Examples of IndexedInstruction

Examples of com.sun.org.apache.bcel.internal.generic.IndexedInstruction

                    // check whether the local variable's value needs to be
                    // copied into or out of the outlined method.  If so,
                    // generate the code to perform the necessary copying, and
                    // use localVarMap to map the variable in the original
                    // method to the variable in the new method.
                    IndexedInstruction lvi = (IndexedInstruction)c;
                    int oldLocalVarIndex = lvi.getIndex();
                    LocalVariableGen oldLVG =
                    LocalVariableGen newLVG =

                    // Has the code already mapped this local variable to a
                    // local in the new method?
                    if (localVarMap.get(oldLVG) == null) {
                        // Determine whether the local variable needs to be
                        // copied into or out of the outlined by checking
                        // whether the range of instructions in which the
                        // variable is accessible is outside the range of
                        // instructions in the outlineable chunk.
                        // Special case a chunk start offset of zero:  a local
                        // variable live at that position must be a method
                        // parameter, so the code doesn't need to check whether
                        // the variable is live before that point; being live
                        // at offset zero is sufficient to know that the value
                        // must be copied in to the outlined method.
                        boolean copyInLocalValue =
                                                (outlineChunkStartOffset != 0)
                                                    ? outlineChunkStartOffset-1
                                                    : 0);
                        boolean copyOutLocalValue =

                        // For any variable that needs to be copied into or out
                        // of the outlined method, create a field in the
                        // CopyLocals class, and generate the necessary code for
                        // copying the value.
                        if (copyInLocalValue || copyOutLocalValue) {
                            String varName = oldLVG.getName();
                            Type varType = oldLVG.getType();
                            newLVG = outlinedMethodGen.addLocalVariable(varName,
                            int newLocalVarIndex = newLVG.getIndex();
                            String varSignature = varType.getSignature();

                            // Record the mapping from the old local to the new
                            localVarMap.put(oldLVG, newLVG);

                            String copyAreaFieldName =
                                           "field" + copyAreaFieldCount;
                                new Field(ACC_PUBLIC,
                                        null, copyAreaCPG.getConstantPool()));

                            int fieldRef = cpg.addFieldref(argTypeName,

                            if (copyInLocalValue) {
                                // Generate code for the old method to store the
                                // value of the local into the correct field in
                                // CopyLocals prior to invocation of the
                                // outlined method.
                                InstructionHandle copyInLoad =
                                        loadLocal(oldLocalVarIndex, varType));
                                oldMethCopyInIL.append(new PUTFIELD(fieldRef));

                                // If the end of the live range of the old
                                // variable was in the middle of the outlined
                                // chunk.  Make the load of its value the new
                                // end of its range.
                                if (!copyOutLocalValue) {
                                    revisedLocalVarEnd.put(oldLVG, copyInLoad);

                                // Generate code for start of the outlined
                                // method to copy the value from a field in
                                // CopyLocals to the new local in the outlined
                                // method
                                newMethCopyInIL.append(new GETFIELD(fieldRef));
                                        storeLocal(newLocalVarIndex, varType));

                            if (copyOutLocalValue) {
                                // Generate code for the end of the outlined
                                // method to copy the value from the new local
                                // variable into a field in CopyLocals
                                // method
                                        loadLocal(newLocalVarIndex, varType));
                                newMethCopyOutIL.append(new PUTFIELD(fieldRef));

                                // Generate code to copy the value from a field
                                // in CopyLocals into a local in the original
                                // method following invocation of the outlined
                                // method.
                                oldMethCopyOutIL.append(new GETFIELD(fieldRef));
                                InstructionHandle copyOutStore =
                                        storeLocal(oldLocalVarIndex, varType));

                                // If the start of the live range of the old
                                // variable was in the middle of the outlined
                                // chunk.  Make this store into it the new start
                                // of its range.
                                if (!copyInLocalValue) {

                if (ih.hasTargeters()) {
                    targetMap.put(ih, lastCopyHandle);

                // If this is the first instruction copied following a sequence
                // of OutlineableChunkStart instructions, indicate that the
                // sequence of old instruction all map to this newly created
                // instruction
                if (chunkStartTargetMappingsPending) {
                    do {
                         pendingTargetMappingHandle =
                    } while(pendingTargetMappingHandle != ih);

                    chunkStartTargetMappingsPending = false;

        // Pass 2: Walk old and new instruction lists, updating branch targets
        // and local variable references in the new list
        InstructionHandle ih = first;
        InstructionHandle ch = newIL.getStart();

        while (ch != null) {
            // i == old instruction; c == copied instruction
            Instruction i = ih.getInstruction();
            Instruction c = ch.getInstruction();

            if (i instanceof BranchInstruction) {
                BranchInstruction bc      = (BranchInstruction)c;
                BranchInstruction bi      = (BranchInstruction)i;
                InstructionHandle itarget = bi.getTarget(); // old target

                // New target must be in targetMap
                InstructionHandle newTarget =


                // Handle LOOKUPSWITCH or TABLESWITCH which may have many
                // target instructions
                if (bi instanceof Select) {
                    InstructionHandle[] itargets = ((Select)bi).getTargets();
                    InstructionHandle[] ctargets = ((Select)bc).getTargets();

                    // Update all targets
                    for (int j=0; j < itargets.length; j++) {
                        ctargets[j] =
            }  else if (i instanceof LocalVariableInstruction
                            || i instanceof RET) {
                // For any instruction that touches a local variable,
                // map the location of the variable in the original
                // method to its location in the new method.
                IndexedInstruction lvi = (IndexedInstruction)c;
                int oldLocalVarIndex = lvi.getIndex();
                LocalVariableGen oldLVG =
                LocalVariableGen newLVG =
                int newLocalVarIndex;

                if (newLVG == null) {
                    // Create new variable based on old variable - use same
                    // name and type, but we will let the variable be active
                    // for the entire outlined method.
                    // LocalVariableGen oldLocal = oldLocals[oldLocalVarIndex];
                    String varName = oldLVG.getName();
                    Type varType = oldLVG.getType();
                    newLVG = outlinedMethodGen.addLocalVariable(varName,
                    newLocalVarIndex = newLVG.getIndex();
                    localVarMap.put(oldLVG, newLVG);

                    // The old variable's live range was wholly contained in
                    // the outlined chunk.  There should no longer be stores
                    // of values into it or loads of its value, so we can just
                    // mark its live range as the reference to the outlined
                    // method.
                    revisedLocalVarStart.put(oldLVG, outlinedMethodRef);
                    revisedLocalVarEnd.put(oldLVG, outlinedMethodRef);
                } else {
                    newLocalVarIndex = newLVG.getIndex();

            // If the old instruction marks the end of the range of a local
            // variable, make sure that any slots on the stack reserved for
            // local variables are made available for reuse by calling
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Examples of com.sun.org.apache.bcel.internal.generic.IndexedInstruction

                    // check whether the local variable's value needs to be
                    // copied into or out of the outlined method.  If so,
                    // generate the code to perform the necessary copying, and
                    // use localVarMap to map the variable in the original
                    // method to the variable in the new method.
                    IndexedInstruction lvi = (IndexedInstruction)c;
                    int oldLocalVarIndex = lvi.getIndex();
                    LocalVariableGen oldLVG =
                    LocalVariableGen newLVG =

                    // Has the code already mapped this local variable to a
                    // local in the new method?
                    if (localVarMap.get(oldLVG) == null) {
                        // Determine whether the local variable needs to be
                        // copied into or out of the outlined by checking
                        // whether the range of instructions in which the
                        // variable is accessible is outside the range of
                        // instructions in the outlineable chunk.
                        // Special case a chunk start offset of zero:  a local
                        // variable live at that position must be a method
                        // parameter, so the code doesn't need to check whether
                        // the variable is live before that point; being live
                        // at offset zero is sufficient to know that the value
                        // must be copied in to the outlined method.
                        boolean copyInLocalValue =
                                                (outlineChunkStartOffset != 0)
                                                    ? outlineChunkStartOffset-1
                                                    : 0);
                        boolean copyOutLocalValue =

                        // For any variable that needs to be copied into or out
                        // of the outlined method, create a field in the
                        // CopyLocals class, and generate the necessary code for
                        // copying the value.
                        if (copyInLocalValue || copyOutLocalValue) {
                            String varName = oldLVG.getName();
                            Type varType = oldLVG.getType();
                            newLVG = outlinedMethodGen.addLocalVariable(varName,
                            int newLocalVarIndex = newLVG.getIndex();
                            String varSignature = varType.getSignature();

                            // Record the mapping from the old local to the new
                            localVarMap.put(oldLVG, newLVG);

                            String copyAreaFieldName =
                                           "field" + copyAreaFieldCount;
                                new Field(ACC_PUBLIC,
                                        null, copyAreaCPG.getConstantPool()));

                            int fieldRef = cpg.addFieldref(argTypeName,

                            if (copyInLocalValue) {
                                // Generate code for the old method to store the
                                // value of the local into the correct field in
                                // CopyLocals prior to invocation of the
                                // outlined method.
                                InstructionHandle copyInLoad =
                                        loadLocal(oldLocalVarIndex, varType));
                                oldMethCopyInIL.append(new PUTFIELD(fieldRef));

                                // If the end of the live range of the old
                                // variable was in the middle of the outlined
                                // chunk.  Make the load of its value the new
                                // end of its range.
                                if (!copyOutLocalValue) {
                                    revisedLocalVarEnd.put(oldLVG, copyInLoad);

                                // Generate code for start of the outlined
                                // method to copy the value from a field in
                                // CopyLocals to the new local in the outlined
                                // method
                                newMethCopyInIL.append(new GETFIELD(fieldRef));
                                        storeLocal(newLocalVarIndex, varType));

                            if (copyOutLocalValue) {
                                // Generate code for the end of the outlined
                                // method to copy the value from the new local
                                // variable into a field in CopyLocals
                                // method
                                        loadLocal(newLocalVarIndex, varType));
                                newMethCopyOutIL.append(new PUTFIELD(fieldRef));

                                // Generate code to copy the value from a field
                                // in CopyLocals into a local in the original
                                // method following invocation of the outlined
                                // method.
                                oldMethCopyOutIL.append(new GETFIELD(fieldRef));
                                InstructionHandle copyOutStore =
                                        storeLocal(oldLocalVarIndex, varType));

                                // If the start of the live range of the old
                                // variable was in the middle of the outlined
                                // chunk.  Make this store into it the new start
                                // of its range.
                                if (!copyInLocalValue) {

                if (ih.hasTargeters()) {
                    targetMap.put(ih, lastCopyHandle);

                // If this is the first instruction copied following a sequence
                // of OutlineableChunkStart instructions, indicate that the
                // sequence of old instruction all map to this newly created
                // instruction
                if (chunkStartTargetMappingsPending) {
                    do {
                         pendingTargetMappingHandle =
                    } while(pendingTargetMappingHandle != ih);

                    chunkStartTargetMappingsPending = false;

        // Pass 2: Walk old and new instruction lists, updating branch targets
        // and local variable references in the new list
        InstructionHandle ih = first;
        InstructionHandle ch = newIL.getStart();

        while (ch != null) {
            // i == old instruction; c == copied instruction
            Instruction i = ih.getInstruction();
            Instruction c = ch.getInstruction();

            if (i instanceof BranchInstruction) {
                BranchInstruction bc      = (BranchInstruction)c;
                BranchInstruction bi      = (BranchInstruction)i;
                InstructionHandle itarget = bi.getTarget(); // old target

                // New target must be in targetMap
                InstructionHandle newTarget =


                // Handle LOOKUPSWITCH or TABLESWITCH which may have many
                // target instructions
                if (bi instanceof Select) {
                    InstructionHandle[] itargets = ((Select)bi).getTargets();
                    InstructionHandle[] ctargets = ((Select)bc).getTargets();

                    // Update all targets
                    for (int j=0; j < itargets.length; j++) {
                        ctargets[j] =
            }  else if (i instanceof LocalVariableInstruction
                            || i instanceof RET) {
                // For any instruction that touches a local variable,
                // map the location of the variable in the original
                // method to its location in the new method.
                IndexedInstruction lvi = (IndexedInstruction)c;
                int oldLocalVarIndex = lvi.getIndex();
                LocalVariableGen oldLVG =
                LocalVariableGen newLVG =
                int newLocalVarIndex;

                if (newLVG == null) {
                    // Create new variable based on old variable - use same
                    // name and type, but we will let the variable be active
                    // for the entire outlined method.
                    // LocalVariableGen oldLocal = oldLocals[oldLocalVarIndex];
                    String varName = oldLVG.getName();
                    Type varType = oldLVG.getType();
                    newLVG = outlinedMethodGen.addLocalVariable(varName,
                    newLocalVarIndex = newLVG.getIndex();
                    localVarMap.put(oldLVG, newLVG);

                    // The old variable's live range was wholly contained in
                    // the outlined chunk.  There should no longer be stores
                    // of values into it or loads of its value, so we can just
                    // mark its live range as the reference to the outlined
                    // method.
                    revisedLocalVarStart.put(oldLVG, outlinedMethodRef);
                    revisedLocalVarEnd.put(oldLVG, outlinedMethodRef);
                } else {
                    newLocalVarIndex = newLVG.getIndex();

            // If the old instruction marks the end of the range of a local
            // variable, make sure that any slots on the stack reserved for
            // local variables are made available for reuse by calling
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Examples of org.apache.bcel.generic.IndexedInstruction

                    // check whether the local variable's value needs to be
                    // copied into or out of the outlined method.  If so,
                    // generate the code to perform the necessary copying, and
                    // use localVarMap to map the variable in the original
                    // method to the variable in the new method.
                    IndexedInstruction lvi = (IndexedInstruction)c;
                    int oldLocalVarIndex = lvi.getIndex();
                    LocalVariableGen oldLVG =
                    LocalVariableGen newLVG =

                    // Has the code already mapped this local variable to a
                    // local in the new method?
                    if (localVarMap.get(oldLVG) == null) {
                        // Determine whether the local variable needs to be
                        // copied into or out of the outlined by checking
                        // whether the range of instructions in which the
                        // variable is accessible is outside the range of
                        // instructions in the outlineable chunk.
                        // Special case a chunk start offset of zero:  a local
                        // variable live at that position must be a method
                        // parameter, so the code doesn't need to check whether
                        // the variable is live before that point; being live
                        // at offset zero is sufficient to know that the value
                        // must be copied in to the outlined method.
                        boolean copyInLocalValue =
                                                (outlineChunkStartOffset != 0)
                                                    ? outlineChunkStartOffset-1
                                                    : 0);
                        boolean copyOutLocalValue =

                        // For any variable that needs to be copied into or out
                        // of the outlined method, create a field in the
                        // CopyLocals class, and generate the necessary code for
                        // copying the value.
                        if (copyInLocalValue || copyOutLocalValue) {
                            String varName = oldLVG.getName();
                            Type varType = oldLVG.getType();
                            newLVG = outlinedMethodGen.addLocalVariable(varName,
                            int newLocalVarIndex = newLVG.getIndex();
                            String varSignature = varType.getSignature();

                            // Record the mapping from the old local to the new
                            localVarMap.put(oldLVG, newLVG);

                            String copyAreaFieldName =
                                           "field" + copyAreaFieldCount;
                                new Field(ACC_PUBLIC,
                                        null, copyAreaCPG.getConstantPool()));

                            int fieldRef = cpg.addFieldref(argTypeName,

                            if (copyInLocalValue) {
                                // Generate code for the old method to store the
                                // value of the local into the correct field in
                                // CopyLocals prior to invocation of the
                                // outlined method.
                                InstructionHandle copyInLoad =
                                        loadLocal(oldLocalVarIndex, varType));
                                oldMethCopyInIL.append(new PUTFIELD(fieldRef));

                                // If the end of the live range of the old
                                // variable was in the middle of the outlined
                                // chunk.  Make the load of its value the new
                                // end of its range.
                                if (!copyOutLocalValue) {
                                    revisedLocalVarEnd.put(oldLVG, copyInLoad);

                                // Generate code for start of the outlined
                                // method to copy the value from a field in
                                // CopyLocals to the new local in the outlined
                                // method
                                newMethCopyInIL.append(new GETFIELD(fieldRef));
                                        storeLocal(newLocalVarIndex, varType));

                            if (copyOutLocalValue) {
                                // Generate code for the end of the outlined
                                // method to copy the value from the new local
                                // variable into a field in CopyLocals
                                // method
                                        loadLocal(newLocalVarIndex, varType));
                                newMethCopyOutIL.append(new PUTFIELD(fieldRef));

                                // Generate code to copy the value from a field
                                // in CopyLocals into a local in the original
                                // method following invocation of the outlined
                                // method.
                                oldMethCopyOutIL.append(new GETFIELD(fieldRef));
                                InstructionHandle copyOutStore =
                                        storeLocal(oldLocalVarIndex, varType));

                                // If the start of the live range of the old
                                // variable was in the middle of the outlined
                                // chunk.  Make this store into it the new start
                                // of its range.
                                if (!copyInLocalValue) {

                if (ih.hasTargeters()) {
                    targetMap.put(ih, lastCopyHandle);

                // If this is the first instruction copied following a sequence
                // of OutlineableChunkStart instructions, indicate that the
                // sequence of old instruction all map to this newly created
                // instruction
                if (chunkStartTargetMappingsPending) {
                    do {
                         pendingTargetMappingHandle =
                    } while(pendingTargetMappingHandle != ih);

                    chunkStartTargetMappingsPending = false;

        // Pass 2: Walk old and new instruction lists, updating branch targets
        // and local variable references in the new list
        InstructionHandle ih = first;
        InstructionHandle ch = newIL.getStart();

        while (ch != null) {
            // i == old instruction; c == copied instruction
            Instruction i = ih.getInstruction();
            Instruction c = ch.getInstruction();

            if (i instanceof BranchInstruction) {
                BranchInstruction bc      = (BranchInstruction)c;
                BranchInstruction bi      = (BranchInstruction)i;
                InstructionHandle itarget = bi.getTarget(); // old target

                // New target must be in targetMap
                InstructionHandle newTarget =


                // Handle LOOKUPSWITCH or TABLESWITCH which may have many
                // target instructions
                if (bi instanceof Select) {
                    InstructionHandle[] itargets = ((Select)bi).getTargets();
                    InstructionHandle[] ctargets = ((Select)bc).getTargets();

                    // Update all targets
                    for (int j=0; j < itargets.length; j++) {
                        ctargets[j] =
            }  else if (i instanceof LocalVariableInstruction
                            || i instanceof RET) {
                // For any instruction that touches a local variable,
                // map the location of the variable in the original
                // method to its location in the new method.
                IndexedInstruction lvi = (IndexedInstruction)c;
                int oldLocalVarIndex = lvi.getIndex();
                LocalVariableGen oldLVG =
                LocalVariableGen newLVG =
                int newLocalVarIndex;

                if (newLVG == null) {
                    // Create new variable based on old variable - use same
                    // name and type, but we will let the variable be active
                    // for the entire outlined method.
                    // LocalVariableGen oldLocal = oldLocals[oldLocalVarIndex];
                    String varName = oldLVG.getName();
                    Type varType = oldLVG.getType();
                    newLVG = outlinedMethodGen.addLocalVariable(varName,
                    newLocalVarIndex = newLVG.getIndex();
                    localVarMap.put(oldLVG, newLVG);

                    // The old variable's live range was wholly contained in
                    // the outlined chunk.  There should no longer be stores
                    // of values into it or loads of its value, so we can just
                    // mark its live range as the reference to the outlined
                    // method.
                    revisedLocalVarStart.put(oldLVG, outlinedMethodRef);
                    revisedLocalVarEnd.put(oldLVG, outlinedMethodRef);
                } else {
                    newLocalVarIndex = newLVG.getIndex();

            // If the old instruction marks the end of the range of a local
            // variable, make sure that any slots on the stack reserved for
            // local variables are made available for reuse by calling
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Examples of org.apache.bcel.generic.IndexedInstruction

                    // check whether the local variable's value needs to be
                    // copied into or out of the outlined method.  If so,
                    // generate the code to perform the necessary copying, and
                    // use localVarMap to map the variable in the original
                    // method to the variable in the new method.
                    IndexedInstruction lvi = (IndexedInstruction)c;
                    int oldLocalVarIndex = lvi.getIndex();
                    LocalVariableGen oldLVG =
                    LocalVariableGen newLVG =

                    // Has the code already mapped this local variable to a
                    // local in the new method?
                    if (localVarMap.get(oldLVG) == null) {
                        // Determine whether the local variable needs to be
                        // copied into or out of the outlined by checking
                        // whether the range of instructions in which the
                        // variable is accessible is outside the range of
                        // instructions in the outlineable chunk.
                        // Special case a chunk start offset of zero:  a local
                        // variable live at that position must be a method
                        // parameter, so the code doesn't need to check whether
                        // the variable is live before that point; being live
                        // at offset zero is sufficient to know that the value
                        // must be copied in to the outlined method.
                        boolean copyInLocalValue =
                                                (outlineChunkStartOffset != 0)
                                                    ? outlineChunkStartOffset-1
                                                    : 0);
                        boolean copyOutLocalValue =

                        // For any variable that needs to be copied into or out
                        // of the outlined method, create a field in the
                        // CopyLocals class, and generate the necessary code for
                        // copying the value.
                        if (copyInLocalValue || copyOutLocalValue) {
                            String varName = oldLVG.getName();
                            Type varType = oldLVG.getType();
                            newLVG = outlinedMethodGen.addLocalVariable(varName,
                            int newLocalVarIndex = newLVG.getIndex();
                            String varSignature = varType.getSignature();

                            // Record the mapping from the old local to the new
                            localVarMap.put(oldLVG, newLVG);

                            String copyAreaFieldName =
                                           "field" + copyAreaFieldCount;
                                new Field(ACC_PUBLIC,
                                        null, copyAreaCPG.getConstantPool()));

                            int fieldRef = cpg.addFieldref(argTypeName,

                            if (copyInLocalValue) {
                                // Generate code for the old method to store the
                                // value of the local into the correct field in
                                // CopyLocals prior to invocation of the
                                // outlined method.
                                InstructionHandle copyInLoad =
                                        loadLocal(oldLocalVarIndex, varType));
                                oldMethCopyInIL.append(new PUTFIELD(fieldRef));

                                // If the end of the live range of the old
                                // variable was in the middle of the outlined
                                // chunk.  Make the load of its value the new
                                // end of its range.
                                if (!copyOutLocalValue) {
                                    revisedLocalVarEnd.put(oldLVG, copyInLoad);

                                // Generate code for start of the outlined
                                // method to copy the value from a field in
                                // CopyLocals to the new local in the outlined
                                // method
                                newMethCopyInIL.append(new GETFIELD(fieldRef));
                                        storeLocal(newLocalVarIndex, varType));

                            if (copyOutLocalValue) {
                                // Generate code for the end of the outlined
                                // method to copy the value from the new local
                                // variable into a field in CopyLocals
                                // method
                                        loadLocal(newLocalVarIndex, varType));
                                newMethCopyOutIL.append(new PUTFIELD(fieldRef));

                                // Generate code to copy the value from a field
                                // in CopyLocals into a local in the original
                                // method following invocation of the outlined
                                // method.
                                oldMethCopyOutIL.append(new GETFIELD(fieldRef));
                                InstructionHandle copyOutStore =
                                        storeLocal(oldLocalVarIndex, varType));

                                // If the start of the live range of the old
                                // variable was in the middle of the outlined
                                // chunk.  Make this store into it the new start
                                // of its range.
                                if (!copyInLocalValue) {

                if (ih.hasTargeters()) {
                    targetMap.put(ih, lastCopyHandle);

                // If this is the first instruction copied following a sequence
                // of OutlineableChunkStart instructions, indicate that the
                // sequence of old instruction all map to this newly created
                // instruction
                if (chunkStartTargetMappingsPending) {
                    do {
                         pendingTargetMappingHandle =
                    } while(pendingTargetMappingHandle != ih);

                    chunkStartTargetMappingsPending = false;

        // Pass 2: Walk old and new instruction lists, updating branch targets
        // and local variable references in the new list
        InstructionHandle ih = first;
        InstructionHandle ch = newIL.getStart();

        while (ch != null) {
            // i == old instruction; c == copied instruction
            Instruction i = ih.getInstruction();
            Instruction c = ch.getInstruction();

            if (i instanceof BranchInstruction) {
                BranchInstruction bc      = (BranchInstruction)c;
                BranchInstruction bi      = (BranchInstruction)i;
                InstructionHandle itarget = bi.getTarget(); // old target

                // New target must be in targetMap
                InstructionHandle newTarget =


                // Handle LOOKUPSWITCH or TABLESWITCH which may have many
                // target instructions
                if (bi instanceof Select) {
                    InstructionHandle[] itargets = ((Select)bi).getTargets();
                    InstructionHandle[] ctargets = ((Select)bc).getTargets();

                    // Update all targets
                    for (int j=0; j < itargets.length; j++) {
                        ctargets[j] =
            }  else if (i instanceof LocalVariableInstruction
                            || i instanceof RET) {
                // For any instruction that touches a local variable,
                // map the location of the variable in the original
                // method to its location in the new method.
                IndexedInstruction lvi = (IndexedInstruction)c;
                int oldLocalVarIndex = lvi.getIndex();
                LocalVariableGen oldLVG =
                LocalVariableGen newLVG =
                int newLocalVarIndex;

                if (newLVG == null) {
                    // Create new variable based on old variable - use same
                    // name and type, but we will let the variable be active
                    // for the entire outlined method.
                    // LocalVariableGen oldLocal = oldLocals[oldLocalVarIndex];
                    String varName = oldLVG.getName();
                    Type varType = oldLVG.getType();
                    newLVG = outlinedMethodGen.addLocalVariable(varName,
                    newLocalVarIndex = newLVG.getIndex();
                    localVarMap.put(oldLVG, newLVG);

                    // The old variable's live range was wholly contained in
                    // the outlined chunk.  There should no longer be stores
                    // of values into it or loads of its value, so we can just
                    // mark its live range as the reference to the outlined
                    // method.
                    revisedLocalVarStart.put(oldLVG, outlinedMethodRef);
                    revisedLocalVarEnd.put(oldLVG, outlinedMethodRef);
                } else {
                    newLocalVarIndex = newLVG.getIndex();

            // If the old instruction marks the end of the range of a local
            // variable, make sure that any slots on the stack reserved for
            // local variables are made available for reuse by calling
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Examples of org.apache.bcel.generic.IndexedInstruction

        if (ins instanceof LoadInstruction || ins instanceof IINC || ins instanceof RET) {
            // Local is loaded: it will be live on any path leading
            // to this instruction

            IndexedInstruction load = (IndexedInstruction) ins;
            int local = load.getIndex();
            fact.clear(local + killedByStoreOffset);

        if (!isFactValid(fact)) {
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Examples of org.apache.bcel.generic.IndexedInstruction

                if (location.getBasicBlock().isExceptionHandler()) {
                InstructionHandle handle = location.getHandle();
                int pc = handle.getPosition();
                IndexedInstruction ins = (IndexedInstruction) location.getHandle().getInstruction();

                int local = ins.getIndex();

                // Get live stores at this instruction.
                // Note that the analysis also computes which stores were
                // killed by a subsequent unconditional store.
                BitSet liveStoreSet = llsaDataflow.getAnalysis().getFactAtLocation(location);
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Examples of org.apache.bcel.generic.IndexedInstruction

            boolean isLoad = isLoad(location);
            if (!isStore && !isLoad) {

            IndexedInstruction ins = (IndexedInstruction) location.getHandle().getInstruction();
            int local = ins.getIndex();
            if (ins instanceof IINC) {
            } else if (isStore) {
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Examples of org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.IndexedInstruction

      } else if (fresh instanceof BranchInstruction) {
        dest = ret.append((BranchInstruction) fresh);
      } else if (
        fresh instanceof LocalVariableInstruction || fresh instanceof RET) {
        IndexedInstruction indexed = (IndexedInstruction) fresh;
        int oldIndex = indexed.getIndex();
        int freshIndex;
        if (!frameEnv.hasKey(oldIndex)) {
          freshIndex = recipient.allocateLocal(2);
          frameEnv.put(oldIndex, freshIndex);
        } else {
          freshIndex = frameEnv.get(oldIndex);
        dest = ret.append(fresh);
      } else {
        dest = ret.append(fresh);
      srcToDest.put(src, dest);
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Examples of org.aspectj.apache.bcel.generic.IndexedInstruction

      // frame location, update the instruction's index.  If this doesn't,
      // do compaction/expansion: allocate a new local variable, and modify the remap
      // to handle it.  XXX We're doing the safe thing and allocating ALL these local variables
      // as double-wides, in case the location is found to hold a double-wide later.
            if (freshI instanceof LocalVariableInstruction || freshI instanceof RET) {
              IndexedInstruction indexedI = (IndexedInstruction) freshI;
                int oldIndex = indexedI.getIndex();
              int freshIndex;
                if (! remap.hasKey(oldIndex)) {
                    freshIndex = freshMethod.allocateLocal(2);
                    remap.put(oldIndex, freshIndex);
                } else {
                    freshIndex = remap.get(oldIndex);
//            System.err.println("JUST COPIED: " + oldIh.getInstruction().toString(freshMethod.getEnclosingClass().getConstantPoolGen().getConstantPool())
//              + " INTO " + freshIh.getInstruction().toString(freshMethod.getEnclosingClass().getConstantPoolGen().getConstantPool()));
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