clause of a query. All identification variables must be declared in the FROM
clause. Identification variables cannot be declared in other clauses. An identification variable must not be a reserved identifier or have the same name as any entity in the same persistence unit: Identification variables are case insensitive. An identification variable evaluates to a value of the type of the expression used in declaring the variable.
identification_variable_declaration ::= range_variable_declaration { join | fetch_join }*
@see org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.jpql.parser.IdentificationVariableDeclaration IdentificationVariableDeclaration @version 2.4 @since 2.4 @author Pascal Filion
clause of a query. All identification variables must be declared in the FROM
clause. Identification variables cannot be declared in other clauses. An identification variable must not be a reserved identifier or have the same name as any entity in the same persistence unit: Identification variables are case insensitive. An identification variable evaluates to a value of the type of the expression used in declaring the variable.
identification_variable_declaration ::= range_variable_declaration { join | fetch_join }*
@see org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.jpql.parser.IdentificationVariableDeclaration IdentificationVariableDeclaration @version 2.4 @since 2.4 @author Pascal Filion