IJavaElement firstAncestor, IJavaElement topAncestor, boolean is50OrHigher) {
return getAnonCompilePriority50(elt, firstAncestor, topAncestor);
IJavaElement firstNonAnon = getFirstNonAnonymous(elt, topAncestor);
// get rid of children from local types
if(topAncestor != firstNonAnon && isLocal(firstNonAnon)){
return 5; // local anon. types have same prio as anon. from regular code
IJavaElement initBlock = getLastAncestor(elt, IJavaElement.INITIALIZER);
// test is for anon. classes from initializer blocks
if (initBlock != null) {
if(isAnyParentLocal(firstAncestor, topAncestor)){
return 5; // init blocks from local types have same prio as regular