Occasionally there is an incongruity (a mismatch) between the Portlet lifecycle and the JSF lifecycle with regard to execution of methods on the {@link ExternalContext}. This class is designed to compensate for these incongruous actions as much as possible.
Example: Sometimes the JSF implementation or a JSF {@link ActionListener} will call methods like {@link ExternalContext#setResponseStatus(int)} during the Portlet {@link javax.portlet.PortletRequest#ACTION_PHASE}. In this case, the Portlet lifecycle is working with a {@link javax.portlet.ActionResponse} but there is no correspondingmethod. Technically the only time such a method could be called would be during the {@link javax.portlet.PortletRequest#RESOURCE_PHASE} because the {@link javax.portlet.ResourceResponse} class has asetReponseStatus(int) method.
@author Neil Griffin