// This step is a substitute for the Application deployment wizard
String projectName = harness.getDefaultWebAppProjectName();
String expectedAppName = harness.getDefaultWebAppName(appPrefix);
getTestFixture().configureForApplicationDeployment(expectedAppName, false);
IModule module = getModule(projectName);
assertNotNull("Expected non-null IModule when deploying application", module);
// Publish with non-WST publish API (i.e. publish that is not invoked by
// WST framework)
serverBehavior.publishAdd(module.getName(), new NullProgressMonitor());
Collection<CloudFoundryApplicationModule> appModules = cloudServer.getExistingCloudModules();
assertNotNull("Expected list of cloud modules after deploying: " + appPrefix, appModules);
assertTrue("Expected one application module for " + appPrefix + " but got: " + appModules.size(),
appModules.size() == 1);