Examples of InsertionOrderedSet

Examples of org.apache.maven.util.InsertionOrderedSet

    Set resolveJellyScriptHousings( String goal )
        throws NoSuchGoalException
        log.debug( "preparing goal: " + goal );

        Set pluginSet = new InsertionOrderedSet();

        Goal[] chain = getExecutionChain( goal, goalProject );
        log.debug( "execution chain: " + Arrays.asList( chain ).toString() );

        for ( int i = 0; i < chain.length; i++ )
            Goal g = chain[i];
            Object plugin = goalPluginMap.get( g.getName() );
            if ( plugin == null )
                throw new NoSuchGoalException( g.getName() );
            pluginSet.add( plugin );
            Collection decorators = getPostGoalDecorators( g.getName() );
            if ( log.isDebugEnabled() && !decorators.isEmpty() )
                log.debug( "goal " + g.getName() + " has postGoal decorators " + decorators );
            pluginSet.addAll( decorators );
            decorators = getPreGoalDecorators( g.getName() );
            if ( log.isDebugEnabled() && !decorators.isEmpty() )
                log.debug( "goal " + g.getName() + " has preGoal decorators " + decorators );
            pluginSet.addAll( decorators );

        // Done like this as the dynatag plugin dependencies must be first in the list
        InsertionOrderedSet newPluginSet = resolveDynaTagPlugins( pluginSet );
        if ( log.isDebugEnabled() && !newPluginSet.isEmpty() )
            log.debug( "dynatag dependencies: " + newPluginSet );
        newPluginSet.addAll( pluginSet );
        pluginSet = newPluginSet;

        // Here we make the resolved plugins field be the full set of plugins, and the plugins returned just the
        // additional ones resolved.
        // TODO: skip the remove step - don't add if it is already loaded
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Examples of org.apache.maven.util.InsertionOrderedSet

    private InsertionOrderedSet resolveDynaTagPlugins( Set plugins )
        // Important to return an insertion ordered set as the calling function is going to add to it and
        // depends on these remaining first
        InsertionOrderedSet resolvedDynaTagPlugins = new InsertionOrderedSet();

        for ( Iterator i = plugins.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
            JellyScriptHousing plugin = (JellyScriptHousing) i.next();
            Set dynaTagDeps = getPluginDynaTagDeps( plugin );

            for ( Iterator j = dynaTagDeps.iterator(); j.hasNext(); )
                LinkedList dynaTagUris = new LinkedList();
                Set seen = new HashSet();

                Object next = j.next();
                dynaTagUris.add( next );

                while ( !dynaTagUris.isEmpty() )
                    String dynaTagUri = (String) dynaTagUris.removeFirst();

                    if ( seen.contains( dynaTagUri ) )

                    seen.add( dynaTagUri );

                    Object dynaTagPluginHome = dynaTagPluginMap.get( dynaTagUri );
                    if ( dynaTagPluginHome == null )
                        // This is essentially allowed for bootstrap so
                        // plugins can import taglibs they don't use until later
                        log.warn( "Tag library requested that is not present: '" + dynaTagUri + "' in plugin: '"
                            + plugin.getName() + "'" );
                        Set set = getPluginDynaTagDeps( dynaTagPluginHome );
                        dynaTagUris.addAll( set );
                        resolvedDynaTagPlugins.add( dynaTagPluginHome );
        return resolvedDynaTagPlugins;
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Examples of org.apache.maven.util.InsertionOrderedSet

    Set resolveJellyScriptHousings( String goal )
        throws NoSuchGoalException
        LOGGER.debug( "preparing goal: " + goal );

        Set pluginSet = new InsertionOrderedSet();

        Goal[] chain = getExecutionChain( goal, goalProject );
        LOGGER.debug( "execution chain: " + Arrays.asList( chain ).toString() );

        for ( int i = 0; i < chain.length; i++ )
            Goal g = chain[i];
            Object plugin = goalPluginMap.get( g.getName() );
            if ( plugin == null )
                throw new NoSuchGoalException( g.getName() );
            pluginSet.add( plugin );
            Collection decorators = getPostGoalDecorators( g.getName() );
            if ( LOGGER.isDebugEnabled() && !decorators.isEmpty() )
                LOGGER.debug( "goal " + g.getName() + " has postGoal decorators " + decorators );
            pluginSet.addAll( decorators );
            decorators = getPreGoalDecorators( g.getName() );
            if ( LOGGER.isDebugEnabled() && !decorators.isEmpty() )
                LOGGER.debug( "goal " + g.getName() + " has preGoal decorators " + decorators );
            pluginSet.addAll( decorators );

        // Done like this as the dynatag plugin dependencies must be first in the list
        InsertionOrderedSet newPluginSet = resolveDynaTagPlugins( pluginSet );
        if ( LOGGER.isDebugEnabled() && !newPluginSet.isEmpty() )
            LOGGER.debug( "dynatag dependencies: " + newPluginSet );
        newPluginSet.addAll( pluginSet );
        pluginSet = newPluginSet;

        // Here we make the resolved plugins field be the full set of plugins, and the plugins returned just the
        // additional ones resolved.
        // TODO: skip the remove step - don't add if it is already loaded
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Examples of org.apache.maven.util.InsertionOrderedSet

    private InsertionOrderedSet resolveDynaTagPlugins( Set plugins )
        // Important to return an insertion ordered set as the calling function is going to add to it and
        // depends on these remaining first
        InsertionOrderedSet resolvedDynaTagPlugins = new InsertionOrderedSet();

        for ( Iterator i = plugins.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
            JellyScriptHousing plugin = (JellyScriptHousing) i.next();
            Set dynaTagDeps = getPluginDynaTagDeps( plugin );

            for ( Iterator j = dynaTagDeps.iterator(); j.hasNext(); )
                LinkedList dynaTagUris = new LinkedList();
                Set seen = new HashSet();

                Object next = j.next();
                dynaTagUris.add( next );

                while ( !dynaTagUris.isEmpty() )
                    String dynaTagUri = (String) dynaTagUris.removeFirst();

                    if ( seen.contains( dynaTagUri ) )

                    seen.add( dynaTagUri );

                    Object dynaTagPluginHome = dynaTagPluginMap.get( dynaTagUri );
                    if ( dynaTagPluginHome == null )
                        // This is essentially allowed for bootstrap so
                        // plugins can import taglibs they don't use until later
                        LOGGER.warn( "Tag library requested that is not present: '" + dynaTagUri + "' in plugin: '"
                            + plugin.getName() + "'" );
                        Set set = getPluginDynaTagDeps( dynaTagPluginHome );
                        dynaTagUris.addAll( set );
                        resolvedDynaTagPlugins.add( dynaTagPluginHome );
        return resolvedDynaTagPlugins;
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Examples of org.jibx.util.InsertionOrderedSet

        SchemaElement schema = holder.getSchema();
        // process messages and operations used by service
        ArrayList ops = service.getOperations();
        Map fltmap = new HashMap();
        Set imports = new InsertionOrderedSet();
        Map typemap = new HashMap(ptypemap);
        for (int i = 0; i < ops.size(); i++) {
            // get information for operation
            OperationCustom odef = (OperationCustom)ops.get(i);
            String oname = odef.getOperationName();
            Operation op = new Operation(oname);
            // generate input message information
            Message rqmsg = new Message(odef.getRequestMessageName(), wns);
            QName rqelem = null;
            if (m_generationParameters.isDocLit()) {
                // check if input parameter defined for method
                ArrayList parms = odef.getParameters();
                if (parms.size() > 0) {
                    // check for existing element definition matching the parameter type
                    ValueCustom parm = (ValueCustom)parms.get(0);
                    rqelem = (QName)classelems.get(parm.getWorkingType());
                    if (rqelem == null) {
                        // create new element for parameter
                        ElementElement pelem = buildValueElement(parm, ptypemap, typeschemas, holder);
                        rqelem = pelem.getQName();
                    } else {
                        // import and use existing element definition
                        addSchemaReference(rqelem, elemschemas, holder);
            } else {
                // construct a sequence for wrapped method parameters
                SequenceElement seq = new SequenceElement();
                ArrayList parms = odef.getParameters();
                for (int j = 0; j < parms.size(); j++) {
                    ValueCustom parm = (ValueCustom)parms.get(j);
                    String type = parm.getWorkingType();
                    ElementElement pelem;
                    if (!typemap.containsKey(type)) {
                        // add predefined mapping type to known types and require schema import
                        QName tname = (QName)classtypes.get(type);
                        if (tname != null) {
                            typemap.put(type, tname);
                    pelem = buildValueElement(parm, ptypemap, typeschemas, holder);
                // add corresponding schema definition to schema
                ComplexTypeElement tdef = new ComplexTypeElement();
                ElementElement elem = new ElementElement();
                String wname = odef.getRequestWrapperName();
                rqelem = new QName(sns, wname);
            // add part definition to message (if present)
            if (rqelem != null) {
                MessagePart part = new MessagePart("part", rqelem);
            // generate output message information
            Message rsmsg = new Message(odef.getResponseMessageName(), wns);
            ValueCustom rtrn = odef.getReturn();
            QName rselem = null;
            if (m_generationParameters.isDocLit()) {
                // check if return value defined for method
                if (!"void".equals(rtrn.getWorkingType())) {
                    // check for existing element definition matching the return type
                    rselem = (QName)classelems.get(rtrn.getWorkingType());
                    if (rselem == null) {
                        // create new element for return
                        ElementElement relem = buildValueElement(rtrn, ptypemap, typeschemas, holder);
                        rselem = relem.getQName();
                    } else {
                        // import and use existing element definition
                        addSchemaReference(rqelem, elemschemas, holder);
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Examples of org.jibx.util.InsertionOrderedSet

        // accumulate unmapped data classes used by all service operations
        // TODO: throws class handling, with multiple services per WSDL
        InsertionOrderedSet abstrs = new InsertionOrderedSet();
        InsertionOrderedSet concrs = new InsertionOrderedSet();
        ArrayList qnames = new ArrayList();
        List services = wsdlcustom.getServices();
        boolean doclit = m_generationParameters.isDocLit();
        for (Iterator iter = services.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
            ServiceCustom service = (ServiceCustom)iter.next();
            List ops = service.getOperations();
            for (Iterator iter1 = ops.iterator(); iter1.hasNext();) {
                OperationCustom op = (OperationCustom)iter1.next();
                List parms = op.getParameters();
                if (doclit && parms.size() > 1) {
                    System.err.println("Multiple parmameters not allowed for doc/lit: method " + op.getMethodName());
                for (Iterator iter2 = parms.iterator(); iter2.hasNext();) {
                    ValueCustom parm = (ValueCustom)iter2.next();
                    if (doclit) {
                        accumulateData(parm, classelems, concrs);
                    } else {
                        accumulateData(parm, classtypes, abstrs);
                if (doclit) {
                    accumulateData(op.getReturn(), classelems, concrs);
                } else {
                    accumulateData(op.getReturn(), classtypes, abstrs);
                ArrayList thrws = op.getThrows();
                for (int i = 0; i < thrws.size(); i++) {
                    // add concrete mapping for data type, if used
                    ThrowsCustom thrw = (ThrowsCustom)thrws.get(i);
                    FaultCustom fault = wsdlcustom.forceFaultCustomization(thrw.getType());
                    if (!concrs.contains(fault.getDataType())) {
                        qnames.add(new QName(service.getNamespace(), fault.getElementName()));
        // include extra classes as needing concrete mappings
        GlobalCustom global = m_generationParameters.getGlobal();
        for (int i = 0; i < extras.size(); i++) {
            String type = (String)extras.get(i);
            if (!concrs.contains(type)) {
        // generate bindings for all data classes used
        m_bindingGenerator.generateSpecified(qnames, concrs.asList(), abstrs.asList());
        // add binding definitions for collections passed or returned in plain doc/lit, and find empty service bindings
        Map typemap = new HashMap();
        Set unbounduris = new HashSet();
        for (Iterator iter = services.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
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Examples of org.jibx.util.InsertionOrderedSet

        RefactoryCommandLine parms = new RefactoryCommandLine();
        if (args.length > 0 && parms.processArgs(args)) {
            // build set of schemas specified on command line (including via wildcards)
            InsertionOrderedSet fileset = new InsertionOrderedSet();
            URL base = parms.getSchemaRoot();
            File basedir = parms.getSchemaDir();
            SchemaNameFilter filter = new SchemaNameFilter();
            boolean err = false;
            for (Iterator iter = parms.getExtraArgs().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
                String name = (String)iter.next();
                if (name.indexOf('*') >= 0) {
                    if (basedir == null) {
                        System.err.println("File name pattern argument not allowed for non-file base: '" + name + '\'');
                    } else {
                        s_logger.debug("Matching file names to command line pattern '" + name + '\'');
                        String[] matches = basedir.list(filter);
                        for (int i = 0; i < matches.length; i++) {
                            String match = matches[i];
                            fileset.add(new UrlResolver(match, new URL(base, match)));
                } else {
                    if (basedir == null) {
                        URL url = new URL(base, name);
                        s_logger.debug("Adding schema URL from command line: " + url.toExternalForm());
                        fileset.add(new UrlResolver(name, url));
                    } else {
                        File sfile = new File(basedir, name);
                        if (sfile.exists()) {
                            s_logger.debug("Adding schema file from command line: " + sfile.getCanonicalPath());
                            fileset.add(new UrlResolver(name, new URL(base, name)));
                        } else {
                            System.err.println("Schema file from command line not found: " + sfile.getAbsolutePath());
                            err = true;
            if (!err) {
                // add any schemas specified in customizations
                addCustomizedSchemas(base, basedir, parms.getCustomRoot(), fileset);
                // load the full set of schemas
                Refactory inst = new Refactory(parms);
                SchemaElement[] schemas = inst.load(fileset.asList());
                if (!reportProblems(inst.m_validationContext)) {
                    if (inst.customizeSchemas()) {
                        System.out.println("Loaded and validated " + fileset.size() + " schemas");
                        // apply the customizations to the schema
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Examples of org.jibx.util.InsertionOrderedSet

        m_trimWhitespace = trim;
        m_uriPrefixDefaults = new HashMap();
        m_keyObjects = new ArrayList();
        m_objectBindings = new HashMap();
        m_referenceUriBinding = new InsertionOrderedMap();
        m_nsRootUris = new InsertionOrderedSet();
        m_formats = new LazyList();
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Examples of org.jibx.util.InsertionOrderedSet

    public BindingHolder(String uri, boolean dflt, BindingOrganizer dir) {
        m_organizer = dir;
        m_namespace = uri;
        m_elementDefault = dflt;
        m_referencedNamespaces = new InsertionOrderedSet();
        m_usedNamespaces = new InsertionOrderedSet();
        m_binding = new BindingElement();
        m_mappings = new LazyList();
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Examples of org.jibx.util.InsertionOrderedSet

                namemap.put(name, memb);
        // generate sets of names to be included or ignored, and optional/requires, elements/attributes
        InsertionOrderedSet nameset = new InsertionOrderedSet();
        Set exclset = null;
        Set inclset = null;
        Set elemset = Collections.EMPTY_SET;
        Set attrset = Collections.EMPTY_SET;
        Set optset = Collections.EMPTY_SET;
        Set reqset = Collections.EMPTY_SET;
        if (m_includes != null || m_optionals != null || m_requireds != null) {
            // initialize the ordered set of names to be included
            String[] optionals = stripNames(m_optionals);
            String[] requireds = stripNames(m_requireds);
            if (m_includes != null) {
            } else {
                if (requireds != null) {
                if (optionals != null) {
            // build sets of includeds, optionals, and requireds
            inclset = CustomUtils.noCaseNameSet(stripNames(m_includes));
            if (optionals != null) {
                optset = CustomUtils.noCaseNameSet(optionals);
            if (requireds != null) {
                reqset = CustomUtils.noCaseNameSet(requireds);
            // classify names as elements or attributes
            elemset = new HashSet();
            attrset = new HashSet();
            classifyNames(m_requireds, elemset, attrset);
            classifyNames(m_optionals, elemset, attrset);
            classifyNames(m_includes, elemset, attrset);
        if (m_excludes != null) {
            exclset = CustomUtils.noCaseNameSet(stripNames(m_excludes));
        // first find members from property access methods
        Map getmap = null;
        Map setmap = null;
        IClassItem[] methods = m_classInformation.getMethods();
        GlobalCustom global = getGlobal();
        if (global.isOutput()) {
            // find properties using read access methods
            getmap = mapPropertyReadMethods(methods, inclset, exclset);
            if (global.isInput()) {
                // find properties using write access methods
                setmap = mapPropertyWriteMethods(methods, inclset, exclset);
                // discard any read-only properties
                for (Iterator iter = getmap.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
                    if (!setmap.containsKey(iter.next())) {
        if (global.isInput()) {
            // find properties using write access methods
            setmap = mapPropertyWriteMethods(methods, inclset, exclset);
        // find members from fields
        IClassItem[] fields = m_classInformation.getFields();
        Map fieldmap = mapFields(fields, getStripPrefixes(), getStripSuffixes(), inclset, exclset);
        // get list of names selected for use by options
        if (m_includes == null) {
            if (isPropertyAccess()) {
                if (global.isOutput()) {
                } else {
            } else {
                for (Iterator iter = fieldmap.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
                    String name = (String)iter.next();
                    IClassItem field = (IClassItem)fieldmap.get(name);
                    int access = field.getAccessFlags();
                    if (!Modifier.isStatic(access) && !Modifier.isTransient(access)) {
        // process all members found in class
        m_memberMap = new InsertionOrderedMap();
        boolean auto = !getName().startsWith("java.") && !getName().startsWith("javax.");
        List names = nameset.asList();
        for (Iterator iter = names.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
            // get basic member information
            String name = (String)iter.next();
            String lcname = name.toLowerCase();
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