int count = 0, nRecordsAtPos = 1;
String prevName = "";
Iterator<VariantContext> it = reader.iterator();
while ( it.hasNext() ) {
VariantContext vc =;
String name = vc.getChr() + ":" + vc.getStart();
if ( name.equals(prevName) ) {
name += "_" + ++nRecordsAtPos;
} else {
prevName = name;
DiffNode vcRoot = DiffNode.empty(name, root);
// add fields
vcRoot.add("CHROM", vc.getChr());
vcRoot.add("POS", vc.getStart());
vcRoot.add("ID", vc.getID());
vcRoot.add("REF", vc.getReference());
vcRoot.add("ALT", vc.getAlternateAlleles());
vcRoot.add("QUAL", vc.hasLog10PError() ? vc.getLog10PError() * -10 : VCFConstants.MISSING_VALUE_v4);
vcRoot.add("FILTER", ! vc.filtersWereApplied() // needs null to differentiate between PASS and .
: ( vc.getFilters().isEmpty() ? VCFConstants.PASSES_FILTERS_v4 : vc.getFilters()) );
// add info fields
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> attribute : vc.getAttributes().entrySet()) {
if ( ! attribute.getKey().startsWith("_") )
vcRoot.add(attribute.getKey(), attribute.getValue());
for (Genotype g : vc.getGenotypes() ) {
DiffNode gRoot = DiffNode.empty(g.getSampleName(), vcRoot);
gRoot.add("GT", g.getGenotypeString());
if ( g.hasGQ() ) gRoot.add("GQ", g.getGQ() );
if ( g.hasDP() ) gRoot.add("DP", g.getDP() );
if ( g.hasAD() ) gRoot.add("AD", Utils.join(",", g.getAD()));