Collection<TypedDependency> newTypedDeps = new ArrayList<TypedDependency>(list);
// find typed deps of form conj(gov,dep)
for (TypedDependency td : list) {
if (EnglishGrammaticalRelations.getConjs().contains(td.reln())) {
IndexedWord gov =;
IndexedWord dep = td.dep();
// look at the dep in the conjunct
Set<TypedDependency> gov_relations = map.get(gov);
// System.err.println("gov " + gov);
if (gov_relations != null) {
for (TypedDependency td1 : gov_relations) {
// System.err.println("gov rel " + td1);
IndexedWord newGov =;
// in the case of errors in the basic dependencies, it
// is possible to have overlapping newGov & dep
if (newGov.equals(dep)) {
GrammaticalRelation newRel = td1.reln();
if (newRel != ROOT) {
if (rcmodHeads.contains(gov) && rcmodHeads.contains(dep)) {