public void testStatefulFailover() throws Exception {
ContextSelector<EJBClientContext> selector = EJBClientContextSelector.setup(CLIENT_PROPERTIES);
try (EJBDirectory context = new RemoteEJBDirectory(MODULE_NAME)) {
Incrementor bean = context.lookupStateful(StatefulIncrementorBean.class, Incrementor.class);
Result<Integer> result = bean.increment();
String target = result.getNode();
int count = 1;
System.out.println("Established weak affinity to " + target);
Assert.assertEquals(count++, result.getValue().intValue());
// Bean should retain weak affinity for this node
for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; ++i) {
result = bean.increment();
Assert.assertEquals(count++, result.getValue().intValue());
Assert.assertEquals(String.valueOf(i), target, result.getNode());
result = bean.increment();
// Bean should failover to other node
String failoverTarget = result.getNode();
Assert.assertEquals(count++, result.getValue().intValue());
Assert.assertNotEquals(target, failoverTarget);
// Allow sufficient time for client to receive new topology
result = bean.increment();
String failbackTarget = result.getNode();
Assert.assertEquals(count++, result.getValue().intValue());
// Bean should retain weak affinity for this node
Assert.assertEquals(failoverTarget, failbackTarget);
result = bean.increment();
// Bean may have acquired new weak affinity
target = result.getNode();
Assert.assertEquals(count++, result.getValue().intValue());
System.out.println("Reestablished weak affinity to " + target);
// Bean should retain weak affinity for this node
for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; ++i) {
result = bean.increment();
Assert.assertEquals(count++, result.getValue().intValue());
Assert.assertEquals(String.valueOf(i), target, result.getNode());
result = bean.increment();
// Bean should failover to other node
failoverTarget = result.getNode();
Assert.assertEquals(count++, result.getValue().intValue());
Assert.assertNotEquals(target, failoverTarget);
// Allow sufficient time for client to receive new topology
result = bean.increment();
failbackTarget = result.getNode();
Assert.assertEquals(count++, result.getValue().intValue());
// Bean should retain weak affinity for this node
Assert.assertEquals(failoverTarget, failbackTarget);
result = bean.increment();
// Bean may have acquired new weak affinity
target = result.getNode();
Assert.assertEquals(count++, result.getValue().intValue());
System.out.println("Reestablished weak affinity to " + target);
// Bean should retain weak affinity for this node
for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; ++i) {
result = bean.increment();
Assert.assertEquals(count++, result.getValue().intValue());
Assert.assertEquals(String.valueOf(i), target, result.getNode());
} finally {