// End of Bug fix for CDT 8.1 fixed in 8.2
if (languageId.equals("org.eclipse.cdt.core.gcc")) {
compilerCommand = envManager.getVariable(ArduinoConst.ENV_KEY_recipe_c_o_pattern, confDesc, true).getValue().replace(" -o ", " ");
IEnvironmentVariable op1 = envManager.getVariable(ArduinoConst.ENV_KEY_JANTJE_ADDITIONAL_COMPILE_OPTIONS, confDesc, true);
IEnvironmentVariable op2 = envManager.getVariable(ArduinoConst.ENV_KEY_JANTJE_ADDITIONAL_C_COMPILE_OPTIONS, confDesc, true);
if (op1 != null) {
compilerCommand = compilerCommand + " " + op1.getValue();
if (op2 != null) {
compilerCommand = compilerCommand + " " + op2.getValue();
compilerCommand = compilerCommand + " -D__IN_ECLIPSE__=1";
} else if (languageId.equals("org.eclipse.cdt.core.g++")) {
compilerCommand = envManager.getVariable(ArduinoConst.ENV_KEY_recipe_cpp_o_pattern, confDesc, true).getValue().replace(" -o ", " ");
IEnvironmentVariable op1 = envManager.getVariable(ArduinoConst.ENV_KEY_JANTJE_ADDITIONAL_COMPILE_OPTIONS, confDesc, true);
IEnvironmentVariable op2 = envManager.getVariable(ArduinoConst.ENV_KEY_JANTJE_ADDITIONAL_CPP_COMPILE_OPTIONS, confDesc, true);
if (op1 != null) {
compilerCommand = compilerCommand + " " + op1.getValue();
if (op2 != null) {
compilerCommand = compilerCommand + " " + op2.getValue();
compilerCommand = compilerCommand + " -D__IN_ECLIPSE__=1";
} else {
ManagedBuilderCorePlugin.error("Unable to find compiler command for language " + languageId + " in toolchain=" + getToolchainId()); //$NON-NLS-1$