// Get settings and update the bulbs
// Observation : If the power of a hue lamp is removed, the status is not updated in hue hub.
// The heartbeat functionality should fix this, but
HueSettings settings = activeBridge.getSettings();
for (int i = 1; i <= settings.getCount(); i++) {
HueBulb bulb = bulbCache.get(i);
if (bulb == null) {
bulb = new HueBulb(activeBridge, i);
bulbCache.put(i, bulb);
// Update the items that are linked with the bulbs.
// Multiple items of different types can be linked to one bulb.
for (HueBindingProvider provider : this.providers) {
for (String hueItemName : provider.getInBindingItemNames()) {
HueBindingConfig deviceConfig = getConfigForItemName(hueItemName);
if (deviceConfig != null) {
HueBulb bulb = bulbCache.get(deviceConfig.getDeviceNumber());
if (bulb != null) {
// Enhancement: only send a postUpdate for items that have changed.
// Tried to use item.getState() as found in enOcean binding, but the state value was always uninitialized
// State actualState = provider.getItem(itemName).getState(); --> always return Uninitialized
// Workaround for now, store the OnOff state in deviceConfig
if ((bulb.getIsOn() == true) && (bulb.getIsReachable() == true)) {
if ((deviceConfig.itemStateOnOffType == null) || (deviceConfig.itemStateOnOffType.equals(OnOffType.ON) == false)) {
eventPublisher.postUpdate(hueItemName, OnOffType.ON);
deviceConfig.itemStateOnOffType = OnOffType.ON;
} else {
if ((deviceConfig.itemStateOnOffType == null) || (deviceConfig.itemStateOnOffType.equals(OnOffType.OFF) == false)) {
eventPublisher.postUpdate(hueItemName, OnOffType.OFF);
deviceConfig.itemStateOnOffType = OnOffType.OFF;
if (deviceConfig.getType().equals(BindingType.brightness)) {
if ((bulb.getIsOn() == true) && (bulb.getIsReachable() == true)) {
// Only postUpdate when bulb is on, otherwise dimmer item is not retaining state and shows to max brightness value
PercentType newPercent = new PercentType((int)Math.round((bulb.getBrightness() * (double)100) / (double)255));
if ((deviceConfig.itemStatePercentType == null) || (deviceConfig.itemStatePercentType.equals(newPercent) == false)) {
eventPublisher.postUpdate(hueItemName, newPercent);
deviceConfig.itemStatePercentType = newPercent;
} else if (deviceConfig.getType().equals(BindingType.rgb)) {
if ((bulb.getIsOn() == true) && (bulb.getIsReachable() == true)) {
// Only postUpdate when bulb is on, otherwise color item is not retaining state and shows to max brightness value
DecimalType decimalHue = new DecimalType(bulb.getHue() / (double)182);
PercentType percentBrightness = new PercentType((int)Math.round((bulb.getBrightness() * (double)100) / (double)255));
PercentType percentSaturation = new PercentType((int)Math.round((bulb.getSaturation() * (double)100) / (double)255));
HSBType newHsb = new HSBType(decimalHue, percentSaturation, percentBrightness);
if ((deviceConfig.itemStateHSBType == null) || (deviceConfig.itemStateHSBType.equals(newHsb) == false)) {
eventPublisher.postUpdate(hueItemName, newHsb);
deviceConfig.itemStateHSBType = newHsb;