final int numAttempt,
final HConnectionManager.ServerErrorTracker errorsByServer) {
// Send the queries and add them to the inProgress list
// This iteration is by server (the HRegionLocation comparator is by server portion only).
for (Map.Entry<HRegionLocation, MultiAction<Row>> e : actionsByServer.entrySet()) {
final HRegionLocation loc = e.getKey();
final MultiAction<Row> multiAction = e.getValue();
incTaskCounters(multiAction.getRegions(), loc.getServerName());
Runnable runnable = Trace.wrap("AsyncProcess.sendMultiAction", new Runnable() {
public void run() {
MultiResponse res;
try {
MultiServerCallable<Row> callable = createCallable(loc, multiAction);
try {
res = createCaller(callable).callWithoutRetries(callable);
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.warn("Call to " + loc.getServerName() + " failed numAttempt=" + numAttempt +
", resubmitting all since not sure where we are at", e);
resubmitAll(initialActions, multiAction, loc, numAttempt + 1, e, errorsByServer);
receiveMultiAction(initialActions, multiAction, loc, res, numAttempt, errorsByServer);
} finally {
decTaskCounters(multiAction.getRegions(), loc.getServerName());
try {
} catch (RejectedExecutionException ree) {
// This should never happen. But as the pool is provided by the end user, let's secure
// this a little.
decTaskCounters(multiAction.getRegions(), loc.getServerName());
LOG.warn("The task was rejected by the pool. This is unexpected." +
" Server is " + loc.getServerName(), ree);
// We're likely to fail again, but this will increment the attempt counter, so it will
// finish.
resubmitAll(initialActions, multiAction, loc, numAttempt + 1, ree, errorsByServer);