Callback interface for clients interested in being notified when jobs change state.
A single job listener instance can be added either to the job manager, for notification of all scheduled jobs, or to any set of individual jobs. A single listener instance should not be added to both the job manager, and to individual jobs (such a listener may receive duplicate notifications).
Clients should not rely on the result of the Job#getState()
method on jobs for which notification is occurring. Listeners are notified of all job state changes, but whether the state change occurs before, during, or after listeners are notified is unspecified.
Clients may implement this interface.
@see JobChangeAdapter
@see IJobManager#addJobChangeListener(IJobChangeListener)
@see IJobManager#removeJobChangeListener(IJobChangeListener)
@see Job#addJobChangeListener(IJobChangeListener)
@see Job#getState()
@see Job#removeJobChangeListener(IJobChangeListener)
@since 3.0