Examples of IdentifierNode

Examples of org.apache.flex.compiler.internal.tree.as.IdentifierNode

        return token != null ? token.getText() : "";

    protected final IdentifierNode build(Token token)
        IdentifierNode name = new IdentifierNode(getText(token));
        return name;
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Examples of org.apache.flex.compiler.internal.tree.as.IdentifierNode

     * @return generated class AST
    public FileNode buildAST(Collection<ICompilerProblem> problems, String filename)
        FileNode fileNode = new FileNode(workspace, filename);
        PackageNode packageNode = new PackageNode(new IdentifierNode(""), null);

        ScopedBlockNode contents = packageNode.getScopedNode();
        ImportNode importNode = ImportNode.buildImportNode(getBaseClassQName());

        ClassNode classNode = new ClassNode(new IdentifierNode(data.getQName()));
        classNode.setBaseClass(new IdentifierNode(getBaseClassName()));
        classNode.setNamespace(new NamespaceIdentifierNode(INamespaceConstants.public_));


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Examples of org.apache.flex.compiler.internal.tree.as.IdentifierNode

    protected IdentifierNode handleMissingIdentifier(RecognitionException ex)
        consumeParsingError(ex); //we don't want to drop a semicolon here
        //now let's guard against the case where the very next token is an identifier.
        //if we produce an identifier here, everything downstream might fail
        final IdentifierNode node;
        ASToken current = buffer.previous();
        ASToken la2 = LT(1 + 1);
        ASToken la1 = LT(1);

        if (current.getType() == ASTokenTypes.TOKEN_RESERVED_WORD_EXTENDS)
            // Fix for CMP-1087: the following two branches are too greedy.
            // i.e.
            //   public class T extends   implements MyInterface
            //                          ^
            // The "extends" keyword expects an identifier. However, instead of
            // reporting the missing identifier and continue with "implements",
            // the following recovery logic throws away "implements" keyword and
            // sends back "MyInterface".
            node = IdentifierNode.createEmptyIdentifierNodeAfterToken(current);
        else if (la2.getType() == ASTokenTypes.TOKEN_IDENTIFIER && la2.getLine() == current.getLine())
            //let's make sure this is on the same line, avoiding possibly going past the end of the statement
            //since this is all repair code anyway, this produces a much "saner" repaired tree
            ASToken token = LT(1 + 1);
            node = new IdentifierNode(token.getText(), (IASToken)token);
            consume(); //consume error token
            consume(); //act as match() for identifier, which consumes it
        else if (la1.isKeywordOrContextualReservedWord() && la1.getLine() == current.getLine())
            // If it's a keyword, repair by making an identifier node with the text of the keyword
            // This makes a more sensible tree - the user may be in the middle of typing an identifier that
            // starts with a keyword.  They probably meant "f.is" rather than "(f.)is" for example
            node = new IdentifierNode(la1.getText(), (IASToken)la1);
            node = IdentifierNode.createEmptyIdentifierNodeAfterToken(current);
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Examples of org.apache.flex.compiler.internal.tree.as.IdentifierNode

            final String configVar)
        final ConfigExpressionNode configExpression = new ConfigExpressionNode(
                new NamespaceIdentifierNode(configNamespace),
                new IdentifierNode(configVar));

        final Object value = configProcessor.evaluateConstNodeExpressionToJavaObject(configExpression);
        return value == null ? false : ECMASupport.toBoolean(value);
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Examples of org.apache.flex.compiler.internal.tree.as.IdentifierNode

    public FileNode buildAST(Collection<ICompilerProblem> problems, String filename)
        FileNode fileNode = new FileNode(workspace, filename);
        PackageNode packageNode = new PackageNode(new IdentifierNode(""), null);

        ScopedBlockNode contents = packageNode.getScopedNode();

        ClassNode classNode = new ClassNode(new IdentifierNode(data.getQName()));
        classNode.setNamespace(new NamespaceIdentifierNode(INamespaceConstants.public_));

        // generate: public static var data:XML = ${XML_DATA};
        VariableNode variableNodeData = new VariableNode(new IdentifierNode("data"));
        variableNodeData.setNamespace(new NamespaceIdentifierNode(INamespaceConstants.public_));
        variableNodeData.addModifier(new ModifierNode(IASKeywordConstants.STATIC));
        variableNodeData.setType(null, new IdentifierNode("XML"));
        ASToken assignToken = new ASToken(ASTokenTypes.TOKEN_OPERATOR_ASSIGNMENT, -1, -1, -1, -1, "=");
        String xmlContents = getXMLString(problems);
        LiteralNode xmlData = new LiteralNode(LiteralType.STRING, xmlContents);
        variableNodeData.setAssignedValue(assignToken, xmlData);
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Examples of org.apache.flex.compiler.internal.tree.as.IdentifierNode

    public FileNode buildAST(Collection<ICompilerProblem> problems, String filename)
        FileNode fileNode = new FileNode(workspace, filename);
        PackageNode packageNode = new PackageNode(new IdentifierNode(""), null);

        ScopedBlockNode packageContents = packageNode.getScopedNode();
        ImportNode importNode = ImportNode.buildImportNode(getBaseClassQName());
        importNode = ImportNode.buildImportNode("mx.core.IFlexAsset");
        importNode = ImportNode.buildImportNode("flash.utils.ByteArray");
        importNode = ImportNode.buildImportNode("flash.display.Shader");

        // generate the byte array class name
        String byteArrayClassName = data.getQName() + byteArrayNamePostfix;
        ClassNode classNodeByteArray = new ClassNode(new IdentifierNode(byteArrayClassName));
        classNodeByteArray.setBaseClass(new IdentifierNode(getBaseClassName()));
        classNodeByteArray.setNamespace(new NamespaceIdentifierNode(INamespaceConstants.public_));

        // generate the pbj class name
        String pbjClassName = data.getQName();
        ClassNode classNodePbj = new ClassNode(new IdentifierNode(pbjClassName));
        classNodePbj.setBaseClass(new IdentifierNode("Shader"));
        classNodePbj.addInterface(new IdentifierNode("IFlexAsset"));
        classNodePbj.setNamespace(new NamespaceIdentifierNode(INamespaceConstants.public_));

        // build the constructor
        IdentifierNode constructorNameNode = new IdentifierNode(pbjClassName);
        FunctionNode constructorNode = new FunctionNode(null, constructorNameNode);
        constructorNode.setNamespace(new NamespaceIdentifierNode(INamespaceConstants.public_));
        ScopedBlockNode constructorContents = constructorNode.getScopedNode();

        // generate: super();
        FunctionCallNode superCall = new FunctionCallNode(LanguageIdentifierNode.buildSuper());

        // generate: byteCode = new EmbedTest_sphereClassByteArray();
        ASToken newToken = new ASToken(ASTokenTypes.TOKEN_KEYWORD_NEW, -1, -1, -1, -1, IASKeywordConstants.NEW);
        FunctionCallNode newCall = new FunctionCallNode(newToken, new IdentifierNode(byteArrayClassName));
        ASToken assignToken = new ASToken(ASTokenTypes.TOKEN_OPERATOR_ASSIGNMENT, -1, -1, -1, -1, "=");
        BinaryOperatorNodeBase assignment = BinaryOperatorNodeBase.create(assignToken, new IdentifierNode("byteCode"), newCall);


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Examples of org.olap4j.mdx.IdentifierNode

                list = Collections.singletonList((String) unameRestrictions);
            } else {
                list = (List<String>) unameRestrictions;
            for (String memberUniqueName : list) {
                final IdentifierNode identifierNode =
                Member member =
                if (member == null) {
                if (isRestricted(TreeOp_)) {
                    int treeOp = getRestrictionValueAsInt(TreeOp_);
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Examples of org.olap4j.mdx.IdentifierNode

                return member;
            } else {
                if (failIfNotFound) {
                    throw Util.newElementNotFoundException(
                        new IdentifierNode(
                return null;
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Examples of org.olap4j.mdx.IdentifierNode

            element = nullify(category, element);
        if (element == null && failIfNotFound) {
            throw Util.newElementNotFoundException(
                new IdentifierNode(segments));
        return element;
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