// history, and don't pay any attention to the thread of execution in
// this case, as quorum is only called from the thread called "main."
String mainClassName = null;
int mainFirstLine = -1;
IEventBrowser browser = getTODSession().getTODHandler().getStepOverEventBrowser();
while (browser.hasNext()) {
ILogEvent event = browser.next();
if (event instanceof IMethodCallEvent) {
IMethodCallEvent mce = (IMethodCallEvent)event;
IBehaviorInfo called = mce.getCalledBehavior();
if (called != null) {
String calledSignature = called.getName() + called.getSignature();
String calledClass = called.getDeclaringType().getName();
if (calledClass.startsWith("quorum.") && (calledSignature.equals("main()V") || calledSignature.equals("Main()V"))) {
if (browser.hasNext()) {
ILogEvent next = browser.next();
if (next instanceof ICallerSideEvent) {
ICallerSideEvent e = (ICallerSideEvent)next;
IClassInfo c = called.getDeclaringType();
ClassInfo ci = getTODSession().getClassInformationProvider().getClassInfo(c);
mainClassName = ci.getFullyQualifiedName();