// does it exists in the buildDirectory see maven-junit-plugin systemProperties
// buildDirectory -> ${project.build.directory} (so no reason to be null ;-) )
String buildDirectory = System.getProperty( "buildDirectory", "./target/classes/" );
File mavenAlreadyInstalled = new File(buildDirectory, mavenVersion);
if (mavenAlreadyInstalled.exists()) {
MavenInstallation mavenInstallation = new MavenInstallation("default",mavenAlreadyInstalled.getAbsolutePath(), NO_PROPERTIES);
return mavenInstallation;
String home = System.getProperty("maven.home");
if(home!=null) {
MavenInstallation mavenInstallation = new MavenInstallation("default",home, NO_PROPERTIES);
if (mavenInstallation.meetsMavenReqVersion(createLocalLauncher(), mavenReqVersion)) {
return mavenInstallation;
// otherwise extract the copy we have.
// this happens when a test is invoked from an IDE, for example.
LOGGER.warning("Extracting a copy of Maven bundled in the test harness. " +
"To avoid a performance hit, set the system property 'maven.home' to point to a Maven2 installation.");
FilePath mvn = hudson.getRootPath().createTempFile("maven", "zip");
mvn.copyFrom(HudsonTestCase.class.getClassLoader().getResource(mavenVersion + "-bin.zip"));
File mvnHome = new File(buildDirectory);//createTmpDir();
mvn.unzip(new FilePath(mvnHome));
// TODO: switch to tar that preserves file permissions more easily
GNUCLibrary.LIBC.chmod(new File(mvnHome,mavenVersion+"/bin/mvn").getPath(),0755);
MavenInstallation mavenInstallation = new MavenInstallation("default",
new File(mvnHome,mavenVersion).getAbsolutePath(), NO_PROPERTIES);
return mavenInstallation;