Examples of InsertContext

Examples of freenet.client.InsertContext

        Random r = new Random(12121);
        long size = 65536; // Exact multiple, so no last block
        LockableRandomAccessBuffer data = generateData(r, size, smallRAFFactory);
        HashResult[] hashes = getHashes(data);
        MyCallback cb = new MyCallback();
        InsertContext context = baseContext.clone();
        // Do 2 RNFs and then a RejectedOverload. Should fail at that point.
        context.maxInsertRetries = 2;
        context.consecutiveRNFsCountAsSuccess = 3;
        MyKeysFetchingLocally keys = new MyKeysFetchingLocally();
        SplitFileInserterStorage storage = new SplitFileInserterStorage(data, size, cb, null,
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Examples of freenet.client.InsertContext

        Random r = new Random(12121);
        long size = 65536; // Exact multiple, so no last block
        LockableRandomAccessBuffer data = generateData(r, size, smallRAFFactory);
        HashResult[] hashes = getHashes(data);
        MyCallback cb = new MyCallback();
        InsertContext context = baseContext.clone();
        context.consecutiveRNFsCountAsSuccess = 0;
        context.maxInsertRetries = 2;
        KeysFetchingLocally keys = new MyKeysFetchingLocally();
        SplitFileInserterStorage storage = new SplitFileInserterStorage(data, size, cb, null,
                new ClientMetadata(), false, null, smallRAFFactory, false, context,
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Examples of freenet.client.InsertContext

        Random r = new Random(12121);
        long size = 65536; // Exact multiple, so no last block
        LockableRandomAccessBuffer data = generateData(r, size, smallRAFFactory);
        HashResult[] hashes = getHashes(data);
        MyCallback cb = new MyCallback();
        InsertContext context = baseContext.clone();
        context.maxInsertRetries = 2;
        KeysFetchingLocally keys = new MyKeysFetchingLocally();
        SplitFileInserterStorage storage = new SplitFileInserterStorage(data, size, cb, null,
                new ClientMetadata(), false, null, smallRAFFactory, false, context,
                cryptoAlgorithm, cryptoKey, null, hashes, smallBucketFactory, checker,
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Examples of freenet.client.InsertContext

        RandomSource r = new DummyRandomSource(12123);
        LockableRandomAccessBuffer data = generateData(r, size, smallRAFFactory);
        Bucket dataBucket = new RAFBucket(data);
        HashResult[] hashes = getHashes(data);
        MyCallback cb = new MyCallback();
        InsertContext context = baseContext.clone();
        context.earlyEncode = true;
        cmode = context.getCompatibilityMode();
        KeysFetchingLocally keys = new MyKeysFetchingLocally();
        boolean old = cmode.code < CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_1255.code;
        byte cryptoAlgorithm = this.cryptoAlgorithm;
        if(!(cmode == CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_CURRENT || cmode.ordinal() >= CompatibilityMode.COMPAT_1416.ordinal()))
            cryptoAlgorithm = Key.ALGO_AES_PCFB_256_SHA256;
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Examples of freenet.client.InsertContext

        RandomSource r = new DummyRandomSource(12123);
        LockableRandomAccessBuffer data = generateData(r, size, smallRAFFactory);
        Bucket dataBucket = new RAFBucket(data);
        HashResult[] hashes = getHashes(data);
        MyCallback cb = new MyCallback();
        InsertContext context = baseContext.clone();
        context.earlyEncode = true;
        KeysFetchingLocally keysFetching = new MyKeysFetchingLocally();
        SplitFileInserterStorage storage = new SplitFileInserterStorage(data, size, cb, null,
                new ClientMetadata(), false, null, smallRAFFactory, false, context,
                cryptoAlgorithm, cryptoKey, null, hashes, smallBucketFactory, checker,
                r, memoryLimitedJobRunner, jobRunner, ticker, keysFetching, false, 0, 0, 0, 0);
        // Encoded. Now try to decode it ...
        Metadata metadata = storage.encodeMetadata();
        assertTrue(storage.getStatus() == Status.ENCODED);

        // Ugly hack because Metadata behaves oddly.
        // FIXME make Metadata behave consistently and get rid.
        Bucket metaBucket = metadata.toBucket(smallBucketFactory);
        Metadata m1 = Metadata.construct(metaBucket);
        Bucket copyBucket = m1.toBucket(smallBucketFactory);
        assertTrue(BucketTools.equalBuckets(metaBucket, copyBucket));
        MyFetchCallback fcb = new MyFetchCallback();
        FetchContext fctx = HighLevelSimpleClientImpl.makeDefaultFetchContext(size*2, size*2, smallBucketFactory, new SimpleEventProducer());
        short cmode = (short) context.getCompatibilityMode().ordinal();
        SplitFileFetcherStorage fetcherStorage = new SplitFileFetcherStorage(m1, fcb, new ArrayList<COMPRESSOR_TYPE>(),
                new ClientMetadata(), false, cmode, fctx, false, salt, URI, URI, true, new byte[0],
                r, smallBucketFactory, smallRAFFactory, jobRunner, ticker, memoryLimitedJobRunner,
                checker, false, null, null, keysFetching);
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Examples of freenet.client.InsertContext

        RandomSource r = new DummyRandomSource(12123);
        LockableRandomAccessBuffer data = generateData(r, size, smallRAFFactory);
        Bucket dataBucket = new RAFBucket(data);
        HashResult[] hashes = getHashes(data);
        MyCallback cb = new MyCallback();
        InsertContext context = baseContext.clone();
        context.earlyEncode = true;
        KeysFetchingLocally keysFetching = new MyKeysFetchingLocally();
        SplitFileInserterStorage storage = new SplitFileInserterStorage(data, size, cb, null,
                new ClientMetadata(), false, null, smallRAFFactory, false, context,
                cryptoAlgorithm, cryptoKey, null, hashes, smallBucketFactory, checker,
                r, memoryLimitedJobRunner, jobRunner, ticker, keysFetching, false, 0, 0, 0, 0);
        // Encoded. Now try to decode it ...
        Metadata metadata = storage.encodeMetadata();
        assertTrue(storage.getStatus() == Status.ENCODED);

        // Ugly hack because Metadata behaves oddly.
        // FIXME make Metadata behave consistently and get rid.
        Bucket metaBucket = metadata.toBucket(smallBucketFactory);
        Metadata m1 = Metadata.construct(metaBucket);
        Bucket copyBucket = m1.toBucket(smallBucketFactory);
        assertTrue(BucketTools.equalBuckets(metaBucket, copyBucket));
        MyFetchCallback fcb = new MyFetchCallback();
        FetchContext fctx = HighLevelSimpleClientImpl.makeDefaultFetchContext(size*2, size*2, smallBucketFactory, new SimpleEventProducer());
        short cmode = (short) context.getCompatibilityMode().ordinal();
        SplitFileFetcherStorage fetcherStorage = new SplitFileFetcherStorage(m1, fcb, new ArrayList<COMPRESSOR_TYPE>(),
                new ClientMetadata(), false, cmode, fctx, false, salt, URI, URI, true, new byte[0],
                r, smallBucketFactory, smallRAFFactory, jobRunner, ticker, memoryLimitedJobRunner,
                checker, false, null, null, keysFetching);
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Examples of freenet.client.InsertContext

        long size = 32768*6;
        BarrierRandomAccessBuffer data = new BarrierRandomAccessBuffer(generateData(r, size, smallRAFFactory));
        HashResult[] hashes = getHashes(data);
        MyCallback cb = new MyCallback();
        InsertContext context = baseContext.clone();
        context.earlyEncode = true;
        KeysFetchingLocally keys = new MyKeysFetchingLocally();
        SplitFileInserterStorage storage = new SplitFileInserterStorage(data, size, cb, null,
                new ClientMetadata(), false, null, smallRAFFactory, false, context,
                cryptoAlgorithm, cryptoKey, null, hashes, smallBucketFactory, checker,
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Examples of freenet.client.InsertContext

    private void testCancelAlt(Random r, long size) throws IOException, InsertException {
        BarrierRandomAccessBuffer data = new BarrierRandomAccessBuffer(generateData(r, size, smallRAFFactory));
        HashResult[] hashes = getHashes(data);
        MyCallback cb = new MyCallback();
        InsertContext context = baseContext.clone();
        context.earlyEncode = true;
        KeysFetchingLocally keys = new MyKeysFetchingLocally();
        SplitFileInserterStorage storage = new SplitFileInserterStorage(data, size, cb, null,
                new ClientMetadata(), false, null, smallRAFFactory, false, context,
                cryptoAlgorithm, cryptoKey, null, hashes, smallBucketFactory, checker,
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Examples of freenet.client.InsertContext

        long size = 65536; // Exact multiple, so no last block
        LockableRandomAccessBuffer data = generateData(r, size, bigRAFFactory);
        HashResult[] hashes = getHashes(data);
        MyCallback cb = new MyCallback();
        KeysFetchingLocally keys = new MyKeysFetchingLocally();
        InsertContext context = baseContext.clone();
        context.consecutiveRNFsCountAsSuccess = 0;
        context.maxInsertRetries = 2;
        SplitFileInserterStorage storage = new SplitFileInserterStorage(data, size, cb, null,
                new ClientMetadata(), false, null, smallRAFFactory, true, context,
                cryptoAlgorithm, cryptoKey, null, hashes, smallBucketFactory, checker,
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Examples of freenet.client.InsertContext

        long size = 65536; // Exact multiple, so no last block
        LockableRandomAccessBuffer data = generateData(r, size, bigRAFFactory);
        HashResult[] hashes = getHashes(data);
        MyCallback cb = new MyCallback();
        MyKeysFetchingLocally keys = new MyKeysFetchingLocally();
        InsertContext context = baseContext.clone();
        context.consecutiveRNFsCountAsSuccess = 0;
        context.maxInsertRetries = 1;
        SplitFileInserterStorage storage = new SplitFileInserterStorage(data, size, cb, null,
                new ClientMetadata(), false, null, smallRAFFactory, true, context,
                cryptoAlgorithm, cryptoKey, null, hashes, smallBucketFactory, checker,
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