return Collections.emptyList();
private void addResourcesToMap( List<IGeoResource> resources, int layerpos,IMap map2 ) {
IMap map=map2;
if( getDestination() instanceof Layer){
Layer layer=(Layer) getDestination();
} else if( getDestination() instanceof IMap ){
map = (IMap) getDestination();
if (map==null )
map = ApplicationGIS.getActiveMap();
if( map==ApplicationGIS.NO_MAP ){
ProjectUIPlugin.trace(Trace.DND, getClass(), "Creating new Map with from resources: "+resources, null); //$NON-NLS-1$
ApplicationGIS.addLayersToMap((IMap)null, resources, layerpos);
ProjectUIPlugin.trace(Trace.DND, getClass(), "Add layers to "+map.getName()+" from resources: "+resources, null); //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
ApplicationGIS.addLayersToMap(map, resources, layerpos, null, true);