// compute the smith-waterman alignment of read -> haplotype
final SWPairwiseAlignment swPairwiseAlignment = new SWPairwiseAlignment(haplotype.getBases(), originalRead.getReadBases(), CigarUtils.NEW_SW_PARAMETERS);
if ( swPairwiseAlignment.getAlignmentStart2wrt1() == -1 )
// sw can fail (reasons not clear) so if it happens just don't realign the read
return originalRead;
final Cigar swCigar = consolidateCigar(swPairwiseAlignment.getCigar());
// since we're modifying the read we need to clone it
final GATKSAMRecord read = (GATKSAMRecord)originalRead.clone();
// only informative reads are given the haplotype tag to enhance visualization
if ( isInformative )
read.setAttribute(HAPLOTYPE_TAG, haplotype.hashCode());
// compute here the read starts w.r.t. the reference from the SW result and the hap -> ref cigar
final Cigar extendedHaplotypeCigar = haplotype.getConsolidatedPaddedCigar(1000);
final int readStartOnHaplotype = calcFirstBaseMatchingReferenceInCigar(extendedHaplotypeCigar, swPairwiseAlignment.getAlignmentStart2wrt1());
final int readStartOnReference = referenceStart + haplotype.getAlignmentStartHapwrtRef() + readStartOnHaplotype;
// compute the read -> ref alignment by mapping read -> hap -> ref from the
// SW of read -> hap mapped through the given by hap -> ref
final Cigar haplotypeToRef = trimCigarByBases(extendedHaplotypeCigar, swPairwiseAlignment.getAlignmentStart2wrt1(), extendedHaplotypeCigar.getReadLength() - 1);
final Cigar readToRefCigarRaw = applyCigarToCigar(swCigar, haplotypeToRef);
final Cigar readToRefCigarClean = cleanUpCigar(readToRefCigarRaw);
final Cigar readToRefCigar = leftAlignIndel(readToRefCigarClean, haplotype.getBases(),
originalRead.getReadBases(), swPairwiseAlignment.getAlignmentStart2wrt1(), 0, true);
if ( readToRefCigar.getReadLength() != read.getReadLength() )
throw new IllegalStateException("Cigar " + readToRefCigar + " with read length " + readToRefCigar.getReadLength()
+ " != read length " + read.getReadLength() + " for read " + read.format() + "\nhapToRef " + haplotypeToRef + " length " + haplotypeToRef.getReadLength() + "/" + haplotypeToRef.getReferenceLength()
+ "\nreadToHap " + swCigar + " length " + swCigar.getReadLength() + "/" + swCigar.getReferenceLength());
return read;