// If the directory exists, is has to be tested, whether the user has write access
if ( SystemManager.exists_directory(dir) ) {
if ( ! Controller.createdSubDirectory(dir) ) {
repeatDialog= true;
// If the directory does not exist, is has to be tested, whether the user can create it
if ( ! SystemManager.exists_directory(dir)) {
String title = ResourceManager.getString("String_ChooseDirectory4_Question_Title");
String message = null;
message = ResourceManager.getString("String_ChooseDirectory5_Question_Message");
int returnValue = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, message, title, JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE);
if ( returnValue == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION ) {
if ( ! Controller.createdDirectory(dir) ) {
repeatDialog= true;
else if (returnValue == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) {
repeatDialog = true;
// Additional tasks, if the directory is okay
if ( ! repeatDialog ) {
// Calculate available disc space
int discSpace = SystemManager.calculateDiscSpace(dir);
Installer installer = InstallerFactory.getInstance();
// Is this a new directory, or one that was already set before.
// In this case, the database does not need to be evaluated again.
// -> Testing, whether the database path has changed. This can
// only happen in user installations.
if ( data.isUserInstallation() ) {
String oldDatabasePath = data.getDatabasePath();
// Setting the database path
if (( oldDatabasePath == null ) || ( ! oldDatabasePath.equals(data.getDatabasePath()))) {
} else {
// In installations with user privileges, now it can be controlled,
// if there are products installed in the selected directory.
// Therefore the directory selection dialog has to be shown before.
// In installations with root privileges, this can only be checked,
// before the destination directory can be set, because it is fix.
if ( data.isUserInstallation() ) {
LogManager.setCommandsHeaderLine("Checking change installation");
// InstallChangeCtrl.checkInstallChange(data, panel);
// At this point it is clear, whether the update-Package is installed or not.
// If it is installed, it is also clear, in which version it is installed.
// Therefore the following dialog is also defined.
if ( data.newerVersionExists() ) {
// This can happen only in installation with user privileges.
// Installations with root privileges have cancelled installation
// already at first dialog.
// Possibility to select a new directory, in which no
// newer product exists
String message = ResourceManager.getString("String_Newer_Version_Installed_Found") + "\n" + data.getInstallDir() + "\n" +
ResourceManager.getString("String_Newer_Version_Database") + ": " + data.getDatabasePath() + "\n" +
String title = ResourceManager.getString("String_Error");
Informer.showErrorMessage(message, title);
repeatDialog = true;
// If an older version is found, and the update is forbidden, the user
// can select another installation directory.
if ( data.olderVersionExists() && data.dontUpdate() ) {
// This can happen only in installation with user privileges.
// Installations with root privileges have cancelled installation
// already at first dialog (
// Possibility to select a new directory, in which no
// older product exists
String message = ResourceManager.getString("String_Older_Version_Installed_Found") + "\n" + data.getInstallDir() + "\n" +
ResourceManager.getString("String_Newer_Version_Database") + ": " + data.getDatabasePath() + "\n" +
String title = ResourceManager.getString("String_Error");
Informer.showErrorMessage(message, title);
repeatDialog = true;
if ( ! repeatDialog ) {
if ( ! data.databaseAnalyzed()) {