for (final ComponentDescription componentDescription : moduleDescription.getComponentDescriptions()) {
if (componentDescription instanceof EJBComponentDescription) {
final EJBComponentDescription ejbComponentDescription = (EJBComponentDescription) componentDescription;
if (ejbComponentDescription.getEjbRemoteView() != null && ejbComponentDescription.getEjbHomeView() != null) {
// check if there is IIOP metadata for the bean - first using the bean name, then the wildcard "*" if needed.
IIOPMetaData iiopMetaData = iiopMetaDataMap.get(ejbComponentDescription.getEJBName());
if (iiopMetaData == null) {
iiopMetaData = iiopMetaDataMap.get(IIOPMetaData.WILDCARD_BEAN_NAME);
// the bean will be exposed via IIOP if it has IIOP metadata that applies to it or if IIOP access
// has been enabled by default in the EJB3 subsystem.