// try simple delete first (whether exists() or not, as it may be symlink pointing
// to non-existent target), but fallback to "rm -rf" to delete non-empty dir.
File symlinkFile = new File(baseDir, symlinkPath);
if (!symlinkFile.delete() && symlinkFile.exists())
// ignore a failure.
new LocalProc(new String[]{"rm","-rf", symlinkPath},new String[0],listener.getLogger(), baseDir).join();
Integer r=null;
try {
r = LIBC.symlink(targetPath,symlinkFile.getAbsolutePath());
if (r!=0) {
r = Native.getLastError();
errmsg = LIBC.strerror(r);
} catch (LinkageError e) {
// if JNA is unavailable, fall back.
// we still prefer to try JNA first as PosixAPI supports even smaller platforms.
if (PosixAPI.supportsNative()) {
r = PosixAPI.get().symlink(targetPath,symlinkFile.getAbsolutePath());
if (r==null) {
// if all else fail, fall back to the most expensive approach of forking a process
r = new LocalProc(new String[]{
"ln","-s", targetPath, symlinkPath},
new String[0],listener.getLogger(), baseDir).join();
if (r!=0)
listener.getLogger().println(String.format("ln -s %s %s failed: %d %s",targetPath, symlinkFile, r, errmsg));