Package hudson.model

Examples of hudson.model.Result$OptionHandlerImpl


    public boolean trigger(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, TaskListener listener) {

        Result buildResult = build.getResult();

        if (buildResult == Result.SUCCESS) {
            AbstractBuild<?, ?> prevBuild = ExtendedEmailPublisher.getPreviousBuild(build, listener);
            if (prevBuild != null && (prevBuild.getResult() == Result.UNSTABLE || prevBuild.getResult() == Result.FAILURE)) {
                return true;
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            int r = Main.launch(goals.toArray(new String[goals.size()]));

            // now check the completion status of async ops
            long startTime = System.nanoTime();
            Result waitForAsyncExecutionsResult = waitForAsynchronousExecutions();
            if (waitForAsyncExecutionsResult != null) {
                return waitForAsyncExecutionsResult;
            a.overheadTime += System.nanoTime()-startTime;
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            int r = Maven3Main.launch( goals.toArray(new String[goals.size()]));

            // now check the completion status of async ops
            long startTime = System.nanoTime();
            Result waitForAsyncExecutionsResult = waitForAsynchronousExecutions();
            if (waitForAsyncExecutionsResult != null) {
                return waitForAsyncExecutionsResult;
            mavenExecutionListener.overheadTime += System.nanoTime()-startTime;
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     * More precisely, this picks up the status of this build itself,
     * plus all the latest builds of the modules that belongs to this build.
    public Result getResult() {
        Result r = super.getResult();

        for (MavenBuild b : getModuleLastBuilds().values()) {
            Result br = b.getResult();
                r = br;
                continue;   // UGLY: when computing combined status, ignore the modules that were not built
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    private class RunnerImpl extends AbstractRunner {
        private Map<ModuleName,MavenBuild.ProxyImpl2> proxies;

        protected Result doRun(final BuildListener listener) throws Exception {

          Result r = null;
          PrintStream logger = listener.getLogger();
            FilePath remoteSettings = null, remoteGlobalSettings = null;

            try {
                EnvVars envVars = getEnvironment(listener);
                MavenInstallation mvn = project.getMaven();
                    throw new AbortException(Messages.MavenModuleSetBuild_NoMavenConfigured());

                mvn = mvn.forEnvironment(envVars).forNode(Computer.currentComputer().getNode(), listener);
                MavenInformation mavenInformation = getModuleRoot().act( new MavenVersionCallable( mvn.getHome() ));
                String mavenVersion = mavenInformation.getVersion();
                MavenBuildInformation mavenBuildInformation = new MavenBuildInformation( mavenVersion );
                setMavenVersionUsed( mavenVersion );

                LOGGER.fine(getFullDisplayName()+" is building with mavenVersion " + mavenVersion + " from file " + mavenInformation.getVersionResourcePath());

                if(!project.isAggregatorStyleBuild()) {
                    parsePoms(listener, logger, envVars, mvn, mavenVersion);
                    // start module builds
                    logger.println("Triggering "+project.getRootModule().getModuleName());
                    project.getRootModule().scheduleBuild(new UpstreamCause((Run<?,?>)MavenModuleSetBuild.this));
                } else {
                    // do builds here
                    try {
                        List<BuildWrapper> wrappers = new ArrayList<BuildWrapper>();
                        for (BuildWrapper w : project.getBuildWrappersList())
                        ParametersAction parameters = getAction(ParametersAction.class);
                        if (parameters != null)

                        for( BuildWrapper w : wrappers) {
                            Environment e = w.setUp(MavenModuleSetBuild.this, launcher, listener);
                                return (r = Result.FAILURE);
                            e.buildEnvVars(envVars); // #3502: too late for getEnvironment to do this

                      // run pre build steps
                        || !preBuild(listener,project.getPostbuilders())
                        || !preBuild(listener,project.getPublishers())){
                        r = FAILURE;
                            return r;

                        r = FAILURE;
                            return r;

                        String settingsConfigId = project.getSettingConfigId();
                        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(settingsConfigId)) {
                            SettingConfig settingsConfig = SettingsProviderUtils.findSettings(settingsConfigId);
                            if (settingsConfig == null) {
                                logger.println(" your Apache Maven build is setup to use a config with id " + settingsConfigId
                                                   + " but cannot find the config");
                            } else {
                                logger.println("using settings config with name " +;
                                if (settingsConfig.content != null ) {
                                    remoteSettings = SettingsProviderUtils.copyConfigContentToFilePath( settingsConfig, getWorkspace() );
                                    project.setAlternateSettings( remoteSettings.getRemote() );

                        String globalSettingsConfigId = project.getGlobalSettingConfigId();
                        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(globalSettingsConfigId)) {
                            SettingConfig settingsConfig = SettingsProviderUtils.findSettings(globalSettingsConfigId);
                            if (settingsConfig == null) {
                                logger.println(" your Apache Maven build is setup to use a global settings config with id " + globalSettingsConfigId
                                                   + " but cannot find the config");
                            } else {
                                logger.println("using global settings config with name " +;
                                if (settingsConfig.content != null ) {
                                    remoteGlobalSettings = SettingsProviderUtils.copyConfigContentToFilePath( settingsConfig, getWorkspace() );
                                    project.globalSettingConfigPath = remoteGlobalSettings.getRemote();
                        } else {
                          // make sure the transient field is clean
                          project.globalSettingConfigPath = null;

                        parsePoms(listener, logger, envVars, mvn, mavenVersion); // #5428 : do pre-build *before* parsing pom
                        SplittableBuildListener slistener = new SplittableBuildListener(listener);
                        proxies = new HashMap<ModuleName, ProxyImpl2>();
                        List<ModuleName> changedModules = new ArrayList<ModuleName>();
                        if (project.isIncrementalBuild() && !getChangeSet().isEmptySet()) {

                        for (MavenModule m : project.sortedActiveModules) {
                            MavenBuild mb = m.newBuild();
                            // JENKINS-8418
                            mb.setBuiltOnStr( getBuiltOnStr() );
                            // Check if incrementalBuild is selected and that there are changes -
                            // we act as if incrementalBuild is not set if there are no changes.
                            if (!MavenModuleSetBuild.this.getChangeSet().isEmptySet()
                                && project.isIncrementalBuild()) {
                                //If there are changes for this module, add it.
                                // Also add it if we've never seen this module before,
                                // or if the previous build of this module failed or was unstable.
                                if ((mb.getPreviousBuiltBuild() == null) ||
                                    || (mb.getPreviousBuiltBuild().getResult().isWorseThan(Result.SUCCESS))) {

                            proxies.put(m.getModuleName(), ProxyImpl2(MavenModuleSetBuild.this,slistener));

                        // run the complete build here

                        // figure out the root POM location.
                        // choice of module root ('ws' in this method) is somewhat arbitrary
                        // when multiple CVS/SVN modules are checked out, so also check
                        // the path against the workspace root if that seems like what the user meant (see issue #1293)
                        String rootPOM = project.getRootPOM(envVars); // JENKINS-13822
                        FilePath pom = getModuleRoot().child(rootPOM);
                        FilePath parentLoc = getWorkspace().child(rootPOM);
                        if(!pom.exists() && parentLoc.exists())
                            pom = parentLoc;

                        final ProcessCache.MavenProcess process;
                        boolean maven3orLater = mavenBuildInformation.isMaven3OrLater();
                        if ( maven3orLater )
                            LOGGER.fine( "using maven 3 " + mavenVersion );
                            process =
                                MavenBuild.mavenProcessCache.get( launcher.getChannel(), slistener,
                                                                  new Maven3ProcessFactory( project, launcher, envVars, getMavenOpts(listener, envVars),
                                                                                            pom.getParent() ) );
                            LOGGER.fine( "using maven 2 " + mavenVersion );
                            process =
                                MavenBuild.mavenProcessCache.get( launcher.getChannel(), slistener,
                                                                  new MavenProcessFactory( project, launcher, envVars,getMavenOpts(listener, envVars),
                                                                                           pom.getParent() ) );
                        ArgumentListBuilder margs = new ArgumentListBuilder().add("-B").add("-f", pom.getRemote());
                        FilePath localRepo = project.getLocalRepository().locate(MavenModuleSetBuild.this);

                        if (project.globalSettingConfigPath != null)
                            margs.add("-gs" , project.globalSettingConfigPath);

                        // If incrementalBuild is set
                        // and the previous build didn't specify that we need a full build
                        // and we're on Maven 2.1 or later
                        // and there's at least one module listed in changedModules,
                        // then do the Maven incremental build commands.
                        // If there are no changed modules, we're building everything anyway.
                        boolean maven2_1orLater = new ComparableVersion (mavenVersion).compareTo( new ComparableVersion ("2.1") ) >= 0;
                        boolean needsFullBuild = getPreviousCompletedBuild() != null &&
                            getPreviousCompletedBuild().getAction(NeedsFullBuildAction.class) != null;
                        if (project.isIncrementalBuild() && !needsFullBuild && maven2_1orLater && !changedModules.isEmpty()) {
                            margs.add("-pl", Util.join(changedModules, ","));

                        if (project.getAlternateSettings() != null) {
                            if (IOUtils.isAbsolute(project.getAlternateSettings())) {
                            } else {
                                FilePath mrSettings = getModuleRoot().child(project.getAlternateSettings());
                                FilePath wsSettings = getWorkspace().child(project.getAlternateSettings());
                                if (!wsSettings.exists() && mrSettings.exists())
                                    wsSettings = mrSettings;

                        final List<MavenArgumentInterceptorAction> argInterceptors = this.getBuild().getActions(MavenArgumentInterceptorAction.class);
            // find the correct maven goals and options, there might by an action overruling the defaults
                        String goals = project.getGoals(); // default
                        for (MavenArgumentInterceptorAction mavenArgInterceptor : argInterceptors) {
                          final String goalsAndOptions = mavenArgInterceptor.getGoalsAndOptions((MavenModuleSetBuild)this.getBuild());
                            goals = goalsAndOptions;
                                // only one interceptor is allowed to overwrite the whole "goals and options" string

            // enable the interceptors to change the whole command argument list
            // all available interceptors are allowed to modify the argument list
            for (MavenArgumentInterceptorAction mavenArgInterceptor : argInterceptors) {
              final ArgumentListBuilder newMargs = mavenArgInterceptor.intercept(margs, (MavenModuleSetBuild)this.getBuild());
              if (newMargs != null) {
                margs = newMargs;
                        final AbstractMavenBuilder builder;
                        if (maven3orLater) {
                            builder =
                                new Maven3Builder( slistener, proxies, project.sortedActiveModules, margs.toList(), envVars, mavenBuildInformation );
                        } else {
                            builder =
                                new Maven2Builder(slistener, proxies, project.sortedActiveModules, margs.toList(), envVars, mavenBuildInformation);
                        MavenProbeAction mpa=null;
                        try {
                            mpa = new MavenProbeAction(project,;
                            r =;
                            return r;
                        } finally {
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                        r = Executor.currentExecutor().abortResult();
                        throw e;
                    } finally {
                  // only run post build steps if requested...
                        if (r==null || r.isBetterOrEqualTo(project.getRunPostStepsIfResult())) {
                                r = FAILURE;
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                        (moduleSetBuild.getResult() != Result.SUCCESS)) {
                    // JENKINS-5121: maybe module needs to be deployed on next build over the deployment threshold
                    MavenModuleSet mavenModuleSet = moduleSetBuild.getParent();
                    boolean isDeploying = false;
                    Result deploymentThreshold = Result.SUCCESS;
                    DescribableList<Publisher,Descriptor<Publisher>> publishers = mavenModuleSet.getPublishersList();
                    for (Publisher publisher : publishers) {
                        if (publisher instanceof RedeployPublisher) {
                            isDeploying = true;
                            deploymentThreshold = ((RedeployPublisher)publisher).getTreshold();
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                boolean normalExit = false;
                try {
                    Result r = Builder(
                        listener,new ProxyImpl(),
                        getProject(), margs.toList(), systemProps));
                    normalExit = true;
                    return r;
                } finally {
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    public boolean prebuild(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, BuildListener listener) {
        if(latestOnly) {
            AbstractBuild<?,?> b = build.getProject().getLastCompletedBuild();
            Result bestResultSoFar = Result.NOT_BUILT;
            while(b!=null) {
                if (b.getResult().isBetterThan(bestResultSoFar)) {
                    bestResultSoFar = b.getResult();
                } else {
                    // remove old artifacts
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                } else {
                    for (int n : rs.listNumbersReverse()) {
                        Run b = job.getBuildByNumber(n);
                        if(b==null) continue;
                        Result targetResult;
                        if (includeFailedBuilds) {
                            targetResult = Result.FAILURE;
                        } else {
                            targetResult = Result.UNSTABLE;
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            for(MatrixConfiguration c : touchStoneConfigurations)
                scheduleConfigurationBuild(build, listener, c);

        Result r = Result.SUCCESS;
        for (MatrixConfiguration c : touchStoneConfigurations) {
                scheduleConfigurationBuild(build, listener, c);
            MatrixRun run = waitForCompletion(build, listener, c);
            r = r.combine(getResult(run));
        if (touchStoneResultCondition != null && r.isWorseThan(touchStoneResultCondition)) {
            logger.printf("Touchstone configurations resulted in %s, so aborting...%n", r);
            return r;
            for(MatrixConfiguration c : delayedConfigurations)
                scheduleConfigurationBuild(build, listener, c);

        for (MatrixConfiguration c : delayedConfigurations) {
                scheduleConfigurationBuild(build, listener, c);
            MatrixRun run = waitForCompletion(build, listener, c);
            logger.println(Messages.MatrixBuild_Completed(ModelHyperlinkNote.encodeTo(c), getResult(run)));
            r = r.combine(getResult(run));

        return r;
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Related Classes of hudson.model.Result$OptionHandlerImpl

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