} );
form.addAttribute( TestScenarioConstants.INSTANCE.LiteralValue() + ":",
widgets( lit,
new InfoPopup( TestScenarioConstants.INSTANCE.LiteralValue(),
TestScenarioConstants.INSTANCE.LiteralValTip() ) ) );
form.addRow( new HTML( "<hr/>" ) );
form.addRow( new SmallLabel( TestScenarioConstants.INSTANCE.AdvancedOptions() ) );
// If we are here, then there must be a bound variable compatible with
// me
Button variable = new Button( TestScenarioConstants.INSTANCE.BoundVariable() );
variable.addClickHandler( new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
con.setNature( FieldData.TYPE_VARIABLE );
doTypeChosen( form );
} );
form.addAttribute( TestScenarioConstants.INSTANCE.AVariable(),
widgets( variable,
new InfoPopup( TestScenarioConstants.INSTANCE.ABoundVariable(),
TestScenarioConstants.INSTANCE.BoundVariableTip() ) ) );