atomId = element atom:id { atomCommonAttributes, (atomUri) }
Leaf classes are always bound to a text and they are often immutable. The JAXB spec allows this binding for a few special Java classes plus type-safe enums.
This implementation obtains necessary information from {@link RuntimeLeafInfo}. @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi
The underlying database column may be modeled as either text or as a number. If the underlying column is of a numeric type, however, then a Data Access Object will need to pass Id parameters to {@link hirondelle.web4j.database.Db} using {@link #asInteger} or {@link #asLong}.
Design Note :
This class is final, immutable, {@link Serializable}, and {@link Comparable}, in imitation of the other building block classes such as {@link String}, {@link Integer}, and so on.
String[] onProvideCompletionsFromMyField(String input) { return . . .; }
ECF IDs are immutable once constructed, and unique within the containing {@link Namespace}.
ID instances are created via the Namespace.createInstance(...) method. This method is called by the IDFactory.createID(...) methods for the given Namespace. So, for example, to create an ID instance with the name "slewis":
ID id = IDFactory.getDefault().createID(namespace, "slewis");
@see Namespace
While an identifier is often defined by URL or URI this class has constructors to help remove any possibility ambiguity. These objects are considered immutable and are very careful to have a fast hashCode function etc...
@author Jody Garnett @since 1.2