long requestSize = (long) (0.4f * inMemThreshold);
long compressedSize = 1l;
LOG.info("RequestSize: " + requestSize);
FetchedInput fi1 = inputManager.allocate(requestSize, compressedSize, new InputAttemptIdentifier(1, 1));
assertEquals(FetchedInput.Type.MEMORY, fi1.getType());
FetchedInput fi2 = inputManager.allocate(requestSize, compressedSize, new InputAttemptIdentifier(2, 1));
assertEquals(FetchedInput.Type.MEMORY, fi2.getType());
// Over limit by this point. Next reserve should give back a DISK allocation
FetchedInput fi3 = inputManager.allocate(requestSize, compressedSize, new InputAttemptIdentifier(3, 1));
assertEquals(FetchedInput.Type.DISK, fi3.getType());
// Freed one memory allocation. Next should be mem again.
FetchedInput fi4 = inputManager.allocate(requestSize, compressedSize, new InputAttemptIdentifier(4, 1));
assertEquals(FetchedInput.Type.MEMORY, fi4.getType());
// Freed one disk allocation. Next sould be disk again (no mem freed)
FetchedInput fi5 = inputManager.allocate(requestSize, compressedSize, new InputAttemptIdentifier(4, 1));
assertEquals(FetchedInput.Type.DISK, fi5.getType());