Package ic2.api.recipe

Examples of ic2.api.recipe.ICannerEnrichRecipeManager

  public boolean isItemValid(int slot, ItemStack stack)
    // Decide if the item is a valid IC2 electrical item
    if (stack != null && stack.getItem() instanceof IElectricItem)
      IElectricItem item = (IElectricItem)(stack.getItem());
      // Is the item appropriate for this slot?
      if (slot == Info.CB_SLOT_POWER_SOURCE && item.canProvideEnergy(stack) && item.getTier(stack) <= powerTier) return true;
      if (slot >= Info.CB_SLOT_CHARGING && slot < Info.CB_SLOT_CHARGING + 12 && item.getTier(stack) <= baseTier) return true;
      if (slot >= Info.CB_SLOT_UPGRADE && slot < Info.CB_SLOT_UPGRADE + 4 && (stack.isItemEqual(Info.ic2overclockerUpg) || stack.isItemEqual(Info.ic2transformerUpg) || stack.isItemEqual(Info.ic2storageUpg))) return true;
      if (slot == Info.CB_SLOT_INPUT && item.getTier(stack) <= baseTier) return true;
      if (slot == Info.CB_SLOT_OUTPUT) return true; // GUI won't allow placement of items here, but if the bench or an external machine does, it should at least let it sit there as long as it's an electrical item.
    return false;
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    int chargeReturned = 0;

    ItemStack stack = getStackInSlot(Info.CB_SLOT_POWER_SOURCE);
    if (stack != null && stack.getItem() instanceof IElectricItem && currentEnergy < adjustedStorage)
      IElectricItem powerSource = (IElectricItem)(stack.getItem());

      int emptyItemID = powerSource.getEmptyItemId(stack);
      int chargedItemID = powerSource.getChargedItemId(stack);

      if (stack.itemID == chargedItemID)
        if (powerSource.getTier(stack) <= powerTier && powerSource.canProvideEnergy(stack))
          int itemTransferLimit = powerSource.getTransferLimit(stack);
          int energyNeeded = adjustedStorage - currentEnergy;

          // Test if the amount of energy we have room for is greater than what the item can transfer per tick.
          if (energyNeeded > itemTransferLimit)
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    for (int i = Info.CB_SLOT_CHARGING; i < Info.CB_SLOT_CHARGING + 12; i++)
      ItemStack stack = contents[i];
      if (stack != null && stack.getItem() instanceof IElectricItem && stack.stackSize == 1)
        IElectricItem item = (IElectricItem)(stack.getItem());
        if (item.getTier(stack) <= baseTier)
          int itemTransferLimit = item.getTransferLimit(stack);
          if (itemTransferLimit == 0) itemTransferLimit = baseMaxInput;
          int adjustedTransferLimit = (int)Math.ceil(chargeFactor * itemTransferLimit);
          int amountNeeded;
          int missing;
          int consumption;
          if (item.getChargedItemId(stack) != item.getEmptyItemId(stack) || stack.isStackable())
            // Running stack.copy() on every item every tick would be a horrible thing for performance, but the workaround is needed
            // for ElectricItem.charge adding stackTagCompounds for charge level to EmptyItemID batteries even when run in simulate mode.
            // Limiting its use by what is hopefully a broad enough test to catch all cases where it's necessary in order to avoid problems.
            // Using it for any item types listed as stackable and for any items where the charged and empty item IDs differ.
            final ItemStack stackCopy = stack.copy();
            amountNeeded = ElectricItem.charge(stackCopy, adjustedTransferLimit, baseTier, true, true);
            if (amountNeeded == adjustedTransferLimit)
              missing = ElectricItem.charge(stackCopy, item.getMaxCharge(stackCopy), baseTier, true, true);
            else missing = amountNeeded;
            amountNeeded = ElectricItem.charge(stack, adjustedTransferLimit, baseTier, true, true);
            if (amountNeeded == adjustedTransferLimit)
              missing = ElectricItem.charge(stack, item.getMaxCharge(stack), baseTier, true, true);
            else missing = amountNeeded;

          // How long will this item take and how much will it drain?
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    ItemStack stack = contents[Info.CB_SLOT_INPUT];
    if (stack != null && stack.getItem() instanceof IElectricItem)
      // Input slot contains something electrical. If possible, move one of it into the charging area.
      IElectricItem item = (IElectricItem)(stack.getItem());
      for (int slot = Info.CB_SLOT_CHARGING; slot < Info.CB_SLOT_CHARGING + 12; ++slot)
        if (contents[slot] == null)
          // Grab one unit from input and move it to the selected slot.
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  public boolean isItemValid(int slot, ItemStack stack)
    // Decide if the item is a valid IC2 electrical item
    if (stack != null && stack.getItem() instanceof IElectricItem)
      IElectricItem item = (IElectricItem)(stack.getItem());
      // Is the item appropriate for this slot?
      if (slot == Info.BS_SLOT_OUTPUT) return true; // GUI won't allow placement of items here, but if the bench or an external machine does, it should at least let it sit there as long as it's an electrical item.
      if (item.canProvideEnergy(stack) && item.getTier(stack) <= powerTier)
        if ((slot >= Info.BS_SLOT_POWER_START && slot < Info.BS_SLOT_POWER_START + 12) || slot == Info.BS_SLOT_INPUT) return true;
    return false;
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      ItemStack stack = contents[i];
      if (stack != null && stack.getItem() instanceof IElectricItem && stack.stackSize == 1)
        IElectricItem item = (IElectricItem)(stack.getItem());
        if (item.getTier(stack) <= powerTier && item.canProvideEnergy(stack))
          int emptyItemID = item.getEmptyItemId(stack);
          int chargedItemID = item.getChargedItemId(stack);

          if (stack.itemID == chargedItemID)
            int transferLimit = item.getTransferLimit(stack);
            //int amountNeeded = baseMaxOutput - currentEnergy;
            if (transferLimit == 0) transferLimit = packetSize;
            //if (transferLimit > amountNeeded) transferLimit = amountNeeded;

            int chargeReturned = ElectricItem.discharge(stack, transferLimit, powerTier, false, false);
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        if (slot == Info.BS_SLOT_OUTPUT) continue;

        ItemStack currentStack = contents[slot];
        if (currentStack != null && currentStack.getItem() instanceof IElectricItem)
          IElectricItem powerSource = (IElectricItem)(currentStack.getItem());
          if (powerSource.getTier(currentStack) <= powerTier) // && powerSource.canProvideEnergy()
            int emptyItemID = powerSource.getEmptyItemId(currentStack);
            int chargedItemID = powerSource.getChargedItemId(currentStack);
            if (emptyItemID != chargedItemID)
              if (currentStack.itemID == emptyItemID)
                // Pick Me
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    //System.out.println("aII: opMode " + opMode);
    ItemStack stack = contents[Info.BS_SLOT_INPUT];
    if (stack == null || !(stack.getItem() instanceof IElectricItem) || (opMode == 1 && hasEnoughItems)) return;

    IElectricItem item = (IElectricItem)stack.getItem();
    if (item.canProvideEnergy(stack))
      // Input slot contains a power source. If possible, move one of it into the discharging area.
      for (int slot = Info.BS_SLOT_POWER_START; slot < Info.BS_SLOT_POWER_START + 12; ++slot)
        if (contents[slot] == null)
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      if (i == Info.BS_SLOT_OUTPUT) continue;

      final ItemStack stack = contents[i];
      if (stack != null && stack.getItem() instanceof IElectricItem && stack.stackSize == 1)
        final IElectricItem item = (IElectricItem)(stack.getItem());
        if (item.getTier(stack) <= powerTier && item.canProvideEnergy(stack) && stack.itemID == item.getChargedItemId(stack))
          final int chargeReturned = ElectricItem.discharge(stack, Integer.MAX_VALUE, powerTier, true, true);
          if (chargeReturned > 0)
            // Add the energy we received to our current energy level
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  public static boolean isItemChargeable(ItemStack stack, int tier)
    // Decide if the item is a valid IC2 electrical item
    if (stack != null && stack.getItem() instanceof IElectricItem)
      IElectricItem item = (IElectricItem)(stack.getItem());
      if (item.getTier(stack) <= tier) return true;
    return false;
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Related Classes of ic2.api.recipe.ICannerEnrichRecipeManager

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