i.sourceforge.net/index.html">HAPI (HL7 API) for HL7 parsing.
Uses the default PipeParser from the HAPI API. This DataFormat
only supports the EDI based HL7 messages and not the XML based (their are not commonly used).
unmarshal operation adds these MSH fields as headers on the Camel message (key, MSH-field):
- hl7.msh.sendingApplication = MSH-3
- hl7.msh.sendingFacility = MSH-4
- hl7.msh.receivingApplication = MSH-5
- hl7.msh.receivingFacility = MSH-6
- hl7.msh.timestamp = MSH-7
- hl7.msh.security = MSH-8
- hl7.msh.messageType = MSH-9-1
- hl7.msh.triggerEvent = MSH-9-2
- hl7.msh.messageControl = MSH-10
- hl7.msh.processingId = MSH-11
- hl7.msh.versionId = MSH-12
All headers are String types.
HL7 spec can be downloaded as a pdf at
@see org.apache.camel.component.hl7.HL7MLLPCodec