Package hudson

Examples of hudson.Launcher$RemoteLauncher

         * @param listener
         *      Always non-null. Connected to the main build output.
        protected Launcher createLauncher(BuildListener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
            Launcher l = getCurrentNode().createLauncher(listener);

            if (project instanceof BuildableItemWithBuildWrappers) {
                BuildableItemWithBuildWrappers biwbw = (BuildableItemWithBuildWrappers) project;
                for (BuildWrapper bw : biwbw.getBuildWrappersList())
                    l = bw.decorateLauncher(AbstractBuild.this,l,listener);
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     * so this is often useful for form field validation.
    public static boolean isDefaultJDKValid(Node n) {
        try {
            TaskListener listener = new StreamTaskListener(new NullStream());
            Launcher launcher = n.createLauncher(listener);
            return launcher.launch().cmds("java","-fullversion").stdout(listener).join()==0;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            return false;
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            return false;
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                    // OTOH, if a concurrent build is chosen, the user is willing to create a multiple workspace,
                    // so better throughput is achieved over time (modulo the initial cost of creating that many workspaces)
                    // by having multiple workspaces
                    WorkspaceList.Lease lease = l.acquire(ws, !concurrentBuild);
                    Launcher launcher = ws.createLauncher(listener);
                    try {
                        LOGGER.fine("Polling SCM changes of " + getName());
                        if (pollingBaseline==null) // see NOTE-NO-BASELINE above
                        PollingResult r = scm.poll(this, launcher, ws, listener, pollingBaseline);
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                // TODO: replace this with p.getLastBuild().getWorkspace()
                // which is the way it should be, but doesn't work with this version of hudson.
                for (int tries = 0; tries < 5; tries++) {
                    FilePath workspace = p.getLastBuiltOn().getRootPath();
                    Launcher launcher = p.getLastBuiltOn().createLauncher(listener);
                    com.tek42.perforce.model.User pu = null;
                    try {
                        LOGGER.finer("Trying to get email address from perforce for " + perforceId);
                        pu = pscm.getDepot(launcher, workspace, p, null, node).getUsers().getUser(perforceId);
                        if (pu != null && pu.getEmail() != null && !pu.getEmail().equals("")) {
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            "Workspace '"+workspace.getRemote()+"' is being deleted; flushing workspace to revision 0.");
        TaskListener loglistener = new LogTaskListener(perforceLogger,Level.INFO);
        PrintStream log = loglistener.getLogger();
        TaskListener listener = new StreamTaskListener(log);
        Launcher launcher = node.createLauncher(listener);
        try {
            Depot depot = getDepot(launcher, workspace, project, null, node);
            final String effectiveProjectPath = MacroStringHelper.substituteParameters(
                    projectPath, this, project, node, null);
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                    Node node = computer.getNode();
                    if (node == null) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException("running computer lacks a node");
                    TaskListener listener = context.get(TaskListener.class);
                    Launcher launcher = node.createLauncher(listener);
                    Run<?,?> r = context.get(Run.class);
                    if (cookie == null) {
                        // First time around.
                        cookie = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
                        // Switches the label to a self-label, so if the executable is killed and restarted via ExecutorPickle, it will run on the same node:
                        label = computer.getName();
                        EnvVars env = computer.buildEnvironment(listener);
                        env.put(COOKIE_VAR, cookie);
                        synchronized (runningTasks) {
                            runningTasks.put(cookie, context);
                        // For convenience, automatically allocate a workspace, like WorkspaceStep would:
                        Job<?,?> j = r.getParent();
                        if (!(j instanceof TopLevelItem)) {
                            throw new Exception(j + " must be a top-level job");
                        FilePath p = node.getWorkspaceFor((TopLevelItem) j);
                        if (p == null) {
                            throw new IllegalStateException(node + " is offline");
                        WorkspaceList.Lease lease = computer.getWorkspaceList().allocate(p);
                        FilePath workspace = lease.path;
                        FlowNode flowNode = context.get(FlowNode.class);
                        flowNode.addAction(new WorkspaceActionImpl(workspace, flowNode));
                        listener.getLogger().println("Running on " + computer.getDisplayName() + " in " + workspace); // TODO hyperlink
                        context.invokeBodyLater(exec, computer, env, workspace).addCallback(new Callback(cookie, lease));
                        LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "started {0}", cookie);
                    } else {
                        // just rescheduled after a restart; wait for task to complete
                        LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "resuming {0}", cookie);
                    try {
                        // wait until the invokeBodyLater call above completes and notifies our Callback object
                        synchronized (runningTasks) {
                            while (runningTasks.containsKey(cookie)) {
                                LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "waiting on {0}", cookie);
                                try {
                                } catch (InterruptedException x) {
                                    // Jenkins is shutting down or this task was interrupted (Executor.doStop)
                                    // TODO if the latter, we would like an API to StepExecution.stop the tip of our body
                                    exec.recordCauseOfInterruption(r, listener);
                    } finally {
                        try {
                            launcher.kill(Collections.singletonMap(COOKIE_VAR, cookie));
                        } catch (ChannelClosedException x) {
                            // fine, Jenkins was shutting down
                        } catch (RequestAbortedException x) {
                            // slave was exiting; too late to kill subprocesses
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                listener.getLogger().println("no polling from " + co.workspace + " on " + co.node);
            try {
                FilePath workspace;
                Launcher launcher;
                WorkspaceList.Lease lease;
                if (co.scm.requiresWorkspaceForPolling()) {
                    Jenkins j = Jenkins.getInstance();
                    if (j == null) {
                        listener.error("Jenkins is shutting down");
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     * so this is often useful for form field validation.
    public static boolean isDefaultJDKValid(Node n) {
        try {
            TaskListener listener = new StreamTaskListener(new NullStream());
            Launcher launcher = n.createLauncher(listener);
            return launcher.launch().cmds("java","-fullversion").stdout(listener).join()==0;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            return false;
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            return false;
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         * @param listener
         *      Always non-null. Connected to the main build output.
        protected Launcher createLauncher(BuildListener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
            Launcher l = getCurrentNode().createLauncher(listener);

            if (project instanceof BuildableItemWithBuildWrappers) {
                BuildableItemWithBuildWrappers biwbw = (BuildableItemWithBuildWrappers) project;
                for (BuildWrapper bw : biwbw.getBuildWrappersList())
                    l = bw.decorateLauncher(AbstractBuild.this,l,listener);
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                    // OTOH, if a concurrent build is chosen, the user is willing to create a multiple workspace,
                    // so better throughput is achieved over time (modulo the initial cost of creating that many workspaces)
                    // by having multiple workspaces
                    WorkspaceList.Lease lease = l.acquire(ws, !concurrentBuild);
                    Launcher launcher = ws.createLauncher(listener);
                    try {
                        LOGGER.fine("Polling SCM changes of " + getName());
                        if (pollingBaseline==null) // see NOTE-NO-BASELINE above
                        PollingResult r = scm.poll(this, launcher, ws, listener, pollingBaseline);
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Related Classes of hudson.Launcher$RemoteLauncher

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