Examples of HTTPSamplerBase

Examples of org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPSamplerBase

    public void process() {
        Sampler entry = getThreadContext().getCurrentSampler();
        if (!(entry instanceof HTTPSamplerBase)) {
        HTTPSamplerBase config = (HTTPSamplerBase) entry;
        Map<String, String> currentUser = allAvailableUsers.getNextUserMods();
        PropertyIterator iter = config.getArguments().iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            Argument arg = (Argument) iter.next().getObjectValue();
            // if parameter name exists in http request
            // then change its value
            // (Note: each jmeter thread (ie user) gets to have unique values)
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Examples of org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPSamplerBase

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void configure(TestElement element) {
        final HTTPSamplerBase samplerBase = (HTTPSamplerBase) element;
        if (!isAJP) {
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Examples of org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPSamplerBase

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public TestElement createTestElement() {
        HTTPSamplerBase sampler = new HTTPSamplerProxy();
        return sampler;
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Examples of org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPSamplerBase

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void modifyTestElement(TestElement sampler) {
        final HTTPSamplerBase samplerBase = (HTTPSamplerBase) sampler;
        if (!isAJP) {
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Examples of org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPSamplerBase

     * @param testElement
    public void modifyTestElement(TestElement testElement) {
        if (testElement instanceof HTTPSamplerBase) {
            HTTPSamplerBase base = (HTTPSamplerBase) testElement;
            int rows = tableModel.getRowCount();
            @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // we only put HTTPFileArgs in it
            Iterator<HTTPFileArg> modelData = (Iterator<HTTPFileArg>) tableModel.iterator();
            HTTPFileArg[] files = new HTTPFileArg[rows];
            int row=0;
            while (modelData.hasNext()) {
                HTTPFileArg file = modelData.next();
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Examples of org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPSamplerBase

     * @param testElement the HTTPSamplerBase to be used to configure the GUI
    public void configure(TestElement testElement) {
        if (testElement instanceof HTTPSamplerBase) {
            HTTPSamplerBase base = (HTTPSamplerBase) testElement;
            HTTPFileArg[] files = base.getHTTPFiles();
            for(int i=0; i< files.length; i++){
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Examples of org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPSamplerBase

    public void run() {
        // Check which HTTPSampler class we should use
        String httpSamplerName = target.getSamplerTypeName();
        // Instantiate the sampler
        HTTPSamplerBase sampler = HTTPSamplerFactory.newInstance(httpSamplerName);

        HttpRequestHdr request = new HttpRequestHdr(sampler);
        SampleResult result = null;
        HeaderManager headers = null;

        try {
            // Now, parse only first line
            request.parse(new BufferedInputStream(clientSocket.getInputStream()));
            outStreamClient = clientSocket.getOutputStream();

            if ((request.getMethod().startsWith(HTTPConstants.CONNECT)) && (outStreamClient != null)) {
                log.debug("Method CONNECT => SSL");
                // write a OK reponse to browser, to engage SSL exchange
                outStreamClient.write(("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n\r\n").getBytes()); // $NON-NLS-1$ // TODO charset?
               // With ssl request, url is host:port (without https:// or path)
                String[] param = request.getUrl().split(":")// $NON-NLS-1$
                if (param.length == 2) {
                    log.debug("Start to negotiate SSL connection, host: " + param[0]);
                    clientSocket = startSSL(clientSocket, param[0]);
                } else {
                    log.warn("In SSL request, unable to find host and port in CONNECT request");
                // Re-parse (now it's the http request over SSL)
                request.parse(new BufferedInputStream(clientSocket.getInputStream()));

            // Populate the sampler. It is the same sampler as we sent into
            // the constructor of the HttpRequestHdr instance above
            request.getSampler(pageEncodings, formEncodings);

             * Create a Header Manager to ensure that the browsers headers are
             * captured and sent to the server
            headers = request.getHeaderManager();

             * If we are trying to spoof https, change the protocol
            boolean forcedHTTPS = false; // so we know when to revert
            if (httpsSpoof) {
                if (httpsSpoofMatch.length() > 0){
                    String url = request.getUrl();
                    if (url.matches(httpsSpoofMatch)){
                        forcedHTTPS = true;
                } else {
                    forcedHTTPS = true;
            sampler.threadStarted(); // Needed for HTTPSampler2
            result = sampler.sample();

             * If we're dealing with text data, and if we're spoofing https,
             * replace all occurences of "https://" with "http://" for the client.
             * TODO - also check the match string to restrict the changes further?
            if (httpsSpoof && SampleResult.TEXT.equals(result.getDataType()))
                final String enc = result.getDataEncodingWithDefault();
                String noHttpsResult = new String(result.getResponseData(),enc);
                final String HTTPS_HOST = // match https://host[:port]/ and drop default port if present
                    "https://([^:/]+)(:"+HTTPConstants.DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT_STRING+")?"; // $NON-NLS-1$ $NON-NLS-2$
                noHttpsResult = noHttpsResult.replaceAll(HTTPS_HOST, "http://$1"); // $NON-NLS-1$

            // Find the page encoding and possibly encodings for forms in the page
            // in the response from the web server
            String pageEncoding = addPageEncoding(result);
            addFormEncodings(result, pageEncoding);

            writeToClient(result, new BufferedOutputStream(clientSocket.getOutputStream()), forcedHTTPS);
        } catch (UnknownHostException uhe) {
            log.warn("Server Not Found.", uhe);
            result = generateErrorResult(result, uhe); // Generate result (if nec.) and populate it
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            log.error("Not implemented (probably used https)", e);
            writeErrorToClient(HttpReplyHdr.formNotImplemented("Probably used https instead of http. " +
                    "To record https requests, see " +
                    "<a href=\"http://jakarta.apache.org/jmeter/usermanual/component_reference.html#HTTP_Proxy_Server\">HTTP Proxy Server documentation</a>"));
            result = generateErrorResult(result, e); // Generate result (if nec.) and populate it
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            log.error("Problem with SSL certificate? Ensure browser is set to accept the JMeter proxy cert: "+ioe.getLocalizedMessage());
            // won't work: writeErrorToClient(HttpReplyHdr.formInternalError());
            if (result == null) {
                result = new SampleResult();
                result.setSampleLabel("Sample failed");
            result.setResponseMessage(ioe.getMessage()+ "\n**ensure browser is set to accept the JMeter proxy certificate**");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Exception when processing sample", e);
            result = generateErrorResult(result, e); // Generate result (if nec.) and populate it
        } finally {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("Will deliver sample " + sampler.getName());
             * We don't want to store any cookies in the generated test plan
            if (headers != null) {
                headers.removeHeaderNamed(HTTPConstants.HEADER_COOKIE);// Always remove cookies
                headers.removeHeaderNamed(HTTPConstants.HEADER_AUTHORIZATION);// Always remove authorization
                // Remove additional headers
                for(int i=0; i < headersToRemove.length; i++){
            target.deliverSampler(sampler, new TestElement[] { captureHttpHeaders ? headers : null }, result);
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.error("", e);
            sampler.threadFinished(); // Needed for HTTPSampler2
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Examples of org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPSamplerBase

        String contentEncoding = "UTF-8";
        String testGetRequest =
            "GET " + url
            + "?update=yes&d=1&d=2&d=&d=&d=&d=&d=&d=1&d=2&d=1&d=&d= "
            + "HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n";
        HTTPSamplerBase s = getSamplerForRequest(url, testGetRequest, contentEncoding);
        assertEquals(HTTPSamplerBase.GET, s.getMethod());
        assertEquals(contentEncoding, s.getContentEncoding());
        // Check arguments
        Arguments arguments = s.getArguments();
        assertEquals(13, arguments.getArgumentCount());
        checkArgument((HTTPArgument)arguments.getArgument(0), "update", "yes", "yes", contentEncoding, false);
        checkArgument((HTTPArgument)arguments.getArgument(1), "d", "1", "1", contentEncoding, false);
        checkArgument((HTTPArgument)arguments.getArgument(2), "d", "2", "2", contentEncoding, false);
        checkArgument((HTTPArgument)arguments.getArgument(3), "d", "", "", contentEncoding, false);
        checkArgument((HTTPArgument)arguments.getArgument(4), "d", "", "", contentEncoding, false);
        checkArgument((HTTPArgument)arguments.getArgument(5), "d", "", "", contentEncoding, false);
        checkArgument((HTTPArgument)arguments.getArgument(6), "d", "", "", contentEncoding, false);
        checkArgument((HTTPArgument)arguments.getArgument(7), "d", "", "", contentEncoding, false);
        checkArgument((HTTPArgument)arguments.getArgument(8), "d", "1", "1", contentEncoding, false);
        checkArgument((HTTPArgument)arguments.getArgument(9), "d", "2", "2", contentEncoding, false);
        checkArgument((HTTPArgument)arguments.getArgument(10), "d", "1", "1", contentEncoding, false);
        checkArgument((HTTPArgument)arguments.getArgument(11), "d", "", "", contentEncoding, false);
        checkArgument((HTTPArgument)arguments.getArgument(12), "d", "", "", contentEncoding, false);

        // A HTTP POST request
        contentEncoding = "UTF-8";
        String postBody = "update=yes&d=1&d=2&d=&d=&d=&d=&d=&d=1&d=2&d=1&d=&d=";
        String testPostRequest = "POST " + url + " HTTP/1.0\n"
                + "Content-type: "
                + HTTPSamplerBase.APPLICATION_X_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED + "\r\n"
                + "Content-length: " + getBodyLength(postBody, contentEncoding) + "\r\n"
                + "\r\n"
                + postBody;
        s = getSamplerForRequest(url, testPostRequest, contentEncoding);
        assertEquals(HTTPSamplerBase.POST, s.getMethod());
        assertEquals(contentEncoding, s.getContentEncoding());
        // Check arguments
        arguments = s.getArguments();
        assertEquals(13, arguments.getArgumentCount());
        checkArgument((HTTPArgument)arguments.getArgument(0), "update", "yes", "yes", contentEncoding, false);
        checkArgument((HTTPArgument)arguments.getArgument(1), "d", "1", "1", contentEncoding, false);
        checkArgument((HTTPArgument)arguments.getArgument(2), "d", "2", "2", contentEncoding, false);
        checkArgument((HTTPArgument)arguments.getArgument(3), "d", "", "", contentEncoding, false);
        checkArgument((HTTPArgument)arguments.getArgument(4), "d", "", "", contentEncoding, false);
        checkArgument((HTTPArgument)arguments.getArgument(5), "d", "", "", contentEncoding, false);
        checkArgument((HTTPArgument)arguments.getArgument(6), "d", "", "", contentEncoding, false);
        checkArgument((HTTPArgument)arguments.getArgument(7), "d", "", "", contentEncoding, false);
        checkArgument((HTTPArgument)arguments.getArgument(8), "d", "1", "1", contentEncoding, false);
        checkArgument((HTTPArgument)arguments.getArgument(9), "d", "2", "2", contentEncoding, false);
        checkArgument((HTTPArgument)arguments.getArgument(10), "d", "1", "1", contentEncoding, false);
        checkArgument((HTTPArgument)arguments.getArgument(11), "d", "", "", contentEncoding, false);
        checkArgument((HTTPArgument)arguments.getArgument(12), "d", "", "", contentEncoding, false);

        // A HTTP POST request, with content-type text/plain
        contentEncoding = "UTF-8";
        postBody = "update=yes&d=1&d=2&d=&d=&d=&d=&d=&d=1&d=2&d=1&d=\uc385&d=";
        testPostRequest = "POST " + url + " HTTP/1.1\r\n"
                + "Content-type: text/plain\r\n"
                + "Content-length: " + getBodyLength(postBody, contentEncoding) + "\r\n"
                + "\r\n"
                + postBody;
        s = getSamplerForRequest(url, testPostRequest, contentEncoding);
        assertEquals(HTTPSamplerBase.POST, s.getMethod());
        assertEquals(contentEncoding, s.getContentEncoding());
        // Check arguments
        // We should have one argument, with the value equal to the post body
        arguments = s.getArguments();
        assertEquals(1, arguments.getArgumentCount());
        checkArgument((HTTPArgument)arguments.getArgument(0), "", postBody, postBody, contentEncoding, false);
        // A HTTP POST request, with content-type text/plain; charset=UTF-8
        // The encoding should be picked up from the header we send with the request
        contentEncoding = "UTF-8";
        postBody = "update=yes&d=1&d=2&d=&d=&d=&d=&d=&d=1&d=2&d=1&d=\uc385&d=";
        testPostRequest = "POST " + url + " HTTP/1.1\r\n"
                + "Content-type: text/plain; charset=" + contentEncoding + "\r\n"
                + "Content-length: " + getBodyLength(postBody, contentEncoding) + "\r\n"
                + "\r\n"
                + postBody;
        // Use null for url to simulate that HttpRequestHdr do not
        // know the encoding for the page. Specify contentEncoding, so the
        // request is "sent" using that encoding
        s = getSamplerForRequest(null, testPostRequest, contentEncoding);
        assertEquals(HTTPSamplerBase.POST, s.getMethod());
        assertEquals(contentEncoding, s.getContentEncoding());
        // Check arguments
        // We should have one argument, with the value equal to the post body
        arguments = s.getArguments();
        assertEquals(1, arguments.getArgumentCount());
        checkArgument((HTTPArgument)arguments.getArgument(0), "", postBody, postBody, contentEncoding, false);
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Examples of org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPSamplerBase

        String testGetRequest = "GET " + url
            + "?" + queryString
            + " HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n";
        // Use null for url and contentEncoding, to simulate that HttpRequestHdr do not
        // know the encoding for the page
        HTTPSamplerBase s = getSamplerForRequest(null, testGetRequest, null);
        assertEquals(HTTPSamplerBase.GET, s.getMethod());
        assertEquals(queryString, s.getQueryString());
        assertEquals(contentEncoding, s.getContentEncoding());

        // Check arguments
        Arguments arguments = s.getArguments();
        assertEquals(3, arguments.getArgumentCount());
        // When the encoding is not known, the argument will get the encoded value, and the "encode?" set to false
        checkArgument((HTTPArgument)arguments.getArgument(0), "abc%3FSPACE", "a+b", "a+b", contentEncoding, false);
        checkArgument((HTTPArgument)arguments.getArgument(1), "space", "a%20b", "a%20b", contentEncoding, false);
        checkArgument((HTTPArgument)arguments.getArgument(2), "query", "What%3F", "What%3F", contentEncoding, false);

        // A HTTP GET request, with UTF-8 encoding
        contentEncoding = "UTF-8";
        queryString = "abc%3FSPACE=a+b&space=a%20b&query=What%3F";
        testGetRequest = "GET " + url
            + "?" + queryString
            + " HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n";
        s = getSamplerForRequest(url, testGetRequest, contentEncoding);
        assertEquals(HTTPSamplerBase.GET, s.getMethod());
        String expectedQueryString = "abc%3FSPACE=a+b&space=a+b&query=What%3F";
        assertEquals(expectedQueryString, s.getQueryString());
        assertEquals(contentEncoding, s.getContentEncoding());

        // Check arguments
        arguments = s.getArguments();
        assertEquals(3, arguments.getArgumentCount());
        checkArgument((HTTPArgument)arguments.getArgument(0), "abc?SPACE", "a b", "a+b", contentEncoding, true);
        checkArgument((HTTPArgument)arguments.getArgument(1), "space", "a b", "a+b", contentEncoding, true);
        checkArgument((HTTPArgument)arguments.getArgument(2), "query", "What?", "What%3F", contentEncoding, true);
        // A HTTP POST request, with unknown encoding
        contentEncoding = "";
        String postBody = "abc%3FSPACE=a+b&space=a%20b&query=What%3F";
        String testPostRequest = "POST " + url + " HTTP/1.1\r\n"
            + "Content-type: "
            + HTTPSamplerBase.APPLICATION_X_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED + "\r\n"
            + "Content-length: " + getBodyLength(postBody, contentEncoding) + "\r\n"
            + "\r\n"
            + postBody;
        // Use null for url and contentEncoding, to simulate that HttpRequestHdr do not
        // know the encoding for the page
        s = getSamplerForRequest(null, testPostRequest, null);
        assertEquals(HTTPSamplerBase.POST, s.getMethod());
        assertEquals(queryString, s.getQueryString());
        assertEquals(contentEncoding, s.getContentEncoding());
        // Check arguments
        arguments = s.getArguments();
        assertEquals(3, arguments.getArgumentCount());
        // When the encoding is not known, the argument will get the encoded value, and the "encode?" set to false
        checkArgument((HTTPArgument)arguments.getArgument(0), "abc%3FSPACE", "a+b", "a+b", contentEncoding, false);
        checkArgument((HTTPArgument)arguments.getArgument(1), "space", "a%20b", "a%20b", contentEncoding, false);
        checkArgument((HTTPArgument)arguments.getArgument(2), "query", "What%3F", "What%3F", contentEncoding, false);

        // A HTTP POST request, with UTF-8 encoding
        contentEncoding = "UTF-8";
        postBody = "abc?SPACE=a+b&space=a%20b&query=What?";
        testPostRequest = "POST " + url + " HTTP/1.1\n"
            + "Content-type: "
            + HTTPSamplerBase.APPLICATION_X_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED + "\r\n"
            + "Content-length: " + getBodyLength(postBody, contentEncoding) + "\r\n"
            + "\r\n"
            + postBody;
        s = getSamplerForRequest(url, testPostRequest, contentEncoding);
        assertEquals(HTTPSamplerBase.POST, s.getMethod());
        expectedQueryString = "abc%3FSPACE=a+b&space=a+b&query=What%3F";
        assertEquals(expectedQueryString, s.getQueryString());
        assertEquals(contentEncoding, s.getContentEncoding());
        // Check arguments
        arguments = s.getArguments();
        assertEquals(3, arguments.getArgumentCount());
        checkArgument((HTTPArgument)arguments.getArgument(0), "abc?SPACE", "a b", "a+b", contentEncoding, true);
        checkArgument((HTTPArgument)arguments.getArgument(1), "space", "a b", "a+b", contentEncoding, true);
        checkArgument((HTTPArgument)arguments.getArgument(2), "query", "What?", "What%3F", contentEncoding, true);
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Examples of org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.HTTPSamplerBase

            "GET " + url
            + "?param1=" + param1Value + "&param2=" + param2ValueEncoded + " "
            + "HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n";
        // Use null for url and contentEncoding, to simulate that HttpRequestHdr do not
        // know the encoding for the page
        HTTPSamplerBase s = getSamplerForRequest(null, testGetRequest, null);
        assertEquals(HTTPSamplerBase.GET, s.getMethod());
        assertEquals(contentEncoding, s.getContentEncoding());
        // Check arguments
        Arguments arguments = s.getArguments();
        assertEquals(2, arguments.getArgumentCount());
        checkArgument((HTTPArgument)arguments.getArgument(0), "param1", param1Value, param1Value, contentEncoding, false);
        // When the encoding is not known, the argument will get the encoded value, and the "encode?" set to false
        checkArgument((HTTPArgument)arguments.getArgument(1), "param2", param2ValueEncoded, param2ValueEncoded, contentEncoding, false);

        // A HTTP GET request, with UTF-8 encoding
        contentEncoding = "UTF-8";
        param1Value = "yes";
        param2Value = "0+5 -\u007c\u2aa1\u266a\u0153\u20a1\u0115\u0364\u00c5\u2052\uc385%C3%85";
        param2ValueEncoded = URLEncoder.encode(param2Value, contentEncoding);
        testGetRequest =
            "GET " + url
            + "?param1=" + param1Value + "&param2=" + param2ValueEncoded + " "
            + "HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n";
        s = getSamplerForRequest(url, testGetRequest, contentEncoding);
        assertEquals(HTTPSamplerBase.GET, s.getMethod());
        assertEquals(contentEncoding, s.getContentEncoding());
        // Check arguments
        arguments = s.getArguments();
        assertEquals(2, arguments.getArgumentCount());
        checkArgument((HTTPArgument)arguments.getArgument(0), "param1", param1Value, param1Value, contentEncoding, false);
        checkArgument((HTTPArgument)arguments.getArgument(1), "param2", param2Value, param2ValueEncoded, contentEncoding, true);

        // A HTTP GET request, with ISO-8859-1 encoding
        contentEncoding = "ISO-8859-1";
        param1Value = "yes";
        param2Value = "0+5 -\u00c5%C3%85";
        param2ValueEncoded = URLEncoder.encode(param2Value, contentEncoding);
        testGetRequest =
            "GET " + url
            + "?param1=" + param1Value + "&param2=" + param2ValueEncoded + " "
            + "HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n";
        s = getSamplerForRequest(url, testGetRequest, contentEncoding);
        assertEquals(HTTPSamplerBase.GET, s.getMethod());
        assertEquals(contentEncoding, s.getContentEncoding());
        // Check arguments
        arguments = s.getArguments();
        assertEquals(2, arguments.getArgumentCount());
        checkArgument((HTTPArgument)arguments.getArgument(0), "param1", param1Value, param1Value, contentEncoding, false);
        checkArgument((HTTPArgument)arguments.getArgument(1), "param2", param2Value, param2ValueEncoded, contentEncoding, true);
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