Examples of IConjunctionQueueEntry

Examples of au.csiro.snorocket.core.axioms.IConjunctionQueueEntry

        Collection<NF1b> res = new HashSet<NF1b>();
        for(IntIterator it = ontologyNF1.keyIterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
            int a = it.next();
            MonotonicCollection<IConjunctionQueueEntry> mc = ontologyNF1.get(a);
            for(Iterator<IConjunctionQueueEntry> it2 = mc.iterator(); it2.hasNext(); ) {
                IConjunctionQueueEntry entry = it2.next();
                if(entry instanceof NF1b) {
                    res.add((NF1b) entry);
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Examples of au.csiro.snorocket.core.axioms.IConjunctionQueueEntry

        IConceptMap<MonotonicCollection<IConjunctionQueueEntry>> deltaNF1 =
                new SparseConceptMap<MonotonicCollection<IConjunctionQueueEntry>>(
        for (NF1a nf1a : as.getNf1aAxioms()) {
            IConjunctionQueueEntry qe = nf1a.getQueueEntry();
            addTerms(deltaNF1, nf1a.lhsA(), qe);

        for (NF1b nf1b : as.getNf1bAxioms()) {
            final int a1 = nf1b.lhsA1();
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Examples of au.csiro.snorocket.core.axioms.IConjunctionQueueEntry

        for(IntIterator it = ontologyNF1.keyIterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
            int a = it.next();
            MonotonicCollection<IConjunctionQueueEntry> mc = ontologyNF1.get(a);
            for(Iterator<IConjunctionQueueEntry> it2 = mc.iterator();
                    it2.hasNext(); ) {
                IConjunctionQueueEntry nf1 = it2.next();
                int bi = nf1.getBi();
                int b = nf1.getB();
                // Build the axiom
                Object oa = factory.lookupConceptId(a);
                Object ob = factory.lookupConceptId(b);
                if(bi == IFactory.TOP_CONCEPT) {
                    res.add(new ConceptInclusion(transform(oa), transform(ob)));
                } else {
                    Object obi = factory.lookupConceptId(bi);
                    res.add(new ConceptInclusion(
                        new au.csiro.ontology.model.Conjunction(
                            new Concept[] {transform(oa), transform(obi)}), transform(ob)
        // These terms are of the form A [ r.B and are indexed by A.
        for(IntIterator it = ontologyNF2.keyIterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
            int a = it.next();
            MonotonicCollection<NF2> mc = ontologyNF2.get(a);
            for(Iterator<NF2> it2 = mc.iterator(); it2.hasNext(); ) {
                NF2 nf2 = it2.next();
                Object oa = factory.lookupConceptId(nf2.lhsA);
                String r = factory.lookupRoleId(nf2.rhsR).toString();
                Object ob = factory.lookupConceptId(nf2.rhsB);
                res.add(new ConceptInclusion(
                    new au.csiro.ontology.model.Existential(new NamedRole(r), transform(ob))
        // These terms are of the form r.A [ b and indexed by A.
        for(IntIterator it = ontologyNF3.keyIterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
            int a = it.next();
            ConcurrentMap<Integer, Collection<IConjunctionQueueEntry>> mc =
            Set<Integer> keys = mc.keySet();
            for (int i : keys) {
                Collection<IConjunctionQueueEntry> cc = mc.get(i);
                for(Iterator<IConjunctionQueueEntry> it2 = cc.iterator();
                        it2.hasNext(); ) {
                    IConjunctionQueueEntry nf3 = it2.next();
                    Object oa = factory.lookupConceptId(a);
                    String r = factory.lookupRoleId(i).toString();
                    Object ob = factory.lookupConceptId(nf3.getB());
                    res.add(new ConceptInclusion(
                        new au.csiro.ontology.model.Existential(new NamedRole(r), transform(ob)),
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Examples of au.csiro.snorocket.core.axioms.IConjunctionQueueEntry

        for(IntIterator it = ontologyNF1.keyIterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
            int key = it.next();
            MonotonicCollection<IConjunctionQueueEntry> entries = ontologyNF1.get(key);
            Iterator<IConjunctionQueueEntry> it2 = entries.iterator();
            while(it2.hasNext()) {
                IConjunctionQueueEntry entry = it2.next();
                Object a = factory.lookupConceptId(key);
                String as = (a instanceof String) ? (String) a : "[" + a.toString() + "]";
                Object bi = factory.lookupConceptId(entry.getBi());
                String bis = (bi instanceof String) ? (String) bi :  "[" + bi.toString() + "]";
                Object b = factory.lookupConceptId(entry.getB());
                String bs = (b instanceof String) ? (String) b :  "[" + b.toString() + "]";
                System.out.println("NF1: " + as + " + " + bis + " [ " + bs);

        for(IntIterator it = ontologyNF2.keyIterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
            int key = it.next();
            MonotonicCollection<NF2> entries = ontologyNF2.get(key);
            Iterator<NF2> it2 = entries.iterator();
            while(it2.hasNext()) {
                NF2 entry = it2.next();
                // These terms are of the form A [ r.B and are indexed by A.
                Object a = factory.lookupConceptId(entry.lhsA);
                String as = (a instanceof String) ? (String) a : "[" + a.toString() + "]";
                Object r = factory.lookupRoleId(entry.rhsR);
                String rs = (r instanceof String) ? (String) r :  "[" + r.toString() + "]";
                Object b = factory.lookupConceptId(entry.rhsB);
                String bs = (b instanceof String) ? (String) b :  "[" + b.toString() + "]";
                System.out.println("NF2: " + as + " [ " + rs + "." + bs);
        for(IntIterator it = ontologyNF3.keyIterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
            int aId = it.next();
            ConcurrentMap<Integer, Collection<IConjunctionQueueEntry>> entries = ontologyNF3.get(aId);
            for(Integer rId : entries.keySet()) {
                // These terms are of the form r.A [ b and indexed by A (and then by r)
                for(IConjunctionQueueEntry entry : entries.get(rId)) {
                    int bId = entry.getB();
                    Object r = factory.lookupRoleId(rId.intValue());
                    String rs = (r instanceof String) ? (String) r :  "[" + r.toString() + "]";
                    Object a = factory.lookupConceptId(aId);
                    String as = (a instanceof String) ? (String) a : "[" + a.toString() + "]";
                    Object b = factory.lookupConceptId(bId);
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