securityRealm= SecurityRealm.NO_AUTHENTICATION;
this.useSecurity = true;
this.securityRealm = securityRealm;
// reset the filters and proxies for the new SecurityRealm
try {
HudsonFilter filter = HudsonFilter.get(servletContext);
if (filter == null) {
// Fix for #3069: This filter is not necessarily initialized before the servlets.
// when HudsonFilter does come back, it'll initialize itself.
LOGGER.fine("HudsonFilter has not yet been initialized: Can't perform security setup for now");
} else {
LOGGER.fine("HudsonFilter has been previously initialized: Setting security up");
LOGGER.fine("Security is now fully set up");
} catch (ServletException e) {
// for binary compatibility, this method cannot throw a checked exception
throw new AcegiSecurityException("Failed to configure filter",e) {};