if(_log !=null)
_log.info("Enabled infrastructures: '"+numEnabledInfrastructures+"'");
// Initialize the array of GridEngine' infrastructure objects
InfrastructureInfo infrastructuresInfo[] = new InfrastructureInfo[numEnabledInfrastructures];
// For each infrastructure
for(int i=0,h=0; i<getNumInfrastructures(); i++) {
int j=i+1;
// Take care of wms list
// GridEngine supports a list of WMSes as an array of string
// while the AppPreferences uses a ';' separated list of entries
// Following code makes the necessary conversion
String wmsHostList[]=null;
if( null != getWmsHosts(i)
&& !getWmsHosts(i).equals("")) {
wmsHostList = getWmsHosts(i).split(";");
String showWMSList=LS+"wmsHostList"
for(int k=0; k<wmsHostList.length; k++)
if(null != _log) _log.info(showWMSList);
} // if wmsList
if(appInfrastructuresInfo.get(i).getEnableInfrastructure().equalsIgnoreCase("yes")) {
// Build the infrastructure object and assign it to the infrastructure array
// (!)Not yet used values:
// pxServerSecure
// pxRobotRenewalFlag
// pxUserProxy
infrastructuresInfo[h++] = new InfrastructureInfo( getAcronymInfrastructure(i)
, getBdiiHost(i)
, wmsHostList
, getPxServerHost(i)
, getPxServerPort(i)
, getPxRobotId(i)