Package hudson.model

Examples of hudson.model.FreeStyleProject$DescriptorImpl

        assertFalse("scm polling should not detect any more changes after build", project.pollSCMChanges(listener));

    public void testBasicExcludedUser() throws Exception {
        FreeStyleProject project = setupProject("master", false, null, null, "Jane Doe");

        // create initial commit and then run the build against it:
        final String commitFile1 = "commitFile1";
        commit(commitFile1, johnDoe, "Commit number 1");
        build(project, Result.SUCCESS, commitFile1);

        assertFalse("scm polling should not detect any more changes after build", project.pollSCMChanges(listener));

        final String commitFile2 = "commitFile2";
        commit(commitFile2, janeDoe, "Commit number 2");
        assertFalse("scm polling detected commit2 change, which should have been excluded",
        final String commitFile3 = "commitFile3";
        commit(commitFile3, johnDoe, "Commit number 3");
        assertTrue("scm polling did not detect commit3 change", project.pollSCMChanges(listener));
        //... and build it...
        final FreeStyleBuild build2 = build(project, Result.SUCCESS, commitFile2, commitFile3);
        final Set<User> culprits = build2.getCulprits();
        assertEquals("The build should have two culprit", 2, culprits.size());
        assertTrue("User janeDoe is absent in culprits", doesCulpritsContainUser(culprits, janeDoe.getName()));
        assertTrue("User johnDoe is absent in culprits", doesCulpritsContainUser(culprits, johnDoe.getName()));
        assertFalse("scm polling should not detect any more changes after build", project.pollSCMChanges(listener));

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     * then build it and finally test the build culprits as well as the contents of the workspace.
     * @throws Exception if an exception gets thrown.
    public void testBasic() throws Exception {
        FreeStyleProject project = setupSimpleProject("master");

        // create initial commit and then run the build against it:
        final String commitFile1 = "commitFile1";
        commit(commitFile1, johnDoe, "Commit number 1");
        build(project, Result.SUCCESS, commitFile1);

        assertFalse("scm polling should not detect any more changes after build", project.pollSCMChanges(listener));

        final String commitFile2 = "commitFile2";
        commit(commitFile2, janeDoe, "Commit number 2");
        assertTrue("scm polling did not detect commit2 change", project.pollSCMChanges(listener));
        //... and build it...
        final FreeStyleBuild build2 = build(project, Result.SUCCESS, commitFile2);
        final Set<User> culprits = build2.getCulprits();
        assertEquals("The build should have only one culprit", 1, culprits.size());
        assertEquals("", janeDoe.getName(), culprits.iterator().next().getFullName());
        assertFalse("scm polling should not detect any more changes after build", project.pollSCMChanges(listener));
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        assertFalse("scm polling should not detect any more changes after build", project.pollSCMChanges(listener));

    public void testBasicInSubdir() throws Exception {
        FreeStyleProject project = setupProject("master", false, "subdir");

        // create initial commit and then run the build against it:
        final String commitFile1 = "commitFile1";
        commit(commitFile1, johnDoe, "Commit number 1");
        build(project, "subdir", Result.SUCCESS, commitFile1);

        assertFalse("scm polling should not detect any more changes after build", project.pollSCMChanges(listener));

        final String commitFile2 = "commitFile2";
        commit(commitFile2, janeDoe, "Commit number 2");
        assertTrue("scm polling did not detect commit2 change", project.pollSCMChanges(listener));
        //... and build it...
        final FreeStyleBuild build2 = build(project, "subdir", Result.SUCCESS,
        final Set<User> culprits = build2.getCulprits();
        assertEquals("The build should have only one culprit", 1, culprits.size());
        assertEquals("", janeDoe.getName(), culprits.iterator().next().getFullName());
        assertEquals("The workspace should have a 'subdir' subdirectory, but does not.", true,
        assertEquals("The 'subdir' subdirectory should contain commitFile2, but does not.", true,
        assertFalse("scm polling should not detect any more changes after build", project.pollSCMChanges(listener));
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        assertFalse("scm polling should not detect any more changes after build", project.pollSCMChanges(listener));

    public void testBasicWithSlave() throws Exception {
        FreeStyleProject project = setupSimpleProject("master");

        // create initial commit and then run the build against it:
        final String commitFile1 = "commitFile1";
        commit(commitFile1, johnDoe, "Commit number 1");
        build(project, Result.SUCCESS, commitFile1);

        assertFalse("scm polling should not detect any more changes after build", project.pollSCMChanges(listener));

        final String commitFile2 = "commitFile2";
        commit(commitFile2, janeDoe, "Commit number 2");
        assertTrue("scm polling did not detect commit2 change", project.pollSCMChanges(listener));
        //... and build it...
        final FreeStyleBuild build2 = build(project, Result.SUCCESS, commitFile2);
        final Set<User> culprits = build2.getCulprits();
        assertEquals("The build should have only one culprit", 1, culprits.size());
        assertEquals("", janeDoe.getName(), culprits.iterator().next().getFullName());
        assertFalse("scm polling should not detect any more changes after build", project.pollSCMChanges(listener));
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        assertFalse("scm polling should not detect any more changes after build", project.pollSCMChanges(listener));

    // For HUDSON-7547
    public void testBasicWithSlaveNoExecutorsOnMaster() throws Exception {
        FreeStyleProject project = setupSimpleProject("master");



        // create initial commit and then run the build against it:
        final String commitFile1 = "commitFile1";
        commit(commitFile1, johnDoe, "Commit number 1");
        build(project, Result.SUCCESS, commitFile1);

        assertFalse("scm polling should not detect any more changes after build", project.pollSCMChanges(listener));

        final String commitFile2 = "commitFile2";
        commit(commitFile2, janeDoe, "Commit number 2");
        assertTrue("scm polling did not detect commit2 change", project.pollSCMChanges(listener));
        //... and build it...
        final FreeStyleBuild build2 = build(project, Result.SUCCESS, commitFile2);
        final Set<User> culprits = build2.getCulprits();
        assertEquals("The build should have only one culprit", 1, culprits.size());
        assertEquals("", janeDoe.getName(), culprits.iterator().next().getFullName());
        assertFalse("scm polling should not detect any more changes after build", project.pollSCMChanges(listener));
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        assertFalse("scm polling should not detect any more changes after build", project.pollSCMChanges(listener));

    public void testAuthorOrCommitterFalse() throws Exception {
        // Test with authorOrCommitter set to false and make sure we get the committer.
        FreeStyleProject project = setupProject("master", false);

        // create initial commit and then run the build against it:
        final String commitFile1 = "commitFile1";
        commit(commitFile1, johnDoe, janeDoe, "Commit number 1");
        final FreeStyleBuild firstBuild = build(project, Result.SUCCESS, commitFile1);

        assertFalse("scm polling should not detect any more changes after build", project.pollSCMChanges(listener));

        final String commitFile2 = "commitFile2";
        commit(commitFile2, johnDoe, janeDoe, "Commit number 2");
        assertTrue("scm polling did not detect commit2 change", project.pollSCMChanges(listener));

        final FreeStyleBuild secondBuild = build(project, Result.SUCCESS, commitFile2);

        assertFalse("scm polling should not detect any more changes after build", project.pollSCMChanges(listener));

        final Set<User> secondCulprits = secondBuild.getCulprits();

        assertEquals("The build should have only one culprit", 1, secondCulprits.size());
        assertEquals("Did not get the committer as the change author with authorOrCommiter==false",
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            janeDoe.getName(), secondCulprits.iterator().next().getFullName());

    public void testAuthorOrCommitterTrue() throws Exception {
        // Next, test with authorOrCommitter set to true and make sure we get the author.
        FreeStyleProject project = setupProject("master", true);

        // create initial commit and then run the build against it:
        final String commitFile1 = "commitFile1";
        commit(commitFile1, johnDoe, janeDoe, "Commit number 1");
        final FreeStyleBuild firstBuild = build(project, Result.SUCCESS, commitFile1);

        assertFalse("scm polling should not detect any more changes after build", project.pollSCMChanges(listener));

        final String commitFile2 = "commitFile2";
        commit(commitFile2, johnDoe, janeDoe, "Commit number 2");
        assertTrue("scm polling did not detect commit2 change", project.pollSCMChanges(listener));

        final FreeStyleBuild secondBuild = build(project, Result.SUCCESS, commitFile2);

        assertFalse("scm polling should not detect any more changes after build", project.pollSCMChanges(listener));

        final Set<User> secondCulprits = secondBuild.getCulprits();

        assertEquals("The build should have only one culprit", 1, secondCulprits.size());
        assertEquals("Did not get the author as the change author with authorOrCommiter==true",
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     * Method name is self-explanatory.
    public void testNewCommitToUntrackedBranchDoesNotTriggerBuild() throws Exception {
        FreeStyleProject project = setupSimpleProject("master");

        // create initial commit and then run the build against it:
        final String commitFile1 = "commitFile1";
        commit(commitFile1, johnDoe, "Commit number 1");
        build(project, Result.SUCCESS, commitFile1);

        //now create and checkout a new branch:
        //.. and commit to it:
        final String commitFile2 = "commitFile2";
        commit(commitFile2, johnDoe, "Commit number 2");
        assertFalse("scm polling should not detect commit2 change because it is not in the branch we are tracking.",
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        assertFalse("scm polling should not detect commit2 change because it is not in the branch we are tracking.",

    public void testBranchIsAvailableInEvironment() throws Exception {
        FreeStyleProject project = setupSimpleProject("master");

        final String commitFile1 = "commitFile1";
        commit(commitFile1, johnDoe, "Commit number 1");
        build(project, Result.SUCCESS, commitFile1);
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        assertEquals("master", getEnvVars(project).get(GitSCM.GIT_BRANCH));

    // For HUDSON-7411
    public void testNodeEnvVarsAvailable() throws Exception {
        FreeStyleProject project = setupSimpleProject("master");
        Node s = createSlave();
        setVariables(s, new Entry("TESTKEY", "slaveValue"));
        final String commitFile1 = "commitFile1";
        commit(commitFile1, johnDoe, "Commit number 1");
        build(project, Result.SUCCESS, commitFile1);

        assertEquals("slaveValue", getEnvVars(project).get("TESTKEY"));
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Related Classes of hudson.model.FreeStyleProject$DescriptorImpl

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