Examples of ImageMetadata

Examples of com.lightcrafts.image.metadata.ImageMetadata

    // Construct a lightweight placeholder ImageMetadata object from
    // information in the File.
    static ImageMetadata getEggMetadata(File file) {

        ImageMetadata meta = new ImageMetadata();

        ImageMetadataDirectory core =
            meta.getDirectoryFor(CoreDirectory.class, true);

        String path = file.getParent();
        if (path == null) {
            path = "";
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Examples of com.volantis.mcs.policies.variants.image.ImageMetaData


        // convert image if needed
        if (variantType == VariantType.IMAGE) {
            ImageMetaData imageMetaData = (ImageMetaData) selectedVariant

            // image must be convert
            if (url != null
                    && imageMetaData.getConversionMode() ==
                        ImageConversionMode.ALWAYS_CONVERT) {
                url = assetResolver.rewriteURLWithPageURLRewriter(url,


        if (url != null) {
            // new mime types for device dependent resources
            String mimeTypes = "";
            Iterator encodingIterator = null;
            // for each variant type get encoding and save its all mime types
            // into attributes' srcType
            if (variantType == VariantType.VIDEO) {
                VideoMetaData metaData = (VideoMetaData) variant.getMetaData();
                encodingIterator = metaData.getVideoEncoding().mimeTypes();
            } else if (variantType == VariantType.AUDIO) {
                AudioMetaData metaData = (AudioMetaData) variant.getMetaData();
                encodingIterator = metaData.getAudioEncoding().mimeTypes();
            } else if (variantType == VariantType.IMAGE) {
                // This is incorrect if the asset is marked as
                // <conversion-mode>always</conversion-mode>
                // as we do not know what MAP will convert it to.
                ImageMetaData metaData = (ImageMetaData) variant.getMetaData();
                encodingIterator = metaData.getImageEncoding().mimeTypes();

            int counter = 0;
            while (encodingIterator != null && encodingIterator.hasNext()) {
                if (counter > 0) {
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Examples of com.volantis.mcs.policies.variants.image.ImageMetaData

        throws XDIMEException {

        // if this is an image variant and it is marked as transcodable
        // then go for it.
        if (variant.getVariantType() == VariantType.IMAGE) {
            ImageMetaData metadata = (ImageMetaData) variant.getMetaData();
            if (ImageConversionMode.ALWAYS_CONVERT ==
                metadata.getConversionMode()) {
                // Set the flag indicating, that finalizer is required, since
                // some attributes like "src" will be provided by MediaAgent at
                // later time.
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Examples of com.volantis.mcs.policies.variants.image.ImageMetaData

            Variant variant, final int expectedWidth, final int expectedHeight,
            final int expectedPixelDepth,
            final ImageRendering expectedRendering,
            final ImageEncoding expectedEncoding) {

        ImageMetaData image = (ImageMetaData) variant.getMetaData();

        assertEquals("", expectedWidth, image.getWidth());
        assertEquals("", expectedHeight, image.getHeight());
        assertEquals("", expectedPixelDepth, image.getPixelDepth());
        assertEquals("", expectedRendering, image.getRendering());
        assertEquals("", expectedEncoding, image.getImageEncoding());
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Examples of com.volantis.mcs.policies.variants.image.ImageMetaData

        extends EncodingFilter {

    public Variant filter(
            InternalDevice device, Variant variant,
            EncodingCollection requiredEncodings) {
        ImageMetaData metaData = (ImageMetaData) variant.getMetaData();

        // Convertible image variants can only be used if a transcoding rule
        // can be determined for this device.
        ImageConversionMode conversionMode = metaData.getConversionMode();
        if (conversionMode == ImageConversionMode.ALWAYS_CONVERT) {
            // Check the transcoding rule.
            if (MarinerPageContext.getTranscodingRule(device) == null) {
                variant = null;
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Examples of com.volantis.mcs.policies.variants.image.ImageMetaData

    protected EncodingCollection getSupportedEncodings(InternalDevice device) {
        return device.getSupportedImageEncodings();

    protected Encoding getEncoding(Variant variant) {
        ImageMetaData metaData = (ImageMetaData) variant.getMetaData();
        return metaData.getImageEncoding();
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Examples of com.volantis.mcs.policies.variants.image.ImageMetaData

        // we can discard the image from our selection. Also remove any images that
        // are wider than the width of the device.
//        for (int i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
        for (Iterator i = images.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            Variant variant = (Variant) i.next();
            ImageMetaData image = (ImageMetaData) variant.getMetaData();

            ImageEncoding encoding = image.getImageEncoding();
            if (!supportedEncodings.contains(encoding)) {
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    logger.debug("Discarding variant " + variant +
                            " as device does not support encoding.");

            int currentWidth = image.getWidth();
            if (currentWidth > deviceWidth) {
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    logger.debug("Discarding variant " + variant +
                            " - width greater than device width.");

        // If the list is empty then the device does not support any of the
        // images in the collection we are testing so we can return null.
        if (images.isEmpty()) {
            return null;

        // Remove any images that are wider than the specified widthHint percentage
        // of the device width.  In this loop we also find the maximum width of all
        // the remaining variants.
        for (Iterator i = images.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            Variant variant = (Variant) i.next();
            ImageMetaData image = (ImageMetaData) variant.getMetaData();

            GenericImageSelection generic = (GenericImageSelection)

            int widthHint = generic.getWidthHint();
            int currentWidth = image.getWidth();
            if (widthHint != 0) {
                int allowedWidth = (widthHint * deviceWidth) / 100;
                if (currentWidth > allowedWidth) {
                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        logger.debug("Discarding variant " + variant +
                                " - width (" + currentWidth +
                                ") greater than " + widthHint +
                                "% of device width (" + deviceWidth + ")");

            if (currentWidth > maxWidth) {
                maxWidth = currentWidth;

        // If the list is empty then the device does not support any of the
        // images in the collection we are testing so we can return null.
        if (images.isEmpty()) {
            return null;

        // Remove any images that are less than the maximum width as we always want
        // to return the largest possible image.  Here we also check if any of the
        // images' rendering type matches the device.
        ImageRendering deviceRenderingMode = device.getRenderMode();
        boolean renderingMatch = false;
        for (Iterator i = images.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            Variant variant = (Variant) i.next();
            ImageMetaData image = (ImageMetaData) variant.getMetaData();

            if (image.getWidth() < maxWidth) {
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    logger.debug("Discarding variant " + variant +
                            " - width less than best width.");

            if (image.getRendering() == deviceRenderingMode) {
                renderingMatch = true;

        // If the list is empty then the device does not support any of the
        // images in the collection we are testing so we can return null.
        if (images.isEmpty()) {
            return null;

        int devicePixelDepth = device.getPixelDepth();

        // there is an image with a pixelDepth => devicePixelDepth
        boolean pixelDepthMatch = false;
        // there is an image with a pixelDepth of 1 when the device supports better
        boolean poorPixelDepthMatch = false;
        // there is an image with a pixelDepth greater than that of the device
        boolean pixelDepthMismatch = false;

        for (Iterator i = images.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            Variant variant = (Variant) i.next();
            ImageMetaData image = (ImageMetaData) variant.getMetaData();

            if (renderingMatch) {
                // If there was at least one rendering match then we remove all those
                // images that were not a match.
                if (image.getRendering() != deviceRenderingMode) {
                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        logger.debug("Discarding variant " + variant +
                                " - rendering type does not match.");
            } else {
                // If there wasn't any rendering matches then if image encoding is in
                // the set JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP or TIFF it can still be used.  Otherwise the
                // image is removed.
                ImageEncoding currentImageEncoding = image.getImageEncoding();
                if (currentImageEncoding != ImageEncoding.JPEG
                        && currentImageEncoding != ImageEncoding.GIF
                        && currentImageEncoding != ImageEncoding.PNG
                        && currentImageEncoding != ImageEncoding.TIFF
                        && currentImageEncoding != ImageEncoding.BMP) {

                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        logger.debug("Discarding variant " + variant +
                                " - encoding type does not allow " +
                                "override of rendering.");


            if (image.getPixelDepth() <= devicePixelDepth) {
                if (image.getPixelDepth() == 1 && devicePixelDepth > 1) {
                    poorPixelDepthMatch = true;
                } else {
                    pixelDepthMatch = true;
            } else {
                pixelDepthMismatch = true;

        // If the list is empty then there wasn't a render match and none
        // of the images had an encoding type of JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP.  So we
        // can return null as none of the images are suitable.
        if (images.isEmpty()) {
            return null;

        // If we didn't match a pixel depth but did find a 1bit image when the
        // device supports better, and we don't have anything better, then our
        // 1bit image really was our pixelDepthMatch so set the flag to true.
        if (!pixelDepthMatch && poorPixelDepthMatch && !pixelDepthMismatch) {
            pixelDepthMatch = true;

        // There was at least one image with a pixel depth within the allowed
        // range, so remove all those that have a pixel depth greater than the
        // device.
        if (pixelDepthMatch) {
            for (Iterator i = images.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                Variant variant = (Variant) i.next();
                ImageMetaData image = (ImageMetaData) variant.getMetaData();

                if (image.getPixelDepth() > devicePixelDepth) {
                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        logger.debug("Discarding variant " + variant +
                                " - pixelDepth less than best available.");
        } else {
            // All of the images have a pixel depth greater than the device.  However
            // we can still use those images in the set JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP or TIFF.  All
            // others must be removed
            for (Iterator i = images.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                Variant variant = (Variant) i.next();
                ImageMetaData image = (ImageMetaData) variant.getMetaData();

                ImageEncoding currentImageEncoding = image.getImageEncoding();
                if (currentImageEncoding != ImageEncoding.JPEG
                        && currentImageEncoding != ImageEncoding.GIF
                        && currentImageEncoding != ImageEncoding.PNG
                        && currentImageEncoding != ImageEncoding.TIFF
                        && currentImageEncoding != ImageEncoding.BMP) {
                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        logger.debug("Discarding variant " + variant +
                                " - pixelDepth too great and" +
                                " outside of valid set of encodings capable" +
                                " of reducing in depth.");

        // If the list is empty then there wasn't an image with a pixel depth
        // less than the device or with an encoding type of JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP
        // or TIFF. So we can return null as none of the images are suitable.
        if (images.isEmpty()) {
            return null;
        } else if (images.size() == 1) {
            return (Variant) images.get(0);

        // Find the best pixelDepth of the remaining images.
        // If we had a pixelDepth match then it is simply the largest.
        // Otherwise it is the closest above the device pixel depth.
        int bestDepth = -1;
        if (pixelDepthMatch) {
            for (Iterator i = images.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                Variant variant = (Variant) i.next();
                ImageMetaData image = (ImageMetaData) variant.getMetaData();

                if (image.getPixelDepth() > bestDepth) {
                    bestDepth = image.getPixelDepth();
        } else {
            int bestDiff = 0;
            for (Iterator i = images.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
                Variant variant = (Variant) i.next();
                ImageMetaData image = (ImageMetaData) variant.getMetaData();

                int pixelDepth = image.getPixelDepth();

                if (pixelDepth == 1) {
                    if (bestDepth == -1) {
                        bestDepth = pixelDepth;

                int diff = pixelDepth - devicePixelDepth;

                // make the value absolute;
                if (diff < 0) {
                    diff = 0 - diff;

                // diff cannot be 0 if we are in this loop because we would have
                // matched pixelDepth earlier.  So, it is safe to use an initial value
                // of zero for bestDiff.
                if (bestDiff == 0 || diff < bestDiff) {
                    bestDiff = diff;
                    bestDepth = image.getPixelDepth();

        Variant imageJPEG = null;
        Variant imageGIF = null;
        Variant imagePNG = null;
        Variant imageTIFF = null;

        // Remove those variants with a pixelDepth not equal to the best
        for (Iterator i = images.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            Variant variant = (Variant) i.next();
            ImageMetaData image = (ImageMetaData) variant.getMetaData();

            if (image.getPixelDepth() != bestDepth) {

            if (image.getImageEncoding() == ImageEncoding.JPEG) {
                imageJPEG = variant;
            } else if (image.getImageEncoding() == ImageEncoding.GIF) {
                imageGIF = variant;
            } else if (image.getImageEncoding() == ImageEncoding.PNG) {
                imagePNG = variant;
            } else if (image.getImageEncoding() == ImageEncoding.TIFF) {
                imageTIFF = variant;

        if (images.size() == 1) {
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Examples of com.volantis.mcs.policies.variants.image.ImageMetaData

        BaseLocation location = resolver.getBaseLocation(selectedVariant);
        imageAttributes.setLocalSrc(location == BaseLocation.DEVICE);

        Variant variant = selectedVariant.getVariant();
        ImageMetaData image = (ImageMetaData) variant.getMetaData();
        // Make a note of whether this image is a convertible
        // image asset
        if (image.getConversionMode() == ImageConversionMode.ALWAYS_CONVERT) {
        } else {

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Examples of org.apache.commons.imaging.common.ImageMetadata

        if ((chunks == null) || (chunks.isEmpty())) {
            return null;

        final ImageMetadata result = new ImageMetadata();

        for (PngChunk chunk : chunks) {
            final PngTextChunk textChunk = (PngTextChunk) chunk;

            result.add(textChunk.getKeyword(), textChunk.getText());

        return result;
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Examples of org.apache.photark.ImageMetadata

                ArrayList<?> items = jpegMetadata.getItems();
                for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) {
                    Object item = items.get(i);
                    if (item instanceof TiffImageMetadata.Item) {
                        TiffImageMetadata.Item tiffItem = (TiffImageMetadata.Item)item;
                        imageAttributes.add(new ImageMetadata(tiffItem.getKeyword(), tiffItem.getText()));
        } catch (ImageReadException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
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